I have been sleeping with this guy for two or three weeks now. He has always been really nice to me...

I have been sleeping with this guy for two or three weeks now. He has always been really nice to me. Once I told him I wasn't sure if I wanted to, and he said it's better not to then. Afterwards he asked if he can still touch me, he has asked before if it's okay if he does something, etc. I told him that it's really hard for me to say no to people or if I am upset with them. He told me if I do something I don't want to with him, he will be mad at me.

But then this weekend, we started fooling around. We were at a festival camping and both fucked up on a lot of different things. At first I wanted it, but at some point I got uncomfortable because I thought I heard people talking about us having sex.

I told him to stop, and that I was uncomfortable. He kept doing stuff to me, like fingering me, pushing my head down to suck him off. I was really scared and eventually I gave up saying no. He asked if I even wanted him to cum, and that if I did I should try harder and I'd be good.

The next day I tried talking to him (he was still not sober) and he said he doesn't take sex seriously and he didn't know he should take me saying no seriously.

We got interrupted, and later I brought it up again. I said I was upset that he didn't seem to take it seriously that he did stuff to me when I didn't want him to and that he had scared me.

He said I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. And that was it. We talked about some other stuff. I left without saying goodbye to him.

And now I feel like a total bitch and I am worried he is mad at me. I'm also still upset with him about it though, but I am not sure if I am being over dramatic if I bring it up again. I'm also really worried that he's not okay.

What should I do?

Attached: What-to-Do-if-Youre-Raped-on-a-Date-.jpg (792x456, 23K)

das rape nigga go to the police asap

If you are uncomfortable stop, you never owe any anything ever. Red flags he obviously doesn’t care about you and just sees you as a hole to fuck. Like basically you said hey this dude didn’t listen to me, wasn’t actually sorry, and didn’t listen to my boundaries yet I’m worried that he thinks I’m a bitch.

Lmao whore

Since when has Jow Forums become such a normie infested website?

All that I respect you shit he told you was total bullshit. Now you know what its all about. You are there to service him and even if he starts the respect you shit up again he's lying.

So you can fuck and suck him on demand or never see him again. Your choice.

>i told him to stop
>we went to a festival, got fucked up and fooled around
yet another cock teaser yaaawn

girls are so dumb

adv has always had it moments so go back to the gay board r9k

Since after 2012
But go complain about it somewhere that’s not Jow Forums

Once the blood rushes from a mans brain to his penis your NO is a turn on.

Hope your daddy is proud of her daughter being a stupid slut.

>drugged out with some loser at a drug festival
>complaining about how he doesnt have an IQ point enough to respect bondaries
>what should i do ?

stop the drugs and value yourself , the dude is obviously some loser.

This makes me afraid of having a daughter

Any time sex doesn't feel good and you don't feel safe in the situation you are in, you need to end it right there and leave. Do not leave the safety of your body up to anyone else but you. Club them on the head if you have to, but get out.

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Learn to day no to people, you're going to need this skill, because without it men like this will come into your life over and over

I have a question. Why do girls consent if that's not what they want?

Drop him and think about what you're doing with your life.

Imagine having a daughter and catch her sucking mens cocks in public.

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ikr, she's giving the guy head and just at the drop of a penny this bitch just wraps it up and says "AM uncomfortable this ends here".
Fucking dumb bitch.
"I ..II HEARD NOISE OUTSIiiiiide people be talking about uss having seeeex, user we stop having sex right now!!".
Get the fuck off this board you dumb cunt.
Nice sympathy jpg btw, this was not rape.

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Frankly, I think it's less that you don't want him and more that you're ashamed about wanting him. I thought that before I even read the bit about you freezing up from other people talking about it.
If you're so attracted to him that you're simply fucked off at him for treating you like his bitch, rather than pitching a fit and going to the cops, you should just embrace and enjoy your natural place without shame.

These kind of girl lack a father figure.

Death would be ensued upon him. Then i would severly examine my parenting skills. As from the evidence i must have abused her at a young age.

All of those points never happening , my daughter would never be caught doing such a thing. Fucking vile.

You should stop being such a whore and a junkie.

You're obviously hurting, but this is rather self inflicted. Surround yourself with better decisions and better people and this wont be a issue.

If you get fucked up with someone who you regularly fuck, you begin fooling around with said person, then decide "nah im done" halfway through, and the other person says "no I want to continue", and you don't stop anything, who is to blame here?

To put it another way, you and him go out to eat at a nice restaurant. Your food finally arrives, and you start eating. Halfway through, you stand up, and you say, "I'm leaving. Let's go." And he says, "I want to finish my food." And you sit back down as he finishes. Then, you both get up and leave, and you think that you've been raped.

I don't think they could do anything, and I am not sure it was rape.

I know you are right but I don't want to believe it.

I didn't struggle more and stopped saying no because I was scared he would hurt me.

I expect him to stop when he's said before while drunk that I shouldn't have sex when even if just unsure.

I know it is.

The other person didn't say no, I want to continue. The other person forced my legs apart and his fingers inside me while I was trying to get dressed and saying that I didn't want to do anything else. That's when I became too scared to say no anymore or fight back. So I don't think that your restaurant analogy really holds, although as I said, I am not sure if I am making a big deal of nothing and I don't think I am blameless.

>I didn't struggle more and stopped saying no because I was scared he would hurt me.
But why did you say yes in the first place if you were not completely comfortable with it?

I think given all the circumstances, what he did was not really such a big deal. You told him you were upset, he apologized, and you should have moved on.

all this part about you leaving without goodbye or anything just screams unstable. I would say you are much more in the wrong now, and you're still clinging to this increasingly weak excuse of "he pressured me into giving him head when he was horny and high at a festival where people have sex everywhere".
Yeahhhh, no. That excuse isn't going to keep you afloat. Just go back and apologize to him. Tell him you over reacted and that you forgive him and move on with your lives. Don't make this bigger than it needs to be.

Dont fuck with a mans libedo right when things are getting hot. Either go big or go home. 100% or 0%

Also this.

Look if you put yourself in toxic situations and aren’t happy with the outcome and you keep doing it with the same results, you get what you keep asking for. You go back you given him the green light to treat you like shit and he will continue to do so because you now set the pace for that. You just said you were scared of him lashing out and hurting you yet you want to apologize and continue on having some sort of relationship with him. Toxicity at its finest.

Stop having sex on drugs if you don’t wanna be raped

>I said no and he kept going.
>I'm not sure it was rape.

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Stop being a degenerate thot. Problem solved. You're welcome.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Learn your lessons from this and stop being a degenerate.

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you should talk about it. it doesn't have to seem over dramatic, ideally you would talk about anything even if it's not necessarily a big deal.

I wouldn't talk to that creep out find someone else. None of your actions described here sound bitchy or irrational. I think you're in the clear here.

>I'm a whore but now I feel bad
>What do
Kill yourself, you worthless degenerate--but feel free to ruin the manwhore's life beforehand. You're both garbage. I think it's obvious why he is, but the fact that you have no issue staying with and fucking such a guy says a lot about you as well.

OP he's abusive, leave and ghost and block immediately.

Well you see OP when you do drugs it mentally affects you. Yes he should have stopped when you said stop but you have to remember he was LITERALLY not in his right mind.

I bet you would let a bad boy type do that without caring.
Your relationship is going nowhere so end it.

Block block block block

>I told him to stop, and that I was uncomfortable. He kept doing stuff to me...
We really need different labels for these things. This is more a case of bad sex than rape.

As you described it, you told him to stop but he didn't take you seriously. What to do in such a situation? WALK AWAY.
Punch him if you have to. You have agency here. If he is holding you down and you can't escape, that is different.
From his point of view, his drunk gf was playing hard to get.
He obviously didn't see things clearly as he was drunk as well.

Now what can you do? WALK AWAY.
He is obviously not someone you want to marry or have kids with, so move on.
He might feel like a piece of shit for a while, but this is not on you.

r a p e
r e p o r t h i m

>What should I do?
You were raped. Report it to the police. If the police refuses to pursue the case, call him out on social media and spread the word around town. Tell anyone and everyone. Get your friends to spread the word.

Destroy this douchebag's life.

>been sleeping with a guy for two or three weeks
>I'm not sure if I want to, but I want to
>it's hard for me to say no, so we were having sex
>changed my mind mid-session while we were both drunk and/or drugged
You sound like you're an unstable person. If I was him, I'd just stay away from you because there's no telling when you're going to start yelling "rape!" out of the blue. If you didn't want to have sex with the guy, then you shouldn't have been having sex with the guy. If you did want to have sex with him, then let him fuck you. There's no inbetween.


please have some self esteem and self worth

who the fuck cares about him?
ghost him and be better to yourself

How come guy who does this kind of thing has no problem getting laid? Better yet, OP is actively defending him. No wonder the world is so fucked if this is who women choose

This is rape in 2019, gents. Not knock down, rip your clothes off, but teehee I'm going to give you head and every indication that I want your dick, but then stop short.

Look, OP, I'm not blaming you. But make up your fucking mind, will you? Guys don't like uncertainty around sex. I'm not sure why this is sucha thing now, but if you don't want to have sex, realize that handjobs, blowjobs, and (shocker) anal are sex, and when you do these things without any intention of sharing your vagina without expressly setting that boundary beforehand, you are asking for confusion and hurt. For both parties. The guy sounds like a creep and I don't buy the whole "but he was drunk" schitck.

>We were at a festival camping and both fucked up on a lot of different things.

And this right here is why I can't have much sympathy for you drugs alter the mind. Concepts like consent diminish in proportion to the drugs consumed. You didn't specify but "a lot of different things" indicates you were already into some high risk behavior in the first place. Stop doing drugs, and stop mixing sex and hard drugs/alcohol.

I just realized that my post made this unclear; I became uncomfortable during penetrative sex. He stopped having sex with me (not after the first time I said to), but continued to do other things to me, even while I was saying that I was going to get dressed.

And yes, the drugs are why I am not sure if I am overreacting

I'm sorry this happened to you OP but really the more concerning part is that you ask such questions in this place
I think you'd be better off talking to a close friend about this

anyway, I think it's shitty of him and he either doesn't understand why it's important to you or he doesn't care
I don't think you're being over dramatic

people who go through stuff like this end up in a bit of a slippery slope where they let these things slide and then over time begin thinking it's normal, you blame yourself, and allow yourself to take more abuse from others
so I think it's worth sorting this out, at least for yourself

OP if you stay with this man you're reducing yourself to a whore and you send the message that its okay for him to keep forcing sexual things onto a person even if they're objecting.
Women like you enable other women to get raped because you lets guys think they can get away with doing shit like this. If you use the drugs as a defense then bill Cosby can use "but they were on drugs" as a defense for what he did. Its not.

Drop the bastard and reevaluate your life Jesus its been a while since one thread has made me so fucking mad

this thread proves how little life experience a lot of you guys have

unironically get out more

>act like cheap slut
>get treated like a cheap slut
wow, color me surprised

nice date you had there whore