I'm virgin at 22 and it's fucking with me...

I'm virgin at 22 and it's fucking with me... I want that 'first time' experience so bad but I'm also a full ass man and not only would that be impractical but it's also extremely pathetic... I'm a pretty attractive dude, no incel shit, I'm intelligent and funny, have talents/passions etc, but I don't get out that much... I do my best to keep positive but this aching loneliness returns every once in a while... I was home schooled so I never got to be around girls, and I feel like there's a big ass hole in my heart because of the lack of this developmental stage or whatever... knowing that if I do meet someone it won't be the same thing, falling in love as an adult doesn't seem the same... unless you happen to meet someone who feels exactly the same way that you do, which is unlikely...

How do I get these feelings to fuck off?

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The first time is usually really awkward and lame, get it over with asap

Don't idealise the first time as it might not be great. You will improve with practice.
Have sex.

1 go to a bar and hook up with stds
2 discover your bisexuality and hook up with a dude
3 go to university and get female friends
4 go to the park and make friends in general who will want to meet again
5 wait for a miracle and tell yourself that you dont want anyone untill you break yourself



>I'm intelligent and funny
I really doubt this considering the way you type.

shut the fuck up dumbass reactionary idiot...


name a single stylistic misstep in my post thats not just you being butthurt about vernacular speech and the presence of ellipsis...

Be true to yourself and don’t be so easily influenced by modern hook up culture. If you’re a beta with no confidence in your values people will absolutely clown you for being a virgin but if you’re confident about it and firm about how you’re saving it they won’t fuck with you.

Anyway, it’s still not something I would mention to a woman of interest because it would be weird to mention.

Start talking to women and find a gf.

>Start talking to women and find a gf.
I read this as 'stalking' and it made perfect sense in my head.
Am I sick

>no incel shit, I'm intelligent and funny
Sorry OP, you sound a bit like an edgelord.
>knowing that if I do meet someone it won't be the same thing, falling in love as an adult doesn't seem the same.
Yes, missing out on teen love is sad. Been there. But what are you gonna do about it? You can't go back in time and change that, can you? Keep your eyes forward. That's the only way to go. Don't think "what could've happened", think "what's going to happen if i try now"
>How do I get these feelings to fuck off?
Go out, meet people, fall in love. Even if their experience isn't the same as yours, you will develop emotionally from it. It's not like a marathon where you have to start from the bottom to reach the people your age.
Just start now, try your luck, get burned, hate life, mature a bit from those experiences, and start to love life more, then repeat.
You'll find happiness some day. Best of Luck

Is there a big-ass hole or a big asshole in your heart....

I'm 28 virgin.
With zero relationship experiences.
You simply get used to the feelings eventually.

>I was home schooled
This is literally the worst thing you (or rather: your parents) can do to you. It completely ruins your social skills.

But to answer your question, losing your virginity in and of itself isn't that great or special. It's barely pleasurable because you're nervous and it doesn't change your life.

The idea of just getting laid in general is overhyped and over-marketed through pickup artistry and redpill. I've been getting laid quite alot over the past years and i'm dying to find a girlfriend who i ACTUALLY like and who i ACTUALLY feel compatible with. All of this ''go out and get your dick wet bro'' gets old very quickly.

how is claiming to have those qualities edgy? i swear every time someone claims to have a good trait, someone else just HAS to tell them they don't, or complain about lacking 'self-awareness'... man you know what, you dont need high school, Jow Forums is just like it

Because you would've figured out what i've said on your own, and be happy if you were intelligent.
If you were charming, you wouldn't feel lonely, as people would rally around you.

Lost my virginity at 21 with some girl I hooked up online. She wasn't my type but okay. I was simply horny and wanted to fuck someone.

Sometimes you don't have a choice.

cant stand when ppl hold something as a universal law just because it would happen to them... what people loser? I was antisocial and didn't have school to force it on me, how can you understand what that's like?

Your prose lacks clarity of purpose and forethought. Wandering ramblings are not what one should spout when asking for advice. And yes, the ellipsis is very annoying... It breaks the flow of language needlessly.

Anyway, this isn't really something you can change. It's less about any of the particulars of your writing style and more about the thought process (or lack thereof) behind it.

shutup youre just feeling offended because I said I was intelligent... cant stand you frustrated lil Jow Forums losers trying to critique my fucking post just cause it make you feel a type of way... oh the nature / motivations of your post are inherently banal shut the fuck up dumb inarticulate eunuch tranny incel faggot just stay on the topic instead outing yourself as a retard wherever you go

Perhaps you should reconsider how attractive you supposedly are...

>I'm also a full ass man
I think you mean "grown ass man", "full ass man" just sounds like you're constipated.

Is there any hope for a 27 yo?

I read it as he had great glutes.

>wanting to have premarital sex
Kill yourself, retard

scared shitless of intimacy but dream about it everyday
almost 27 khhv here

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Jesus you deserve to be alone.

Similar boat in that I'm a 22 year old virgin. I'm in college and seeing hot young girls all day and knowing they get dicked down fucks with me. I was doing ok with celibacy for a while but I've let it have gain too much power. I've decided, as a last ditch effort, that I'll save some money, lose some weight/get fit, and go to Thailand. I'm not interested in a relationship just sex. And since I can't get it for free like Chad I'm going to go somewhere where it's easy to pay for it


I'm 23 and a virgin and depressed. I tried to fix my depression but it didn't work.

Why? I make a post exposing my feelings asking for advice and people show up to insult me for arbitrary reasons, and I'm not allowed to talk back? Fuck you! Dumbass fucking faggot.

Man why is it a crime around you people to be honest about my qualities the fuck! I just want some help and those couple of factual words about who I am really sent you flying off the fucking handle! Don't understand some people I really don't! If this is what's out there then I don't want anything to do w it...

To think some fatass incel, or some archetypal puffy-faced failed normie college student faggot has a problem with me claiming to have a unspecified level of intelligence or wit... this shit doesn't happen to me anywhere else, only on Jow Forums! Imagine being so dumb you have to argue about whos smarter!

Swear to god I can't stand the failed normie types on this board... go watch pua tutorials on youtube you dumb fucking faggots don't come near my thread

Whatever im clearly being silly right... im waiting for people to respond with more one-liners, non-statements about how silly I look... thats the formula anyway some dumb loser retard shows up to be a thorn in my side and then, after I fucking own him, others show up to make these surface assessments... one-liners and various reaction pics... random common-sense pep talk style sentiments about how silly I am right now... cmon losers ill own you all!

come on someone else post about how I deserve to be alone, come the fuck on I'm waiting...

It’s amusing that you’re getting so vexed like this at all that you post rants like this. Lost my virginity at 17 and like someone else on this thread said it truly isn’t life changing so take it easy. 17 is late but 22 is worse but you’re not dead and if you’re attractive physically and have decent interpersonal skills at all you should be ok but you were homeschooled so it’s added difficulty and I get that. Work somewhere. Get a car. Swipe right. Go to bars. Take it easy. Don’t tell anyone you’re a virgin that isn’t good news it’s a redflag.
