>Idea of erasing student debt to save our birthrates I becoming mainstream
>Jews are TERRIFIED by this.
Won't somebody please think of the (((lenders)))?
Idea of erasing student debt to save our birthrates I becoming mainstream
The student debts are backed by the gov so it will pay.
Ben is just acting like a big buffoon again.
Fuck off. You faggots will pay back every penny no matter how long it takes. Bunch of fucking niggers.
Why do you idiots keep posting this thread? Literally more then 30 times so far this month
You realize that student loan debt is over a trillion dollars and wiping it out would implode the global financial markets, yes?
won't someone think of the banks!
>those poor lenders
This stupid kike.
Their derivatives should be erased as well, since they are insurance products illegally sold by companies that do not meet the the requirements for selling insurance products. Place them into receivership and start putting them in prison.
Seize their ill-begotten wealth and return it to the public coffers to pay for infrastructure jobs and other such things.
No need to erase it just let them get wiped in a bankruptcy and stop federally subsidizing student loans
Cost of college education keeps going up and the quality isn't
oh no please think of the bankers!
This has me thinking about the Mastercard thing. If they want to cancel my access to the card because I'm a straight white male and my political views are right wing, will they cancel my debt too? That'd be a great trade honestly.
WOW Ben Shapiro really ANALLY RAPED that guy with FACTS and then SHIT all over his DICK with LOGIC.(apr. 2019 comp) NEW!!!!.
Banker here, why do you goyim decide to take our money and then whine when you have to pay it back? You chose to go to college, you chose to pay for it with our money, pay the cost.
It doesn't have to be free, it just has to be cheaper. All we need to do is cut the price by half, make it so that students don't pay until they've secured a job with their degree, and make the college pay the lender if the student doesn't get a job since they basically sold a bad product.
Gotta stand up for those lenders or you’re anti Semitic :)
>Idea of erasing student debt to save our birthrates I becoming mainstream
>Jews are TERRIFIED by this.
kek who writes this silly shit?
If Ben raped him, shouldn't Ben be the one with shit on his dick?
the only acceptable compromise is that you're allowed to clear your debt but you must surrender any credentials or degrees gained.
Wow.... The exact same playbook for 2000 fuckin years. And you kikes fall for it every time for shekels. " Royals use jews as lending vessel to bloat economy. Royals refuse to pay jews back. Royals point to jews as source of all societies ills to divert fron their own malfeasance. Peasants drive out/kill jews. Royals keep everything. Royals begin cycle again. Jews accept for shekel skimming"
I thought you rats were supposed to be smart?
The fake Indian and her long list of gimmedats won't be enough to overcome the DNC patriarchy. That bitch is toast.
>its all a giant scam by the people in power
You want money for a thing, banks have money sitting around. This time it isn't a conspiracy
Is Ben Shapiro really that stupid? Warren is calling for the government to pay off the loans, not for the lenders to surrender the obligations. This is why I never listen to all the idiotic attention whores (Milo, Alex, Laura, Sargon, Destiny, ad nauseum)
You mean taxpayers.
why should I care about some fat corporate Lender?
Don't buy what you can't pay.
...and you are a kike
Hi Shlomo.
6 trillion to wars. 3 trillion to corporations. 1 trillion to citizens? OH MY GOD NOOOOO WE'LL DIIIIE
No, they plan to push more taxes to cover it
If you see these threads more than twice, then it's usual part of a disinformation campaign to divide the people the West and foment unrest on the issues. Most tards can figure out that 80% of the threads on Jow Forums are controlled by a single propaganda agency with laser-focus in making the rest of the world a shithole like theirs.
>erasing student debt
>by putting it on the shoulders of tax payers (white men)
lol, if you're not talking about defaulting, you're doing the kike's bidding
Read what i wrote you stupid jew. It's not a conspiracy it's a tried and true buisness plan that's been used since the late roman empire
...unless you're a business. Then we'll give you welfare and call it a "stimulus package".
So the people that planned ahead, got into a career with job opportunities and dilligently worked to pay their debts denying themselves priecy consumer products will get double tapped by the government paying off student loans of worthless idiots.
That's so Argie of you America. So proud of how far you have come in the past 5 years of becoming more like us.
>screw lenders
ben shapiro is so funny when he pretends that the jews who control the world economy face any real threat at all. they could probably write off all debt on the planet and still be richer than everyone else, they just get off on their cattle suffering.
You're 100% retarded and here's why.
Wall Street bundles these debts as securities which are than bought up by hedge fund managers, being that your 401ks and pensions. You have companies like ge that are purely stock holding companies and this carries overseas as well. By essentially erasing debts, you're liquidating any future growth in those securities, thus creating a strain on a globally connected economy.
Basically you're a dumbass that knows nothing of economics and the interworkings of a globally connected economy.
Please learn a thing or two before speaking upon it. A good resource of such is the history of the most recent recession to where Banks did the same, but with homes. Now it's student debt, corporate debt, ccs n auto.
Fucking betacucks.
What ever happened to that woman.
Banks don’t originate or hold student loans on books
They are carried on .gov balance sheet
Jokes on joetaxpayer
If you fall for the college meme, you deserve the debt. I've been able to build a career as a highschool dropout in certifications alone... And the combined cost of all of them is less than a thousand dollars. A thousand bucks to get a hundred thousand. Meanwhile, these college fags wandered into their Masters in Gender Queer Anthropology, accumulating insane debt, and feel entitled to be able to swear off their contracts.
Public service announcement to the urban university retards in this thread... Maybe take a look at the product before you buy it.
>The student debts are backed by the gov
You mean it's backed by my taxes and everyone that took out a $70,000 loan for their masters in menstrual art is basically stealing that much in my paid taxes.
Buisness put food on many tables, "Gender Studies" on none.
These people have utilized a service. Good and services cost money, it's the cornerstone of any economy. That is to say, when you consume a good or service, you need to pay for it. This is probably something they could have figured out in their university days.
The sec of treasury during Regan said any debt of the us can be paid off. Nothing of inflation was spoken upon. That's why the dollar doesn't go as far.
Very strong possibility you're going to get shot some day.
>preparing to screw lenders
kek, leave it to Ben to think of the *real* victims.
you can't make this shit up.
>the jew defending banks and predatory lending
The point is letting LESS people in to fucking colleges!
A boomer jew, the worst of all cancers. Cleans it with fire.
lol, no it won't.
I'm not advocating for student debt forgiveness specifically. That's a more difficult question, like whether the people who took out bad mortgage loans or the people who went around trying to sell bad mortgage loans should bear the blame.
What I'm saying is that the standard is for the government to step in and figure out how to distribute the assets. We have bankruptcy laws. And we have other laws that can send predatory lenders to prison. We even have laws that would call for execution of some people for treason.
I read it, its a conspiracy theory, stop being retarded
>tfw you had your student debt forgiven years ago by writing to the Inspector General @ the DoE and claiming you were defrauded your entire life and essentially brainwashed by the government from birth to go into debt you could never repay.
>if we cancel the debt, Jews will lose all their power and money.
I'm not seeing the downside.
End predatory lending and FOR profit colleges.
Gibs niggers everywhere rejoice
The degrees arent worth anything. Thats why graduates cant pay back
So Jow Forums is against personal responsibility now? If you agree to something you are bound to honor that agreement. Only niggers whine about it after the fact and try to avoid personal responsibility.
If Chase bank is anything to go by, they will cancel/ban your account, but you are expected to keep paying off any loans/debts you have.
it worked for trump
>get the fed out of the loans business
When taxpayer money is involved, everything gets more expensive.
>Feds: here's a $6,000 pell (((grant))) user, use it towards your underwater 15th century congolese poetry degree
>School: Welp, we've got to raise tuition by $6,000 this year to help cover additional administrative costs
Do this with healthcare, welfare, etc., and the result is the same.
My only responsibility is to my people, not kike bankers. Fuck off Moshe
Dat get.
I say we try it.
How was money lending conducted in christian kingdoms from 300ad-1500ad you fucking idiot?
fuck students
Nice reading comprehension, nigger.
That has fuckall to do with what I said.
kys faggot
>The student debts are backed by the gov so it will pay.
That's the main problem. Student there absolutely no reason why it should be backed by the government. If a borrowers falls to pay, it should be only the lender's problem.
What they need to do is create barriers to entry for university programs like they used to in the old days so every retard with a pulse doesn't flood the system and balloon the system. The majority of the people I know that have attended college or university are dumb as shit and have not found employment afterward. The only people I know who are successful went into STEM and they are the minority, by a long shot. They're actually smart.
The problem is that anyone that passes a highschool equivalency exam, because you don't even need to have graduated highschool or obtain a GED anymore, can attend a college or university for any stupid fucking things and, of course, receive a generous financing plan to cover the costs.
If they stop letting retards in, the system would reform itself.
The idea that you don't have to pay what you owe is truly a millenial idea. Complete disregard for personal responsibility and ABSOLUTELY DEGENERATE. I don't think pocahontas thought this through.
College starting to mean nothing.
WTF do you know about it, northlander?
>You mean taxpayers.
Right. It's a fair investment if you understand economics. Taxes are all about skimming a little off the top for desired outcomes and taking too much to slow/stop outcomes we don't want. right now China is graduating more engineers alone than all the college graduates in all fields in the US combined.
We desperately need more college graduates to compete. The rest of the world, with their free or subsidized universities, have highly efficient economies and the best GDPs. They can afford subsidized health care because they have a sufficient number of their own citizens graduating as doctors and nurses from medical school. They can afford good roads, bridges, airports, harbors because they have a sufficient number of engineers and architects graduating. We brain drain ours from India, Pakistan, Brazil and Russia but that comes at an opportunity cost of a US graduate.
The production possibilities curve shifts to the right when more people are educated in a country. They are capable of earning more, so the country is capable of producing more.
Instead of having subsidized undergraduate degrees like other countries (a sound investment in the economy), we're doing it on the tail end with billions of dollars in fees and interest tacked on. Not quite as good, we joined the party late with a substantial penalty, but OK, we're on the right track again.
tl;dr We have too many guns, not enough butter.
>t. a faggot who was too stupid to go to college.
Other such things you mean niggers right?
I think thats a pretty reasonable suggestion. Universities are corporations who do it for profit, the government loans (in addition to all the government grants) feed the beast, and they should be investigated by Congress and have their tax-free status revoked if they are not acting in the public interest.
all his campaign promises about giving people jobs and fighting chinese factories
Chase pissed me off with some fees they never disclosed and they refused to allow me to speak to legal to try to remedy the issue so I just called them a bunch of criminal Jews and defaulted on about $20k. Fuck those kikes.
>this dense of a faggot
"Predatory lending" for school loans? You realize the federal government is the biggest lender for tuition, right? You do realize that all this bombast about TRILLIONS in school debt is actually about $7,500/per student average? Auto loan debt is much more of a problem... are they going to pay off your '95 corolla, Jamal?
neck yourself.
>don't but what you can pay
>be told all you life of you buy this it will not only pay for utself, you'll man a ton of money off it.
They were fucking scammed their entire lives, tricked into this. Why punish the innocent, and allow the guilty to profit? No. Gas the jews, fuck the banks, and punish the guilty.
When you live under a system of fraud you dont owe anyone a goddamn thing.
Probably some of it would go to niggers, but it's really only for people who work. I'm not taking about handing out free gibs. I'm talking about paying for jobs that need to be done.
stupid fucking kike
True, he promised a free wall and free trade war, also you have AIDS and are a faggot.
>campaign promises about giving people jobs
>lowest unemployment in decades
>booming economy
>lower taxes
Nothing "free" about any of that. It's policy that benefits those who put forth effort. You and your gibs nigger cohorts can starve for all I care.
It's very simple:
DONT *clap* TAKE *clap* MONEY *clap* IF *clap* YOU *clap* CANT *clap* PAY *clap* IT *clap* BACK *clap* YOU *clap* FUCKING *clap* CHILDREN
>heres how some of the most kiked bullshit works, and if you stop it, oy vey!
Such a practice should never have been allowed.
were not collectivizing your debt you fucking nigger, jesus christtttt
>ruin my credit and 7-10 years of financial progress in life cuz fuck them
kek. Have fun paying that $20k back via higher interest rates on everything, dipshit.
You need to start making better decisions, big guy.
>compares educational loans to auto loans
Nigger confirmed.
I had student loans that I decided to never pay a penny on. After a decade of not paying they closed the account and forgave my debt.
>Durr uhhhh FRAUD!!!
Not gonna work, kid. Time to grow up.
went onto the q boomer boards to argue about this. they are so opposed to any holding the lenders accountable for student debt its literally making me want to vote democrat just to spite their selfish asses