If you could give Vincent any Jow Forums what would you say?

If you could give Vincent any Jow Forums what would you say?

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I would actually ask him for some advice, he looks like a chad.

I'd tell him to wash his penis

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to have sex

He's getting kinda clingy

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Low angles suck.
Buzz cut ain't working for him, nor are those glasses.
Benzoyl peroxide works, or fuck it just buy some black market accutane.
Lifting works, he can grow that neck.
Leaning works, he can get sharper facial features.

>eww silly incel stop being ugly! Chad only ok byee

Start lifting ASAP

>it's another tinder banter thread made by the same bitter toastie
this one is pretty meh, gurl

Vincent looks like he fucks. Confident smile while not giving a fuck about position of his camera.

Write a fucking bio

This. I’d kick it with Vincent any day

pop zits
stop having a fucking weird smile
get contacts

There's no hope for Vincent. If you look that doofy at 29 it probably won't get better.

If there's ever an Andy Samberg look-alike contest, you should totally enter it.

Lad just needs better photos and out more effort into his bio

You're holding the camera a little close my dude.

Wash your face twice a day. Clean up your diet. Get someone to take your tinder photos for you. Get a better haircut.

Tell him to Google black pill

why is he sending you pictures of some random boy?

It's my profile

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Oh. I didn't know tinder allowed gay dating


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HA Ha ha

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>imagine being so lonely you troll tinder losers and post it on Jow Forums

im serious, i thought there was like "grindr" for that or something.

If you could give toastie any Jow Forums what would you say?

Would you suck a guy's dick even though you're asexual? You know, for him?

Never. Gays aren't cool.

Off yourself and/or don’t reproduce

vincent may i inquire that that might be the face people see you in before they suck your dick?


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absolute madlad

50 less chromosomes a day

Why the fuck would you use tinder if you're asexual

>art institute
are you sure you don't want advice for yourself.