Remedies for insomnia?

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Weed, work off excess energy during the day, non caffeine tea, Melatonin but try small dose first and ither than that stop being gay.

Turn off all electronic devices an hour before going to bed for starters.

I'm straight, how does that actually helps me getting to sleep? Lol, you even suggested "non caffeine tea", aka the gayest drink on earth after cum..

Ah... one hour... Too bad that sometimes I spend 4 or 5 hours in bed with no electronic devices before managing to close my eyes and sleep.

You could try low-dose melatonin [0.5mg - 1mg] an hour or two before an optimal bedtime (take between 9-10pm).

First thing in the morning, you could use a 10,000 lux lightbox to help anchor a circadian rhythm. Most places recommended shining it at a side-angle to your face for 30-60 minutes.

Blue-light and artifical lighting should be reduced or eliminated an hour or two before bed. There is a program for computers known as F.Lux which does the job well, though phones and Windows 10 have a built-in night feature now.

Exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality so long as it isn't done in the evening. Avoid eating directly before bedtime.

Treat any conditions which can cause issues. For instance, if you also have things like GERD (Acid Reflux) you can take Nexium or Pepcid over-the-counter to prevent that from interrupting sleep.

Because I used to not sleep for 2 to 3 days at a time and those are things that helped me, now i can stay asleep for 3 to 4 hours at a time.

Yes 1 hour before you go to bed. Think of it like unwinding. If you unwind properly then you will sleep but if you go to bed and are still wound up then you will stay wound up.

t. person who’s never suffered from insomnia and has pretty much always been able to fall asleep in 15 minutes

I take it you’ve never had a night where you’ve laid in bed for 8 hours laying completely still without falling asleep only to have to get up and go to work after not sleeping for 24 hours then getting back home feeling exhausted yet still not able to get any sleep before 2am.

I have you dumb nigger. I am telling you what works for me. Like I said you have to unwind. Laying still is not unwinding. You have to spend an hour with no electronics doing shit BEFORE you go to bed. Sometimes I will read but most times I do some light housework. And if I go to bed but still can't get to sleep then I get back up and do more shit for another 15-20 minutes then go back to bed.

You keep saying unwind like that is supposed to mean something that anyone aside for you understands.
Also, I don’t see how there’s any difference between using electronics before laying in bed for an hour versus sitting in a chair next to bed for one hour after using an electronic before getting into bed.

Also maybe try a ZMA supplement.

I said you have to do things during that one hour not just sit there. When you use electronic devices you are in a certain mental state. Look up any of the millions of studies on how electronic devices mentally affect you for more information. If you are in that state and you go to bed you stay in that state. By taking that hour with no electronics you alter your mental state to one where you can get to sleep easier.

Hence the unwind metaphor which I am sure 80% of people would be able to understand what I meant.

Cannabis tincture.

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valerian root
chamomile tea
cannabis indica
cbd isolate or something that contains it

My psychiatrist gave me 10mg of melatonin, 2 to 6 pills of theralene wich doesn't work on me or 5mg of zyprexa wich pretty much makes me sleep for 13 hours

Loads of alcohol and pot.

It seems obvious because it is obvious.

This. Some wine won't make any bad.

Short you’re sleep i sleep 6 hours per night as soon as my head hits the pillow I’m fucking out

Just die.Kek.

T. Didn’t have insomnia from 15 to the time he was 25