Explain why we shouldn't punch nazis

Explain why we shouldn't punch nazis.

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get some anarchy going and then you can punch Nazis

>cia is still posting

Because anarchists are worse.
>inb4 leaf is 1 post by this ID

explain why you would

Why would you want to punch a nazi? You're no worse than a nazi yourself in that case.

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Why would I punch meself? ya fucking spanner

Because you’d have to punch back in time to the 1940’s and it could have adverse effects on the timeline.

because eventually youll be punching yourself

>so you're posting in a slide thread

sage it is

It makes them more powerful.

Explain why we should.

Because Nazis want to genocide people based on their skin color.

Yes. A Nazi. A person that uses force to protect jews and minorities from being exterminated.

>Feminist trucklesbians and basedboys go to 1939 to punch a nazi
>succeeds but Hans punches back and the slackjawed faggots get sent in masses to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
>Hans has saved future.

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>Why shouldn't we use fascism to fight against fascism

A proper national socialist would throw a god damn jew like you into the god damn oven in an instant. Sieg Heil!

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>Explain why we shouldn't punch nazis.
Because that would be aggression against people based only on ideology. And in turn would be

Because you will break your wrist trying

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because desecrating graves is illegal.

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Because ur gay

>Because Nazis want to genocide people based on their skin color
but the jews they gassed were white, user
>protect jews and minorities from being exterminated
but what if jews would be exterminating a white minority?

Explain why you, Umaruposter of Leafistan, shouldn't get the fuck off this board

absolutely based post

Because jews have priority:



How about you explain why fighting ideas with physical violence isn’t a dangerous precedent that will inevitably target more moderate ideas as the overton window shifts

do it. see what happens

Because the jews are your actual real enemy guilty of the majority of things that make this world fucking suck

you couldnt punch a wall if you tried

they're likely to be gym goers, trained fighters and actually punch you back, resulting in not only a hospital visit but a also a wake up to the real world.
or you might just get shot or stabbed, depends which of us it is you try to attack.
just saying please be careful, you never know how one might react to a militant leftist attacking them unprovoked.

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they can punch us back

Because you will find yourself with 8 new holes to breathe from

because nazi's kill jews of course

Anyone who unironically identifies as a nazi deserves to be punched. It's that simple. The ideology under being a nazi is one of the most well known evil ideologies in the world. You're admitting to being a bad faith actor by admitting to being a nazi, essentially. That makes you a punchable piece of shit.

Because with the leftist definition nowadays you'd have to punch an awful lot of people.

Explain why we shouldn't punch communists.

Because you'll end up hurting yourself.

Explain why we shouldn't genocide umaru posters.

>they're likely to be gym goers

watch out antifa trannies!

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>The ideology under being a nazi is one of the most well known evil ideologies in the world.
can you give your definition of nazi in one sentence ?

>this is what leafs believe
I just want to genocide anarchists and communists because they CHOSE to be anarchists and communists. Brown people should stay in the city though.

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They may punch back
don't start shit if you can't take the heat

Because thats what a nigger would do
Cant force a change of opinion by force but with logic

If you cannot refute their ideas in the eyes of the common people without resorting to violence then your position is weak and will ultimately collapse.

cool bro, anyway gotta go, it's 743am and I'm late for the gym. see you faggots on the streets ;)

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yeah we're completely cucked leftist faggots here. glass us, burgerbro

Because Nazis don’t exist anymore

What's the problem with exterminating inferior races tho

You know, some people feel the same way about communism, and considering the massively higher body count, I couldn't blame them.

Is it OK to punch communists?

They will gas you back