Based Voris from Catholic "Church Militant" goes to Israel and proceeds to take a huge massive dump on American zionism and Rabbinical Judaism.
Is he right?
Based Voris from Catholic "Church Militant" goes to Israel and proceeds to take a huge massive dump on American zionism and Rabbinical Judaism.
Is he right?
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The absolute mad lad.
Yes. Judaism is the synagogue of Satan. Evangelicals who suck the dick of Israel are in desperate need of a serious red pilling about Jews being deniers of Christ who openly despise Christianity. They deny the Divine Logos.
Inb4 sticking on feet meme
Pope Francis is under accusation of heresy presently. This is an accusation with substance and backing. We've been infiltrated and subverted by homosexual communist sympathizers, but we are fighting back.
No he is a communist cuckold faggot
No, because Church Militant are the definition of "Jesuit shill". It's ironic how he hates rabbinical judaism so much when Catholicism is basically a Latin flavour of it.
Well shit, I guess he must be right.
Hey christ said to love thy neighbor. Now let those imigrants in whiteboi
According to E Michael Jones, Voris is a literal faggot dying from AIDS
They have no connection to the Jesuit order. What's your evidence for this accusation?
>a fucking proddie
That's odd because I just listened to an E. Michael Jones interview in which he said AIDS was a population control psy-op. I didn't know about the book in your pic related. Will have to check it out. E. Michael Jones is great.
Papist shilling in general. I talk about Jesuits in particular as they're known for creating "trad" Catholic nationalist movements
Same arguments as usual. Do Catholics just get spoonfed these verses to use against Protestants, because they don't even read the Bible?
So mossad
I don't believe in desert religions, but even I know that it wasnt Jesus but rather the (((new Testament))).
It's not too late to leave the synagogue of Satan. Loving my neighbor means trying to convert you into Christ's church thereby winning salvation for your soul for eternity. It doesn't mean inviting you to shit in my city streets.
I'll have to read up on this more. That said the work he's doing with church militant is doing good things. If his own personal life is not on the up and up I can only pray he finds a contrite heart and the will to cease sinning.
He has repented, do you believe in forgiveness of sins?
I thought that was implied in my previous post, but yes. If he has received the sacrament in good faith and died not revert into sin I can only believe his sins are forgiven or else we're all basically fucked anyway.
The Catholic Church predates rabbinical judaism, retard.
>“Head of the Church”
Fucking heretics
“For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.”
Ephesians 5:23
>I disapprove of the fact this didn't translates perfectly from Latin to English
his asshole
Voris has nothing to do with Jesuits. Pope Francis is Jesuit and Voris is pretty critical of him
just read his own account of it, instead of this supposedly character assassination bullshit
he's doing good work, keeping the church accountable
Based Jones poster.
Doesn't matter who comes after trump. Doesn't matter who tells the truth as long as it's told. The funding will be cut. We're done. Left or right, middle ground, no matter. Were done.