Neo Nazi American "patriots"

Your troops sacrificed their lives fighting the Nazis, so isn't the whole neo nazi thing incredibly un-American? How can you be a real patriot and respect your troops if you fall in for the whole Nazi thing?

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>isn't the whole neo nazi thing incredibly un-American?
being american means being hypocritical.

Gotta love the creases on the flag that indicate it was recently shipped

>nazi flag
>libertarian flag
cia niggers are retarded

that's literally all jewish people.
prove me wrong.
you can't.

Are antifa (which are mostly made up of anarchists and communists) any fucking better?

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The average American GI was more racist than Hitler

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You'd have to be a warrior to understand. Warriors past present and future care little for the political machinations that birthed the war only that the war was fought and won. Being third position or neo nazi as you put it or any other political ideology has nothing to do with honoring our warriors. It has everything to do with shaming the politicians who wanted the unjust war.

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Did anyone say that? Irrelevant

Isn't it weird he hasn't been doxxed yet?
Really makes you think.

We were on the wrong side in WW2, as were you Bongfags. Enjoy your enrichment.

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Can you at least have the same flags and dont dress like slobs?

Literally every soldier who fought the Nazis in the 40's would be called a Nazi by today's "anti-facists."

How do you think WW2 American soldiers would feel to see their grand children being anarcho-communist anti-Americans? While they set the American flag on fire while hating America because George Washington owned slaves or some other dumb shit?

We already know the antifa fags are retarded scum, but isn't the nazi shit as unamerican as the commie shit? I always thought it was really rich that the Antifa wankers complained about swastikas whilst wearing hammer and sickle masks

probably the exact same way they'd feel about "patriots" wearing swastikas, no?

I wanna know who the fuck he is. Why did he not get doxed?

Photo was snapped at midnight, that's how bright they shine

>Implying American troops weren't drafted unwillingly and forced to fight or get thrown in prison or face a firing squad

I guess there's safe places to order that sort of shit from, I dunno

General Patton himself said we fought the wrong side. The soldiers who fought in that war were pawns like any other war. The greatest generation did what they thought was best given the information they were given. Drawing absolutes like this only triggers the dim witted faggots on this board. Our grandfathers would have fought commies instead if they knew the truth then.

At least you have common sense. I'll give you that.

I just view that Fascism is all about wanting to preserve your nation through hard times. Fascism has to adapt to the cultures of a country to work unlike Communism which can be copied and pasted anywhere without care for the country.

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I do not support waving around German national socialist flags because it doesn't benefit us. And I don't care about the confederacy because I'm from the North East.

Americans were duped into believing the Nazi's were the bad guys. History proves Hitler did nothing wrong and was right all along.

i think YOU are the faggot, faggot

This guy gets it

Pic related.

But really there has long been a suppressed angry German-American trend in the US. These people spring from that. German-Americans are stunted and mixed because us Anglos used them as peasants and workers to build the middle parts of the USA and never gave them any influence in the government.

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>Your troops sacrificed their lives fighting the Nazis

People were pointing that guy out from day one. Makes me wonder why we haven't heard any reports from other people who were at the event. Nobody talked to him? Nobody knew him?

That's literally a false flag.

This is (you)
I'm a WASP btw.

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That guy with the nazi flag was rly just a leftist/Jew/both trying to make the Charlottesville guys look bad

German American troops working for jewry drafted against their own to kill Germans

It is unAmerican to affiliate with Nazism.

Would leftists even have the balls to go out in public with that flag? Wouldn't they be scared shitless?