When do Indians receive reparations for British colonization?
All Whites must chip in since you're so keen on "White unity"
When do Indians receive reparations for British colonization?
All Whites must chip in since you're so keen on "White unity"
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Why would you get a reparation for an improvement? Shouldn't it be the other way around and India pays white people for all the benefits they brought them?
Indians are poop. hahaha
They built a plumbing system and toilets, it was basically a shoah for them.
"White people be like"
Blacks did that to Flint retard
in the future we will ask
>When will the British receive reparations for Indian colonization?
also when are you guys leaving?
Will you be leaving some good infrastructure and culture when you go?
India will be superpower by 2020 and we will take all your money and literally build a designated shitting street on mars with UK flag patterns, and soon sending pajeets there to shit on it to biofertlize the soil just to piss the Brits off.
Then we will nuke it with pooclear missiles causing an reaction where the biomatter will decompose into oxygen constructing an atmosphere.
Why would whites care about a race of people that bring crime and rape wherever they go
white people be like
>giving money to making a beautiful building that is a temple to their god
and not like
>giving moni to meee and shieeeetttt
why are they torture they monkey?
sounds like a solid (waste) plan
The West is falling and the East is rising. Whites will be extinct soon and extinct people can't ask for reparations.
So give us our money before you die semenskin
Flint was caused by nigger greed, and no amount of money thrown at it will ever fix it, because they steal everything given to them.
Actually I’d be fine with India having all of Mars as a shitting street. You guys need it
Haven't they already fixed all the public pipes and the people still getting shitwater are getting it because they are refusing to get their house's pipes replaced?
At that point you probably need plumber teams to forcibly break into people houses and replace the piping for them.
is this an example of identity politics?
You guys have been saying you'll be a superpower for the past 20 years and you're still a third-world shithole.
you will receive your reparations in the form of toilets
Niggers be like
*beats chest*
Because Indians is a country of shit
Rainbow Six 58: Mario and Luigi
already doing it my britbong friend
pic related a Hindu temple in London constructed by BAPS, which is an Indian Hindu organization.
Unfortunately most white British would rather go to a mosque or some shit
Be grateful you didn't all get blown from a gun.
Have you seen the conditions the majority of Brits worked in during the British Empire, in the factories and coal mines? 6 days a week from the age of 5, with a life expectancy below 30, while the elites were living into their 70s and 80s? Why should we, the decedents of factory workers, pay you anything? While your people were basically doing virtually no work, as they do now, we were forced into brutal conditions.
I know you lost your hand weaving textile industry to British machinery, but the people working in the factories had much harder lives than in India, despite the poverty. Try working in a factory with no shoes when it is -10 outside, or using a communal outdoor toilet in Winter in -10. You have appreciation for other peoples suffering. How are you different to a fucking nigger?
If you want to go after the elites, like the royals, that directly profited from exploiting Indians and Brits, go for it. The rest of us shouldn't have to pay.
Proof that anime is a plague on the white youth.
India is fourth world shithole
even sub saharan nigger shithole have toilets
Lets just colonize india agian, and maybe give reparations later.
What's with this
Flint fucked themselves over, why do they deserve the help of billionaires?
It looks nice. Shame the muslims will burn it down.
I like how Flint Michigan is considered a cultural achievement according to this logic. CLOWN WORLD
Flint is 100% White devil's fault. It was White devil's who gave those poor black people poisoning to keep them down and opress them. It is White devil's who control all the money in America. So why can't Whites who claim to be saints and the nicest people on the planet help them?
>Pic related. Tiny weak insecure pink skin beta White boys getting beaten by BLACK MEN as reparations. You deserve it and there's a lot more coming for wh*tes.
reminder: you have 8 months to achieve superpooper status. you cant even beat a small muslim nation.
>The destruction of a historical landmark
>A water system problem in a single city in America, which the people of that city pay taxes to have maintained
They gave money to Michigan. What happened to the money? Ask the local government.
When do we get reparations for putting so much effort into civilising you smelly cunts?
No one cares. Cry more. It's all karma.
if blacks are so great why can't they fix their own damn water?
behenchod, Yahan par agar tere ko gand marwane ka shauq hai kya?
don't you poos look down upon niggers? i often hears you saying that you are superior than them because you have slightly less darker skin
Water in flint has been drinkable since late 2016
the west is falling because we are being invaded. If our countries weren't being flooded with foreigners we would be fine.
If we hadn't arrived you would probably still have your different states and would be fighting amongst yourselves. It would be likely you wouldn't have a democracy, a parliamentary system or the rule of law.
If you hadn't noticed we still give you millions every year in foreign aid. You should be using money to get your people out poverty instead of reaching to space.
Boo Hoo, shit the hell up before you get E-Coli and Pink Eye
India will be superpoop by 2020 atleast according to the way their water treatment and waste treatment goes.
>Muslims killing children
Yeah, fuck off. I’m all of pro-Indian stuff but killing children and innocent is where I put the line at.
Preach it sadiq.
>guy falls down
>niggers immediately try to gang up on him
So surprised
Fuck off nigger, that isn’t shitposting.
She was an actual kid who got murdered over by a religious radical.
Fuck you.
>All Whites must chip in since you're so keen on "White unity"
To be fair, you owe the Brits for it.
They made your country grow.
I don't even know who that is looks like some roastie didn't know it was a kid, cunts
Hopefully they do. Let them try. We just need a catalyst to cleanse our homeland. A temple vs removal of Abduls from India. I choose the latter
>They made your country grow.
couldn't they at least build some toilets for them
When do Finns receive reparations for Swedish colonization?
All Whites must chip in since you're so keen on "White unity"
The only thing I want back from the Brits is the Koh-i-Noor that sits on their Queen’s Crown, that diamond needs to be placed at the hands of the idol of Durga at Akshadharm.
Are you some kind of a sadist? What part of a dead kid you find enjoyable?
Fucking pussy, india has 200 million Muslims, you will get your shit wrecked in a fight.
They did but those abbos use them to pray.
>white people save us
>help us white people
bitch lasagna.
>all of the Islamic world stands with the Indian Muslims
>literally no one stands with Hindus poos
the civil war will be fun Pajeet, i'll take a trip there to help in cleaning India from the curry niggers
I agree but the wh*tes are devils. If you ask them for 10 rupees they'll give you 1 rupee. If you ask for reparations they might give our diamond back.
You can't even list the ways British colonisation is oppressing you right now. How are you going to weight that oppression?
Who's gonna decide? Your sorry pathetic hateful being?
That absolute state of white people...
dont we give the injuns a fake fantasy style history? should be enough, conquered niggas.
Kek what did he meant by that first comment?
I would not give you a single rupee, everyone knows that Indians like to scam tourists.
>He doesn’t know
Hindu Radicals are getting increasingly as mad as Muslims. There are organisations that have attempted to overthrow the government to bring in a Hindu Nationalist genocidal regime but they’ve been subverted more or less.
Oh, and another thing, the group Abhinav Bharat (Young India), has connections to Israel and one of their leaked documents was to set up a proxy government in Israel or Thailand once India-Pakistan war begins and to take over all of South Asia from there.
It’s fucking scary you Abduls need to stop bombing and killing people because we have a bunch of equally retarded extremists you might get both of us nuked and the rest of the planet killed due to nuclear winter.
>Implying Indian Hindus need anyone else
We are enough to rekt all wh*teoids and Muslims
Guess that's what happens when you're such a welfare nigger that no one pays any fucking taxes so the infrastructure falls apart.
>billions of dollars every year to Israel
>doing anything else with that money instead
We built your civilization nigger we don’t owe you shit plus the people that live there should hold the government they elected responsible since they are the ones who’s job it is to fix it as far a nigger water is concerned
Poor bait. That’s not even Indian.
How about you focus on important things like getting proper plumbing and water treatment going on you shitslinger.
He gave the painting his phone number. Kek
Damn poos are so dumb they will mistake pieces of artwork for real people
>t. Siddi.
>that meme
Americans are not white. Bad comparison.
>White people be like
>be like
nigger babble=opinion disregarded
you were under the Islamic rule for centuries until the British came and ruled over you instead
you poos are unable of winning anything
>our diamond
Faggot if you believe in karma then make your own life and stop begging for reparations from people that suffered more and worked harder and smarter than you did. Literal nigger-tier response. You shitskins are all cut from the same cloth, or toilet paper in this case.
Good point Norwegian bro, 'muricans are indeed mutts.
Hey thanks for making our country so much better and then giving it back to us.
Oops that we couldn't maintain that level of greatness. We enjoy raping family members and pooping in the street too much.
Considering India was economically improved by British rule I think you should really be paying us....
No if it wasn’t for anime he wouldn’t even have had the balls to stand up to the nig being he was like 5 years younger
>Same fag whos posted this behind a bunch of different proxies
Real indians are a lot funnier than this.
Reminded me of this meme
No, I dont know why whites hate giving money to niggers. Why do you ask?
>be Jamal
>be 19
>be in same grade as 11 year olds
>assault 11 year olds
They wuz kangz.
What do you mean by Islamic rule?
We are still Hindus unlike you who converted to Islam and pray to a pedophile god.
>brown people actually "think" that way
And they wonder why their countries are so "poor".
Lol, truly beyond reason.
and you're yellow! Holy fuck does that mean you're a communist?
Idiot why you are posting picture of a dead kid.
Fuck you.