Why do white women get angry at this?
Why do white women get angry at this?
Why would they be mad about a ching chong dating a skeleton
Literally who gets mad at this?
kek grubby is based
Because they're going to eat that dog for lunch.
Sòyims are worse than roasties
Holy shit literally incel with a high tier gook
Asian men BTFO
Its an asian male from r/asianmasculinity
he will proceed to start spamming cherrypicked beta males with asian girls.
this is a slide thread.
I still watch Grubby stream. Very wholesome. He lives in very nice bubble.
She's homely
At lesbian couples?
You're supposed to link the stuff that's being slid when saying that.
may 2019 and still nothing about a beta or anything
god i'm so fucking mad
literally the same with whitoid grills.
Tons upon tons of makeup. Without makeup 95% of white women look like trash
Because white girls want to fuck that dog before the the azian eats it
You funny dude?
Brother marries korean girl.
Talk to him: "dogs actually quite good"
Fucking retards exist. Dont joke about it.
Lol, projecting much faggot? White women couldn’t give two shits since they are the most privileged people in the world. I think it’s YOU who gets triggered when you see pic related.
deep down inside, women hate race traitors too
ching chong ching chong I ruv you write bois
They can't play WC3 well enough to win over grubby
>Fall of hair
Doesnt seem right
For me, it is a perfect couple.
I mean, if you combine both of them, maybe their children will have a normal head size
Daily reminder that race mixing is a sin.
honk honk
I love it.
because they can't compete with superior Han genes
White women don't have soulless robot eyes
That's not the same person.
It's not a same moment.
Except its not the same person.
They don't because he looks like a lesbian and is clearly low teso.
>listening to kikes
now that is a sin
It's mostly sexually frustrated asian boys getting pissy.
It's getting toasty in here...
It's true, mayor, this man has no dick
You have to be an idiot to think this is real.
Average cosplayer snatch
Ill go with an asian or white just to spite jews and roasties.
What you haven't figured out, yet, is that ALL threads are slide threads.
Jesus, his arm is the same size as hers.
ive fucked like 150 asians (thank you Pattaya and Angeles City) and ur wrong
sorry wong we want your women
Scrawny gay guy with at the park with his Asian friend and her dog? I don’t know.
nope it's smaller
Takes determination, skill and effort to achieve constant 450 apm.
>Le Jesus was an jew meme
You're only proving you have no understanding of what you preach against.
Hell yea grubby
>ive fucked like 150 asians (thank you Pattaya and Angeles City)
bragging about banging 3rd world, shit tier hookers isn't an achievement.
chinks are based, they hate nogs
Threat to the ingroup.
look bud, your flag was already a dead giveaway you're retarded, no need to try to convince us any further, now go shove a cross up your ass or whatever it is you retards do
I went to high school with a bunch of Asians and I can recognize like 15 of the girls....
The all Asians look alike meme never felt more real than it does now
look the hairline retard
So another white-ish nerd is destroying his remaining white-ish bloodline by coupling with an East Asian and creating turbo autismo hapas. Jättekul aventyr, Göran!
wow, Grubby has ultraskinny pussy arms.
It isn't just your favorite threads sliding away. Your time, your very life essence slowly slides out of your body as hours turn into days into weeks into years on the imageboard.
blizzard is trash. stop supporting them
I have enough yellow fever that I'd fuck all of these girls. Especially that girl on the right, I bet she loves to fuck. I'd put the fear of white cock into her.
They do
tillerman was the only good one
yeah so apparently she kept the hairline, but changed her ears and the width of her neck, m'kay
Lowers their value.
Not him but at least it's more than you
>destroying his remaining white-ish bloodline
not necessarily a bad thing, we don't want his beta genes in the white gene pool anyhow.
based NIP thought patrolled by her NPC costars
u mad whiteboi?
Why do you care what women think?
yes because im not a degenerate piece of shit. I rather have 2-3 meaningful relationships rather than bang 1000 whores and contract HIV
Why do you faggots make these threads when you get just as angry at race mixing? Some people aren't dumb enough to turn down love because of rules on an anime website or rules created by fat sluts in the west.
lol hee looks like a lesbian too but more butch/bulldyke
Would your life lose most of its meaning if blacks didn’t exist and you didn’t have someone to feel superior to?
Look at the chin and eyes you fucking moron, it's not the same girl.
more of an achievement that your World of Warcraft Raid progression, you fucking nerd
instead you'll have neither, and end up hanging yourself right next to the piss bottles in your moma's basement in a couple fo years
With that pic on the right i'd say she's using him
Grubby is a cool dude. I didn't know he was race mixing with an buggy sub-human. What a disappointment. Oh well I guess. Serves him right for still wearing that stupid hair cut even tho it's obvious his hairline has fallen back quite a bit.
WTF is wrong with that guy’s head?
thats not even the same person
im racist so i can tell
It maybe hard to fathom for your OP-like small burger brain
white guys dont care who takes white women
good on chang for getting some pussy either way
how would fucking whores prevent a fate like that?
it'll keep you from getting bored
ears are the same brainlet
>what is plastic surgery
no i have a cutie, loyal gf that fucks like a nymph. You get to pay some whore to pretend to love you. How pathetic.
you're going to want to go visit an eye doctor whenever you've got some time user
You have no idea