Brits are the most tolerant people in Europe and welcome migration with open arms.
Maybe you learn a thing or two from them, Jow Forums.
Brits are the most tolerant people in Europe and welcome migration with open arms.
Maybe you learn a thing or two from them, Jow Forums.
>Brits friendlier, less xenophobic and more welcoming than hateful little Europeons
That's because we have some of the highest ghoul invaders populations in Europe and most of the natives have fled the africanized centres of population so we have a generation of idealised liberals who either don't get redpilled or get a job in London or Birmingham and become Hitler overnight.
In reality within 10 years it's literally over.
Britons are not generally tolerant of their own Invasion. Invaders, and commuter town yuppies, are.
Horror pill related.
Well, is it plausible that they've had so much mass immigration that the immigrant opinions are outweighing the native Brit opinions?
>Majority immigrant country positive about themselves
well consider that they ask the same 500 people every months yes.
Also, many brits have moor blood in them
>10 years
Optimistic in my opinion.
I give it 5 years tops.
I was going to join the army but I can't due to medical reasons.
So I'm now going to accumulate capital and skills whilst keeping in contact with my friends going into the military.
blessed digits.
All hail Hgubu.
fuck off kraut go make threads about your own shithole
That's why they are leaving EU. Their politicians want more indians and pakis to come.
Complete horseshit.
like they would even be allowed to say its negative without a license
>poll London where immigrants all live
>get this answer
what a surprise
>Their politicians want more indians and pakis to come.
Based Farage.
Same. They are aficanizing the military, councils and policies anyway btw (used to work in public recruitment). What matters now is capital, land, and property and getting a large organized network of native men around you asap.
I bet they only did this survey in some shitskin shithole/leftist beehive like London or something.
Absolutely based civic nationalism, soon we'll be African again just like what BBC Teach showed me!!
Because we get gulaged if we aren't.
the skills you get from the military are valuable and it is the last implicit stand of the white male in Britain despite the effort to erode it.
Make friends and keep the close.
Even though your military isn’t really a military and it’s just a daycare, at the very least yours isn’t the modern Israeli Foreign Legion like it used to be and like ours is now.
Not very surprising considering they were all invaded and raped by vikings and their rape babies founded England
t. paki-mongol bvll in uk
>t. paki-mongol bvll in uk
Based unapologetic conqueror.