How do I convince my gf to let her hair grow longer? She looks like a dyke

How do I convince my gf to let her hair grow longer? She looks like a dyke.

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Tell her she looks like a dyke.


Tell her that you like long hair and ask if she will grow it out for you.


>All women want to do is change you and bend you to their will
Also men
>Help me change my woman and bend her to my will

100% dykepilled

Nice refute


Your short hair makes you look like a dyke.


Good, means no dudes will hit on me aside from my bf.

Your vibrator isn't a real bf.

What a boring, uninspired response

Thou doth protest too much methinks

You're not even using that quote correctly, I didn't make a denial I critiqued your approach.

This is the only good reply. But make sure you tell her you like her short hair too, so she doesn't feel you're not into her anymore. Suggest she should try it and see how she feels about it, when its longer.

This is about hair style. Not somebody forcing their SO to make irreversible or big life decisions that they're not sure want to make. Enjoy your empowerment.

So if you'd had a buzzcut all your life and your chick decided that short hair didn't suit you and that she wanted you with longer hair, that wouldn't generate complaints of your woman trying to change you? Yes, okay, I'm sure.


>not wanting to rail a tomboy dyke
shit taste m8

Would you be willing to change something about your appearance in return?
If so, the other anons provided good advice.
If not, you shouldn't try to change her in that regard- not just because it's a bit immoral, but also because it'll get held against you one way or the other.