Does leaving a guy on read really make him want you more

i need some male opinions. Do men like a chase or should girls just show honestly how they feel?

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Dude here I fucking hate it. Just asked a girl to chill she said yeah I asked a time she left on read. Makes me reconsider even entertaining her and moving on to a gi who actually wants to hang out.

Annoying as fuck.

2 hours till the time I asked. She left on read so I'm already making other plans with friends. So if she does hit me back I'll probably already be busy.


No, it just makes most of us feel like we're not wanted so we quit.
It really takes a mental toll just to show interest because of the possibility of rejection, so shit like that is a giant red-flag if a guy is actually into you, and he/me/us will probably just pull back to protect himself. It honestly feels humiliating when we have to grovel to get attention.


We already fucked tho we talk all the time and I think he’s so chill that I almost regret fucking him bc we could have been best friends, he said he’d see me this week and he chats w me but hasnt invited me over, my friends are telling me I need to stop being sweet and obvious about wanting to spend time w him and ghost him.

It will make loser/low-class/needy/desperate men become "pathetically desperate for you" real men with any self-esteem will call you out or just sign you off mentally, consigning you purely to being a fuck-toy & nothing else because of your disrespectful & immoral behavior (leaving them on read like a basic teenager bitch)

this type of dude is a beta and will become desperately desiring of you if you leave him on read

you sound extremely dumb.
>My friends are telling me i need to stop being swet and ovious with him and ghost him
What? Those are contradicting goals and approaches. Your friends are dull bulbs and know fuck all.
>Regret fucking him we could have been best friends
You'll never be best friends with the opposite sex. This isn't "The Office" you fucking child
Tell him "invite me over babe"

Ok it seems like you're kinda asking two different things here, there's a difference between annoying shit like leaving someone on read and making a guy put some effort in with like playful teasing and stuff.

A lot of guys are gonna want you to make them put some kind of effort in because 1. it makes you seem more selective and 2. it makes them feel like they earned something. But getting left on read will either make them think you're not interested or you're too much of a hassle and not worth the effort.

No, I hate stuff like that, and when I 'hate' something it's not like a girl where you get that secret validation. I just hate it.

>Do men like a chase
Of course I love a chase, but this is not a chase. When I hear "chasing" a girl, i think of having a face-to-face conversation where she is obviously pretending not to be interested in me, and I am obviously pretending that I don't care, and we keep escalating until eventually we fall in love. Chasing is action. Leaving a guy on read is both an inaction and a 'fuck you'.

Yeah if you’re immature and under 21 it’s apparently socially acceptable but I fucking hate it especially

I went through that phase in college and it pretty much went
>get girls number
>get all nervous before the first text
>small talk the first time we text
>ask her for lunch or something during the week
>she says yes
>the day comes
>text her “hey where’d you wanna get lunch?”
>stroke of midnight
>”HEYYYy sorry lol I’ve been really busy today umm I can’t today I have an exam tomorrow”

It’s a sinking feeling. Forget wanting her more, it has the direct opposite effect (for me at least).

>my friends are telling me I need to stop being sweet and obvious about wanting to spend time w him and ghost him.
So when you actually like a guy, your friends suggest that you behave like you don't like him.

Literally the opposite. And a lie.

OP they are not your friends. Friends don't sabotage each other like that.

What you should do, is keep your thoughts, feelings, and actions all in perfect alignment. That is honesty.

Imagine being him, and he doesn't know you so well. Then suddenly you start ghosting him and acting like you don't like him.
Do you know what that will make him think?

Ok so I'm done here. My advice to you is to make better friends. Look for success and honesty in people before becoming friends with them. Successful people love to see success in others, failures love to see others fail. Remember that.

Lol there’s a reason my dumb ass friend are unlucky in love. I read this article on farfrombasyc and it literally tormented me. Thank u for the advice although maybe obvious I needed it

last time a girl left me on read for two months then asked to come to my birthday party so i ghosted her lol

Lmao, if he already fucked you, I doubt he gives two shits about being some cumrag's best friend.

I can't stand this kind of stuff.

I once had a girl I knew who I became kinda close with. She gave such heavy mixed signals. Sometimes she would text me that I was attractive when I would talk with her, or would have long conversations, only for the next time when spoke in person for her to basically not acknowledge my existence. She even once told me she had feelings for me, only to tell me she didn't want a relationship when I told her I felt the same way; all this despite saying online that she wish she was in a relationship. Others times she would just completely ignore me or my attempts to talk, despite the fact that we could often have long fulfilling conversations.

Eventually after I realized that I was always the one initiating conversation I knew she didn't care about me, despite often saying otherwise. She didn't want a relationship and was just leading me on the whole time. so I cut off contact. She never contacted me or asked why I stopped talking with her.

This whole thing is relatively recent. The whole affair has left me feeling like a pathetic loser and really diminished my self worth.

OP be clear with your intentions. Guys are more emotional than they often make out to be, and just leaving them on seen can really fuck with them if they have strong feelings for you.

I'm male and as soon as i notice that kind of bullshit, i play the game as well.
it's basic power play - the one who "needs" the other person less is usually the "stronger" part in any kind of relationship, and will be the "hunted" person.
there are many ways to achieve this, but idk the specifics for women.
But leaving someone on read is too obvious, and most of the time you'll hurt yourself more in the long run.

>my friends are telling me I need to stop being sweet and obvious about wanting to spend time w him and ghost him
That's what fucking insecure people would do. Just don't listen to them. How fucking happy do you think they are with their relationships/male companions?
Do your thing. My mother always told me "the right person can't do anything wrong, and the wrong person can't do anything right". Keep that mindset, and people who cherish you for who you are will come naturally.

this. literally do whatever you want. if it doesn't pan out who cares. wasnt naturally going to anyways.

your friends are stupid cunts. That you already fucked makes it worse because starting to ghost him says you're just fuck-buddies and nothing else

is absolute correct.

These days, chase = sexual harassment.

If a girl goes, she's gone.
Time to keep my eyes out for a new one.