Why i gave up white nationalism

fuck bros, not gunna lie, after seeing how white nationalists killed innocent people in three mass shootings so far (Christchurch, San Diego, Pittsburg) it made me realize that white nationalism is a hateful, evil, and disgusting ideology. I started watching pic related videos and Destiny debates and also saw the truth that White nationalism, and the alt right are actual Neo nazis basically. There's no white genocide and the cultural marxists are a boogyman and not real. Fuck, I wish I could take back the past three years of my life wasted on this site, I'd have friends and maybe even a girlfriend!

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Get better pasta you fucking mongoloid.

>white nationalist


lmao, based and cringey copypasta joke

Day of the flush can't come soon enough.

why do so many leftists faggots like that stupid guy?

His arguments are trash tier and only argues using his faggot degeneracy to make 'points' about shit.

you forgot memeflag

Attached: 1543069553095.jpg (577x385, 55K)

>a poo abandons white nationalism
Oh no, what will we do without our indian supporters?

>I don't have an opinion of my own or any arguments so why don't you watch this video by a mentally man who can't decide what gender he is?
how can the alt right even compete

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Why don't you give up on life while you're at it, so we don't have to see that retarded pasta again

how many dollars a month are the kikes paying you to shitpost?

>look mom! I posted the tranny again!

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Shut up poo

just honk my shit up senpai

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Have Indians usurped the aussie throne of shitposting? :thinkingface:

Attached: the Mountian Sage Speaks.jpg (1329x456, 199K)

Poojeet forgot to change to MEME flag

Attached: Bitch please.gif (318x200, 491K)


Your false flags only expose your white genocide even more.

Forgot his memeflag
>kikes outsourcing to India
>must be running out of money

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Lol you don't have to be either a white nationalist or a total cuck faggot you know. Nice try but this isn't the designated shitting board.

>1 post by this ID

Attached: aa5b6454bf1233df6dbed149d8892a5c.png (210x234, 69K)

You forget to use a meme flag. Run along now poo.


>several of these fag threads up
>any right wing youtube threads swarmed by shills and deleted
Jow Forums has fallen

How so? Youre not even white. It seems quite hard to be a white nationalist while being a non-white

>"Look mom! I' m gonny post it every day now!"

Fuck off.

Fuck off back to CIA/JIDF/Plebbit/ whatever glownigger hole you came from.

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