I have cancer and it’s terminal ama

I have cancer and it’s terminal ama

Chemo and any other solutions are not an option for me right now.

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That's rough OP, look into extended water fasting. Might not work but it could.

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Time left?

I'm so sorry about that :( i have heard that alkaline water could help ? have you tried anything alternative ? How old are you ? And what kind of cancer is it man ?

Have you tried essential oils, hun?

research that mexican doctor curing cancer, there's plenty of success stories

alternatively, go wild on drugs, pussy and general hedonism

There really are no words to help.

Unplug. Go spend what you have left with loved ones.

my mom died by colon cancer, there's nothing you can do sadly but at least tell your love ones what you feel, don't leave nothing in the middle of something, may be you can do something for someone or for you and try to all that things you couldn't do before, i hope you find peace

Theres a wikihow on how to accept death
try keeping positivity, one of the most dreadfull sicknesses is having depression, everythings impossible, and you get sicknesses easyly.
Try being as positive as you can, ive heard of people who can overcome anything with positivity.

inferior white genetics filtering themselves out I see. natural selection at work

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HHhH UK cancer patients

what's your ethnicity?

What about neoplastine therapy?

>alternatively, go wild on drugs, pussy and general hedonism
This OP. Take out massive loans and go buck wild. Travel, drugs, Bangkok and fugg ladybois, etc

im black

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bad post

I think you'd relate to the song "You Gotta Die Sometime" from the Broadway Falsettos (2016). I'm sorry that you have to go through this and I hope your death is peaceful if you're truly headed in that direction

Why do you speak English?

My best to you user

Get a medical card and be lit as fuck all day.

Buy a sick car.