Post your go to e-celeb

State why they are not a disinfo agent working for a government or NGO.

I've never heard Corbett lie about anything.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally the only person with a public voice that I trust.


James is pretty cringey at some times, and I'm pretty certain he's a race traitor english teacher in Japan. With that being said I'm with you that I've never heard him lie, and his "A Conspiracy Theory" videos are my go-to normie redpills.

My heart lies with Varg however. He is pretty much the only e-celeb who practices what he preaches, and has actually reigned in some other faggots like Marcus Follin (latsbrah) and convinced him to make babies instead of telling others to do it while scooping up (((Patreon))) money.

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E Michel Jones

Unironically Joe Rogan

He's relatively unbiased, has interesting guests, and never edits any of his interviews.

I don't watch e-celebs because I hate listening to soibois rant about feminists.

Idk if you fellers already know this because I don’t know who this guy is, but he’s absolutely a Jew. He’s even wearing the popular Jew glasses and bad beard combo

I don't follow anyone, other people and their ideas don't interest me. Why would I care about how someone else feels on a subject?

Corbett is an anti-US shill with leftist critique talking points. Plus he's a jew. Very rarely does he criticize the eastern powers.

>muh neocons
>muh American empire
>muh CIA

Brandon Martinez (
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Brendan O' Connell
Kyle Hunt (
RecentR (Alexander Benesch)
Nick Spero (Circus Maximus) (R.I.P.)
Freedom Alternative (Lucian Valsan)

PhilosoChat#21 | Lucian Valsan Discusses Russian Nationalism

Putin's reign of terror pt1 (Chris J Bjerknes):

Putin's reign of terror pt2:

The Putin Cult is a Suicidal Cult (Martinez & Bjerknes)

Kyle Hunt speaks to Christopher Jon Bjerknes

[Brendan O Connell]
The American Awakening - "With Friends Like These Who Needs Enemies"

[Nick Spero, Brendan O Connell]

He also pushes the 9/11 meme so fuck off

Looks like a jew

He is.


Jones embodies all of the best elements of Jow Forums without all of the cringey eco-facist pagan larping.

>Corbett is Jew


Look at him.

Corbett does excellent work.
WW1 Conspiracy is a must-watch

MLK was attempting to combine the civil rights movement with the anti-vietnam movement. glowniggers felt threat was to high. those letters from the FBI were written by a psychopath

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>E Michel Jones
Came here to post this

He does indeed look very Jewish. I believe his work vindicates him.


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Ad hominem.

KYS shill.

I won't say that everything he does is bad - i used to follow his work, but i eventually got sick those anti-US basic bitch narratives. He has never mentioned Israeli and Russian ties. He goes easy on those countries. Everything is always the CIA and neocons.

So identifying one's ethnicity is now ad hominem?

>Unironically Joe Rogan
>He's relatively unbiased, has interesting guests,

He's married to a Jew and only has "liberals" who troll SJWs on the show.
He would never have a Vox Day or Corbett on.

He seems to be some kind of controlled opposition/ overflow catch for people questioning the Jew world order.


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He's got one of the best videos on Israel's secret nuclear program:

He's also got a good video on the dancing Israelis:

>Corbett is an anti-US shill
He has the Oligarch's number.
He doesn't really get into the occult and Jew motivations of the owners but he shines a light on them.
Even exposes Chomsky for the shill he is.

I have never sensed Corbett feeding me disinfo on anything. Every. Single. Other. E-celeb does at some point about something.

>muh neocons
This is a bad thing?

>He's also got a good video on the dancing Israelis

This was really good. He almost spills the beans of the watcha doin rabbi. The meta red pill. How Jews stir up and create a controlled amount of Jew hate. A pill Jow Forums has not taken.
Far as I can tell much of the Jew naming in here is disinfo to circle the tribe's wagons.

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Millennial Woes
Dr. Edward Dutton
Counter-Currents Publishing

Tim Pool

Cultured Thug

Nick Fuentes, Devon Stack, Owen Benjamin and Vincent James are all people who put on good shows. Typically what I'll do to find good people is visit the RationalWiki and just look at who they hate most, 9/10 I end up enjoying their content.

>Tim Pool

Your 'go to' e-celeb is a Liberal mutt who trolls the libtards epic style?

If the CIA went to such great lengths to create Mark Zuckerberg and Julian Assange don't you think they would have also created dozens of webcam e-celebs?

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But Tim Pool is just a bro who speaks for himself.
You know that because he says he used to be an Anarchist skater every video. That's how you know he's just a regular dude telling you things you need to get a load of, bro.

has proved you wrong.

just from hearing your explanations of what corbett's all about (the cia and neocons) i can tell that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Especially regarding your desire to see him rail on specific countries (israel, russia, 'eastern') Corbett's doesnt endorse a westphalian international order of rational decisionmaking states framework. Globalization transcends national identity. Corbett's strength is his ability to set aside silly biases like nationalism to clearly analyze the geopolitical situation, while maintaining a healthy skepticism.

this guy is an anti Trump shill KYS

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Michael Rivero

>this guy is an anti Trump shill KYS

Trump is an anti-Trump shill.
Hillary was an anti-Hillary shill.
The intelligence agencies are anti-intellegence agency shills.

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Trump is an Israeli puppet kys

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