They are right you know.
They are right you know
I always knew it would be a cripple or a woman who would kill him.
Who cares about your fucking game of soi, go suck a dwarf dick you ninny
Check out this racist
women can't differentiate between good writing and political pandering.
I love how they used they same faggot knife drop move that Rey used in that shit tier fight against Snokes guards.... lel
Why are you so upset at me, as a canadian cuck you should be upset at the racists.
uh its the 10 million memorial day you bigot dont post that awful show here ! !
the story got shitty and i stopped watching.
By "shitty" you mean less racist and misogynistic?
This is most likely bait but the episode was shitty regardless of anything
youre so unlikable. when hating white men stops being trendy, youll sink into obscurity alone and sad
Why would i be alone? White straight men will be a minority in a couple of years.
It`s just shitty american tv show you know.
Here's the kino ending some memers from /tv/ made it
still made more sense that what we got
No one gives a fuck about your shitty tv show dude. Stop trying to create fake outrage, faggot.
I didn't know there were white supremacists in mexico.
Kys for watching prime time normievision
fuckig sjw writers ruined what could have been the best episode by giving Arya that kill
Fuck off with your shitty TV shows you fat faggots.
>do men hate our “stronk wahmen” characters not because they’re women, but because they’re poorly written power fantasies and political pandering?
>naw they just sexist
The ending of the Night King can't be more disappointing or mindless... The entire tv show is dead to me at this point... I will wait for the books to come out, you can clearly see its not the same story as the one written originally.
>Because Of Couse
I just love this new age of "journalists" being snarky, passive aggressive cunts
It sucked once they ran out of book material to go off of
The Knight King was supposed to be defeated by the "Prince that was promised" or Azor Ahai. That episode was blatant normie fan service and pandering to show fags. The story is completely different to the books. I hope to live to see another TV series made that adheres to the books.
Game of Thrones is set in the far future. Humanity arrived on the GOT planet, but suffered from a terrible war or cataclysm that caused them to regress culturally and technologically.
The Lord of Light is an AI living on board the derelict ruins of the colony ship. You can see it floating above the planet in the intro. The intro is an allegorical retelling of how it created colony structures on the planet before sending the colonists down to the planet. This is why there are such massive superstructures, an ice wall, and fortresses carved into mountains even though it makes no sense that they were built using medieval construction techniques.
The Lord of Light can use some of the old technology to do things like re-animate recently killed people, and create fires when given the proper input. The human inhabitants of the planet have long forgotten how these words translate into input commands for the ship’s AI, and to them it just seems like mystical gibberish.
The Night King uses nanotechnology to become immortal and reanimate dead tissue. Dragon glass and Valyrian steel contain the counter-nanites that cause the dispersal of the original nano colony. This is why the reanimated bodies simply collapse and why the White Walkers disintegrate when touched by them.
Dragons are the product of genetic engineering and terraforming. They were a part of the original artificial biosphere of the planet put in place as an apex predator to set up a stable ecosystem.
Arya and the Faceless Men use optical camouflage woven into the fibers of a flexible, ultralight material originally used to adaptively reflect light from space suits.
whoever wrote that needs to throw their tv in the trash and go roll around in mud outside or something.
I'm not pissed that she was the hero.
I'm pissed that they reduced the biggest threat in A Song of Ice and Fire; a 8000 years old menace that had forced the First Men, the Children of the Forest and the Giants to ally to stop; into something that not only can be stopped with a knife thrust but also something that was fixed in one night and something that they had to get over in order to face "the true threat". And alcoholic 40's something woman with 20000 men.
Furthermore, I am pissed that they ignored every arc established including, but not limited to, the question of who was The Prince That Was Promised.
It's called "A Song of Ice and Fire" not "A Song of Thrones.
>Internet men
Stopped reading there.
The show went to shit after they killed of Stannis.
The reason why he had to die, was because the producers hated him. Literally.
Meanwhile in the books he is still alive and the best contender of winning the Thronebowl.
The only guy who listens to reason, also has fire vision. Also suffers from autism, which makes him the least liked character in universe but that doesn't stop him from being awesome. Literally /ourguy/
rare flag
I knew the anime ninja would be the insidious killer of the pure white snow elves. What bothers me is HOW she did it. Literal fucking teleport.
Couldn't the useless-as-fuck cripple crow at least summon a cloud of ravens so the anime ninja could sneak that shit?
No? He's just not gonna do anything. Except sending dickless to his death knowing the ninja was on her way (not that I blame cripple crow, the dickless fuck was traitor that caused the death of bunch of northerners).
Cripple crow could have just hidden a crossbow under his dress and shot the pure white elf in the dick.
Talking about elfs and dicks.
Why the everloving fuck did all of the other snow elves fucking shatter when gay king did? Why the hell was he on the frontline if he was so god damn brittle.
Fucking elves man. They only rape, kidnap children and hinder road construction. Fuck 'em, they can stay in their god damn rocks.
Fucking thronies
Hey fbi
>Internet men
What is this shit
Game of thrones was absolute shit
>I will wait for the books to come out
>be NK
>mind control every soldier in your army
>break siege of wonderment
>find your prize
>mary sue somehow manages to slip past your army (which you control)
>mary sue jumps at you
>predict and choke hold her
>mary sue pulls the auld switcharoo
old a retard wouldn't be mad
god I fucking hate all of you nerds so fucking much
Kek all those verified faggots going after eachother is hilarious
You can tell when any series eclipses the source material.
The show went to absolute shit the moment they were out of content from the books
>I just love this new age of "propagandists" being snarky, passive aggressive cunts
Because they are all butthurt feminists beating their echo chamber drums to drown out legit criticism. see
>someone said something, we think
it's also hilarious watching all you cucks so obsessed with twitter while you probably don't even have an account.
To be fair, had John Snow or even dragonthot killed the Night King, it would have been even more bland, boring, and predictable. Jorah, Davos, Tyrion, the Hound, none of them really fit the bill for the person to kill the icyboi. Maybe Jorah or Theon, but they've both already had their redemption arc. Sansa is useless in combat, Big-boned Brianne would have been way too obviously a "women stronk" choice, and I can't think of any other women present. They literally wrote themselves into a corner, it had to be Arya. At least they gave her the justification by building her up for a couple seasons as a skilled fighter.
There was a shitload of "muh stronk wymyn" in the recent episodes. Arya killing the night king is the last thing that ought to be complained about
Sounds more like Gene Wolfe than GRRM.
The whole "female badass" shit has to stop
>couple of years
Imagine actually believing this
The battle of the Nations has begun! I am sure this time the Russian team will win again! And even the American "captain Appeal" will not be able to prevent it! Europeans eat too little porridge!
Back on rebbit
Literally just write a good female character that’s a badass. All the modern “stronk women” are paper-thin power fantasies that are more concerned with virtue signaling than writing a compelling character in an interesting story.
Female badasses that are well-written have been done before
>Sarah Conner, Ellen Ripley, OT Princess Leia
They could of atleast had John fight him and get rekt first.
>Holocaust was white genocide.png
Someone tweet this shit at this kike now
If it was in the book then it shouldn't have been a surprise
>care about my talmud vision show, goy
How did the book say what happened? Or was this the creative raping of the story?
A the risk of sounding like a canadian, I'd rather fuck a pug over that ugly brit
Nah that would have been worse. It would have been an egregious "lol step aside silly man let a real WOMAN take care of this" moment. Let Arya have the ice twink. John was off fighting a rampaging zombie dragon like a real man.
The show is ahead of the books. They ran out of book in season 4 and just winged it
The night walkers were mysterious and everyone wanted to know more about them. That is what hooked people from the very first episode.
Instead they devolved into generic bad guys who are bad for the sake of being bad.
Arya had her few weeks worth of a training montage which was one of the dumbest and most annoying arcs of the show and that means she is now the best fighter in the whole universe.
The show is just tired lazy (((Hollywood))) tropes now.
>Sarah Conner, Ellen Ripley, OT Princess Leia
Impossible nowadays. See Galbrush paradox
They are not allowed to have weaknesses.
Anybody that really cares about that sword and sorcery soap opera isn’t worth listening to.
>Some ((("""Men""")))
I stopped caring about WoT after the He-Bitch killed Stannis the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
The only problem I had with it was they practically telegraphed what was going to happen 30 minutes before it did with that stupid cryptic scene with the red witch. But whatever
>because of course
Wtf kind of syntax is that?
Hes not the rightful heir. John Snow is the grandchild of the mad king making him the rightful heir
They felt sorry for her english genes kicking in, so they made her the hero.
Robert kills Rheagar Robert becomes King Robert dies..all his Children are bastards thus making Stannis heir to the throne.
He's never going to finish the books
Deus vult
writing has been shit for awhile
in the beginning it was great, major characters dying unexpectedly was a breath of fresh air. but at some point things changed and multiple characters had massive plot armor
>saved numerous times from certain death deux ex machina style
>literally resurrected from the dead
>saved deus ex machina style at least twice by the dragons randomly showing up
>organs stabbed into stir fry, dumped in murky water, somehow survives and is back to normal in no time while hound is dying from a small infected wound
they should have taken it easy on the theatrics like that
the Hound should have been forced by cirmcumstances to face and kill the night king alone, that would throw everyone off
but then i haven't watched since season 4 because it's fucking trash
The hounds real purpose will be to skull fuck the queens dead son in front of her causing a heart attack leaving the throne open for the true king, the dwarf
Seriously watch them make the dwarf king somehow
aftermath: the Hound dies alone and freezing and nobody ever learns of the fight
Quasimodo is a boy.
>No foreshadowing.
>Not a logical part of her character arc.
>She teleports into the middle of an entire army.
>Jumps thirty feet through the air like a bullfrog.
>Stabs the big bad once in the stomach and he explodes.
>This is supposed to be a gritty and real fantasy setting.
Yeah, clearly no one could object to that hack paint by numbers cliche' Hollywood writing on any grounds other than that they hate women.
> arya had time to cut off a white walkers face
This season is total garbage.
no. arya killing the night king completely disregards the prophecies.
the jewish writers did it for no other reason than to play fan service and to subvert expectations
But didn't you see that zombie bear? Wasnt that cool and worth half their budget?
Who the fuck cares about who killed him? I’m more concerned on how fast they killed him. 7 seasons of hyping this fucker up and he dies in a stupid manner.
they miscast the character is the problem. the actress is shit and could never play an assassin.
she's physically weak, just rewatch the sparring session with brianne. wow was that bad.
then her temperament was all over the place. she couldnt play the hard ass if she tried and im not convinced she did try because she knew ahead of time she was going to kill the night king which would totally make her awesome
and then she gets caught by the night king and nothing happens to her. if she had her neck crushed at the same time as she killed him that wouldve made things way better but they already used that on the girl who got playdoughed by the giant
the new seasons have been nothing but fan fiction written by retards for "twitter slay queen" retards
It's not a bad move, just unoriginal af at this point. Been done in movie fight after movie fight.
Knowing (((Hollywood))) they ripped it off from Wu Jing in his fight against Donnie Yen in 'Kill Zone'
Go to 2:14
Completely fabricated story by the enemy. Why would they do that?
True! At the moment Russia takes the 1st place in the Final 5 on 5 (club Boyard). For the second place the team of England fights with one more Russian team.
Flag saved
>The night walkers were mysterious and everyone wanted to know more about them. That is what hooked people from the very first episode.
I liked that D&D decided to throw a big fuck you out there by showing dragonfire doing nothing to the NK for literally no reason.
>Some men
>Posts 1 kike tweet
Looks like they are pretending this is an issue because in reality the goyim didn't give a flying fuck what you do with your talmudavision puppet show