Get It Off Your Chest

I'm not scared of you. Come at me evil. I will end you right here and now.

I will tell you right now, this shit runs deeper than anything you could even imagine. No-one fucks with my sister with dying a horrible death at my hands. Look we don't get along but there's some shit that is just unbreakable, her boyfriend doesn't understand the bond we share. I could go fifty years without seeing her and it would be like a single second has passed. Me and her have the deepest bond of anyone in this universe and if you were to fuck with that I would do whatever it takes to make you live through some serious horror. And I am fucking out of my mind. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE MAGNITUDE OF THE INSANITY I LIVE. I'm fucking nuts and my sister is the only thing I care about. You could kill my parents right in front of me. I would not give a shit. Because if you fucked with my sister, her boyfriend would body your weak ass and then I would literally dissect you. I've seen enough gore to make Dahmer throw up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I had no idea I was such a charity case. Maybe some of the even worse stuff is true too

black people same shit
looky here, my sis's bf is one of those huge white-niggers everyone hates

you african-fags are not as oppressed or as strong and I am sick in the head so us combined would kill any of you
I've listened to rap music
you cannot fuck with us without dying
even you, kim kardasian

Alright let;s be real my sis's bf is a big wussy white boy
he's good in a fight but real cold blooded shit should be left to me
yeah stfu if you feel some kinda way
you're too young to be frustrated, I've lived through some asshole adult shit
they fucking hate you uif you got anything at all
DUMB. ASS. crackas,

Faggots that are scared to show their faces are the fucking worse. They try to act tough but in reality their some of the biggest bitches ever.

God forbid they're confronted by somebody, caught out in the open, and they turn into the biggest pussies you'd ever imagine. Their hands are child-sized and they don't even know how to use them. They get scared when confronted by black people because blacks can see the pussy inside them from across the room.

They can't hold down a woman because they're generally disgusting, just like the father who abandoned them. They're the type to stab you in the back for a shekel then brag about it, all the while nobody respects them from the start.

They stress out about their appearance because they're actually homosexual. Their sexual-attraction to women is driven not by the woman herself but by the jealousy driving them to keep women they know they can't properly pleasure away from real men.

Usually, they pretend to white-knight but are actually the biggest fucking faggots you'd ever imagine. Their facial features are usually smushed together with curled ears and with generally baby-like body features. Most are mormons, though some are jews and catholics.

Again, they're usually mormons, wear glasses and speak through their nasal, creating an unpleasant experiences for anybody who comes in contact with them.

Once again, they're not attracted to women, but attracted to the thought of "getting back-at" superior males by using whatever means of deceit necessary to enact their petty "revenge." Again... mormons mostly, with some jews and catholics.

You don't know them... but guaranteed these cocksuckers know who you are because your life is so much better than them.

This is not LARP and this isn't projection either. Some mormon cocksucker named Dylan has been riding by dick for ages because I guess he has some disgusting obsession with me.

Today is the first day after 6 years that I chose to not smoke weed.

I’m afraid.
I only smoke to avoid dreaming . At my current age, The side effects of abusing this shit are about on par with the benefits so I had to try and quit.

The crowded foggy feeling in my head has disappeared. When that goes away I know the dreams are primed and waiting to fuck me up.

Excessive deaths while dreaming has done a lot of damage to my mind. It feels real. When I die within a dream I feel like I’m waking up to another dream except my other 3 senses work here.

I’m definitely not afraid of dying anymore. Some part of my mind thinks I’ll wake into another dream. I’m only afraid of the feeling that follows dying. I have no control over what ever THAT feeling is and it does not feel like a usual emotional response to death or a nightmare. It just happens and I accept it..

The nightmare is the same every time. I know how it ends and I actually like the setting. I just can’t stop it or the feeling that follows

fuck men up the ass
fuck men up the asshole
it doesn't matter
I thought I was gay for a long time
I'm not fucking gay and if a gay person touches me, someone is going to die: me or him

I will kill you if you make me uncomfortable,
strength doesn't matter underwater blackboi.



For the first time ever, i met up with a I've been flirting with on IG, she was really cute but was ten cms taller than me (im 5'6) i let her know my height before meeting so it shouldn't have been a shock. As soon as we met it had seemed like her smile flipped into sadness, she wouldn't talk to me almost and wouldn't look me in the eyes, it's been two days since and she it appears she ghosted me. I feel really bad. I don't think anyone would ever find me desireable

look, the next time a white person even thinks about my sister in a way I disagree with, I will kill a LOT OF WHITE PEOPLE
with my bare hands,

just fucking try me you cowards

I hate white people and I will not defend myself
It's up to the judge

Look you are cowards, because ANY male man at prepubescent age would give their lives up,

You don't harness your wisdom and learn from your mistakes, LIKE ASIANS, WHITE PEOPLE USE IGNORANCE TO THEIR ADVANTAGE.


It's possible I was taken to a cocaine fueled sex party when I was eight

i love you lain, i really hope my life turns out great and that i can get my crap together and help the people in this world in the right way and that i can stop being so jaded and self centered and have a beautiful relationship or be best friends with a guy and have tons of fun and just live life to the fullest and i hope my mom will have a beautiful and long life ahead of her too cus her entire life has been crap for the most part, i just pray everything gets better when we move woosh :\

>boyfriend has best friend who is girl
>she always makes him gifts like drawings and animations of him
>he shows me them
>i get sad because i'm horrible at art and at everything so what do i make him? :(
>i wish i wasn't a loser and could make my boyfriend happy, i wish we could talk and joke around like he and his bff do.
what do i do lain :/ i wish you could direct me

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He is together with you, isn't he?
So you are doing at least something right. Don't try to be like any other person.
We humans need different kinds of people in our life.
We are friends with some because they lightheartedly joke with us.
We are friends with some because they offer us valuable advice.
We are friends with some because we love a specific character trait.
You are making him happy, in your own way.
And just imagine every friend of his would draw him stuff. I'd get annoyed by day 2.

thank you so much, you're a sweetheart and made my night. that makes me feel a lot better

FUCK AaaaaaaaAaAa


I'm developing a crush on a coworker and I really wish I weren't. I don't really know anything about her aside from her name, the fact that visually she's my type (short and has glasses), and that she has an adorable voice. We only end up working together sometimes (we work at FedEx Ground loading/unloading trailers and whatnot), but when we do I clam up and I'm fairly certain the last time we ended up in the same trailer my legs were shaky, though who knows if it was noticeable.

I'm really apprehensive about relationships in the workplace to begin with, and I don't even really know if she's single, but I still can't help but think about her more than I should.

Aw, that's super sweet. I think you should pursue a friendship with her, nothing romantic yet and get to know her and see if it's worth risking. If things work out and you'd like to take it to the next step, think about if it's worth risking a workplace relationship and what the pros and cons may be of it. I personally think it'd be fine! Best of luck to you.

I'm busy enough stopping myself from killing myself.
Stop asking me to improve myself.
I'm barely hanging up here!!
Fuck OFF

I'm not the best conversationalist, so I'm not sure how I'd make my intentions known without being too upfront about it, but I appreciate your advice.


This summer's been incredible. I've made so many gains mentally and physically, my headspace is the best it's been in my life, I'm looking at advancement in my career very soon. But every now and then I still wake up in the morning or lay down at night and feel like utter shit.

The reason is I still haven't had the chance to see my gf in person. We've both been busy at just the right times to never even be in the same state. I want to see her and talk to her face-to-face about all the great things we've accomplished in the past several months. I want to *kiss* her, not just a couple pecks saying goodbye, I want to make out like we're horny college students. I want to take my time and fuck her the way we haven't had the time to do it for the past year.

I'm so painfully ready to show her all the ways I've improved, but we're still at this distance and it tears at me sometimes. Some days I feel like I'm going to burst if she doesn't walk through the door, but then of course she doesn't and I stay longing for an hour or more until I finally distract myself and get back to my usual self.

Thank god for anonymous venting spaces like GIOYC. I think just writing out these sentiments has made me less likely to spill my spaghetti or otherwise explode before we finally meet again.

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Lately, before I go to sleep, I think about getting a phone call from your pops that you're dead and that I should make arrangements to go to the funeral. Or that you suddenly appear and kill my whole family, but somehow get the gun from you and shoot you dead.
At first, it was a comforting way of not being so scared/anxious that I couldn't sleep. Not I realize I'm dumb and letting you continue to live in my head rent-free.

>you suddenly appear and kill my whole family
why your dreams gotta ruin all my plans like that
*tucks gun away*

>Get It Off Your Chest
The legacy of orange faggot will be that he opened up Jow Forums to shitlib normies and newniggers telling me to have sex.

"have sex" posting did not exist in 2015 or even 2016. Now it's on all boards.

I remember getting excited when the convoluted infographic with circumstantial evidence that the musician girl I never listen to (Taylor shitlib Swift) browses Jow Forums, got me MAD EXCITED.

I remember squealing in spergy ecstasy when pic related was posted, but now William Shatner can openly admit he browses Jow Forums and Elon Musk or John McAffee weebposting is just annoying.

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It only annoys me because I am doing my best to have sex, but at least it's attainable, I hope. A new one is "gain height," which is impossible.
What I really hated was losing Pepe posting but we gained Apu, but at the same time all frogs are now racist so I can't post them outside the site.

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Been fighting depression a long time now. At the point where its so bad that the Army is discharging me because of it. My parents have pushed for me to enlist my whole life and to put it simply they're pretty unhappy with hearing this, and are extremely disappointed in me, think I'm weak. Always telling me how easy life is/was for them, so it should be for me too. Depression caused lots of emotional instability. Went on antidepressants, felt like a zombie, lack of emotion and compassion caused the woman I loved dearly to leave me last week. We were thinking of getting engaged after I was out of the military. Went home to see friends over summer leave, none of them wanted to see me, nobody replied to me. Made me realize I have no friends, either.

Came off the antidepressants as she left me, and as my family stopped supporting me, and as I realized I have no friends. I have no support, sit in total isolation every day, shove ear plugs in my ears for complete silence 24/7, just me and my thoughts in my head.

Parents coming to visit me next month. After they leave, I think I'm going to buy a .45ACP handgun, and blow my brains out in my car some place nice and in nature at sunset, since I love wildlife, and all animals. If I do this, military life insurance will pay out ~$400,000 ($200,000 each) to my parents. Will take the remaining $20,000 I have saved up, donate a lot to charity, will give ~50% to my now ex girlfriend as a last gift, since she really struggles with her student debt. I don't want to die but I want this to stop, and I want the last thing(s) I do on this earth to be helping out others, even if they don't want me in their lives anymore. Maybe somebody will learn to live a better life as a result of my suicide

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Its an overnight job so personally I'm asleep most of the day during the week, I'd imagine it's the same with her. You're right though, I should at least try instead of wondering what could be.

I’m so stupid. I’m pretty sure depression for me is getting worse. I realized I don’t know shit about the things I was passionate about years ago. I use to have the motivation to program and study but after my ex starting getting abusive I dropped my aspirations and goals. All I do is cry when someone gets upset (even if it’s not towards me) and I freak them out. I think I have ptsd and I’m too scared to socialize with anyone. I wanna quit my job so bad and be a NEET. I wanna hide from the world. I was cheated on by some trannies online and now I can’t get wet or have sex anymore. It just makes me depressed. I can’t look at myself in the mirror. I’m a pathetic girl. I’d end it if i didn’t have siblings

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>All I do is cry when someone gets upset
Probably have repressed memories fren

Why am I feeling like this? I should be happy, and yet here I am, feeling as blue as I can

Cause you ain't got nobody, to listen.

Lately a lot of things you say have hurt me even though they weren't insults in the slightest. I'm just disappointed in a lot of what you say and how it never really changes or meets my needs. I'm started to dread talking to you because I don't even really care anymore.

I want to know why those shitty satellite beach cops asked me if I had feelings for my teacher after they got me to confess that I looked up how to commit suicide and after I said yes, then they said they had to bakeract me. I want to know why I was being harassed at my work place before I had to talk to those shitty cops.

Mind you, my parents called them at long doggers cause I didn't feel comfortable around them. I didn't want to go back home in the car with them. They kept mentioning giving me pills and I got scared. Then right at the end the cops asked if I contacted my teacher about mental health. How and why did they know that from an unrelated call?

Im not giving this up till I get answers Novatnak!

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I once was that sort of sister, and now I'm nothing anymore. May what I have been rest in peace.

Show up to the workplace of a relative you're on good therms with and dab on them or feed the homeless some chipotle

>implying you haven't ever felt the need to puke out whatever nonsense you've had simmering in your chest

I'm not actually racist. I never went through any real shit. But my sister has and that's fucking crazy. My sister dealt with literal racism. I did get "bullied" though. But I was in Tae Kwon Do from a young age so I would fucking hit back and I hit back hard. Those fucking faggots would try to fuck fuck with me always ended up crying and I always got in trouble. If anyone was racist to me when I would younger I would not think twice about killing them. I was raised in fucking psychotic insane type environment. My mother was fucking mental she still is. I don't give a fuck what I deserve. That shit is juts not gonna fly.

>Had e-gf years ago
>Planned to visit her, even had tickets
>Called it off because I didn’t think it would work out because of being in different continents
>Contact with her drops off. She was distraught over the whole thing and I felt terrible
>Haven’t contacted her since
>Consider her to be someone things could have worked out in in better circumstances
>Out of curiosity look her up today
>She got married a year ago
>I still haven’t been on a date with a woman

I really need that old reaction image of the guy who falls off his chair and looks to the sky like where the fuck has the time gone but I don’t have it so I’ll settle for this. What the fuck am I even doing with my life.

Bonus point: the husband kind of looks like me

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Probably, one of my ex’s was bipolar, he would get mad over a lot of little things and take it out on me. So I think that’s what gets the tears going

You're important to someone. Don't let anyone make you feel like that's not the case.

I really miss you. I'm sorry I was a jerk. 10 months later my heart still hasn't gotten any better. I sat in my car listening to Hank Williams and cried like a baby this morning. It's pathetic.

Thank you user, I will always keep that in mind. you also got trips of truth.

Please keep calm and wait for a while

I met this girl at a con a few weeks back and she lives about an hour away. I'm quite into her and she flirts back so we have been having our fun in discord dms.

The problem is she is still talking to her ex that lives across the entire country and you can hear the emotions he brings out of her are not as intense as the ones i do (naturally, it's impossible to compete with the trauma bonding / emotional investment of an ex this early on for me).

I got pretty sick of always hitting her up first so i have ignored her the last 2 days and am pretty much turning off my emotions completely. I just feel like it's pointless to continue forward when the ex is still in the picture. It's not fair to myself. I will probs just wait until she reaches out to me before talking to her again, and when she does I will just explain that i like her but will not get too emotionally involved because she is still in contact with her ex.

She accepted to go to an esports event next month I already got tickets for. I was also going up to where she lives this weekend to smoke with a friend and was going to hangout with her then but she has been ignoring me since sunday so i haven't brought it up to her yet.

As i mentioned i will just remove my emotions going forward unless things change into my favor. Even though removing emotion will lower the odds she feels something for me.

Comments/thoughts/insults about how im a beta bitch?? All accepted.

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Wait for what?

You're not beta. She obviously still has feelings for the other guy, so just let it go man. There's someone out there who will swoon for you and only you.

I had a dream last night that you took me back. I wish I didn't have to wake up from that. I'm trying to not be miserable today because of it.

I mean it *is* embarrassing how cringy I am but it's ok because it's the internet and friends and whatnot. You guys accept me for what I am. The fact of the matter is that my base level is pretty cringy and spergy.

Tfw 29 and forever alone I should just kill myself

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Just ask lots of girls out. Desperation is a powerful weapon.

27 and got a taste of love for 3 years and let it slip through my fingers like sphagetti. Still haven't recovered. She's fucking some other guy now. Heh.

>increasing depression for years
>told by SO of several years that maybe if I had a more positive outlook I wouldn't get that way

What do.

That can just get sad and there aren't many worth asking out around here.

have a more positive outlook.
Just kidding.
take meds, ditch SO. If she/he can't show empathy, or does understand your situation so little that she/he would say something like that, she/he won't be any help.

I messaged her today. Told her I wanted to talk to my best friend atleast one last time. Told her when I got off work. Now I'm just waiting for the work day to end. If she doesnt reply to that text I will call once. If there isnt an answer then I guess I'll know my answer.

You're playing yourself man. I did all this shit too. It is understandable why you feel this way, but the real results come from removing contact with toxic people.

Ok I'll admit it. This is one of those things where I'm probably very wrong. And I feel bad bad if that's the case. I know I shouldn't be ignorant or stupid but feeling some kinda way just happens. Gotta think rationally. This is why a deeper more comprehensive logic is the way to go. Common sense is not good enough.

Fuck this hits deep. I know I'm playing myself. She is a super beast cunt of a bitch. But I feel in love and I'm stuck. If anything, I just want to atleast end it on decent terms and not with us being worst enemies. I just want to say goodbye really....

My ex removed me from her life for that very reason, but the thought of her loving some other guy makes me hurt bad. Just gotta take the pain, reaping what I've sewn.

I'm doing something I shouldn't be. Wrong for so many reasons, but we both love it.

I'll never understand how people prefer sexual satisfaction over intimacy. I just don't fucking get it. The idea of someone enjoying your presence and the validation it gives is just so much sweeter than even the fluffiest of big tiddy goth gfs. I want nothing more than to drunkenly chat with someone for hours, hold them as I fall asleep, and wake up to them still there in my arms and a smile on their face. No fetish comes anywhere close to the delusional fantasy of someone who appreciates me.

I hate every woman and every man who has ever approached me on the grounds of nothing but using me as a squeeze, and I wish they get raped to death, so that the thing they love so much kills them or at least they die doing what they love. I hurt. That thing you crave, between your legs and mine. It is disgusting. Vile. Fetid. There are better things then that here.

Don't take meds if you're still in your teens having hormonal changes or if you think you can handle it it'll mess you up permanently

Try taking a multivitamin tablet depression is often due to the lack of vitamins also get sum sunlight but if it's not working after all that work definitely get on meds

Based and dare I say redpilled

Every time I try to get away, they remind me that they won't let me go. They cut my internet, they have the police follow me, they have people come to my door, helicopters track me wherever I go. They show me all the time that they own this city and will do anything to keep me in place and keep me quiet.

No one can help me.

shoot them fren

I can't tell if you're serious or not
Probably not

I am so tired of drinking water and then peeing. What's the damn point? I drink water and then I just pee it out again in like an hour. I wish my body would utilize more of this damn water it asked for rather than getting rid of 90% of it. It's too much work. Toilet paper is too expensive for this shit.

Nah I get what you're saying actual love is way better than lust that's what build relationships in the first place and make them last otherwise we'd all be raised by single mothers


I wish they just killed me.

nah but I did have a bout in the later teen years but that went away only to come back a few years later. It makes sense that it's hormone related in that case.

I think I'll go vitamins and sun route. Seems like a lot of this stuff had to do with stressful situations but also random highs and lows which could be explained by chemical imbalances. Thanks.

I love Lain

Lets all love Lain

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That's how they do it. You never would believe me though.

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Use me as a pawn. His life is more important than mine. His life means more.

Yessssss fucking looney tunes man.

So many good cartoons that nobody remembers. Like Yvonne of the Yukon, Cornelius Filmore, Sylvester and Tweety etc...

It's probably the end for me soon. Having chemicals and stimuli have such a major control over me, I can't stand it. After experimenting with myself and learning about what makes me tick, it's made me sick. We really are just machines, no soul, no personality to anyone, we're all just doing what our programming tells us to.
You can learn, better yourself and be aware of what you should avoid to stay healthy. But that isn't living to me, you're just trying to fool your own biology.
If a drug/chemical changes who you are, are you really who you think you are?
I don't want to continue knowing how fragile my perception of the world is

This isn't about childhood memories. It's sinister.

My heart really wishes I could see you again but I know reality is that you're with another SO and I'll never even hear your voice again. Fuck why does this have to hurt so bad every single day. I want to forget you but I can't. I know you've forgotten me, but I'm stuck.

Who would wish for a total control over one's self ? That's madness. This is what destroys you, the impression that you do it belong to yourself, and you blame it on chems.

Copyin my shit from another thread but :

Been fighting depression a long time now(I'm 24). At the point where its so bad that the Army is discharging me because of it. My parents have pushed for me to enlist my whole life and to put it simply they're pretty unhappy with hearing this, and are extremely disappointed in me, think I'm weak. Always telling me how easy life is/was for them, so it should be for me too. Depression caused lots of emotional instability. Went on antidepressants, felt like a zombie, lack of emotion and compassion caused the woman I loved dearly to leave me last week. We were thinking of getting engaged after I was out of the military. Went home to see friends over summer leave, none of them wanted to see me, nobody replied to me. Made me realize I have no friends, either.

Came off the antidepressants as she left me, and as my family stopped supporting me, and as I realized I have no friends. I have no support, sit in total isolation every day, shove ear plugs in my ears for complete silence 24/7, just me and my thoughts in my head.

Parents coming to visit me next month. After they leave, think I'll buy a .45ACP handgun, and blow my brains out in my car some place nice and in nature at sunset, since I love wildlife, and all animals. If I do this, military life insurance will pay out ~$400,000 ($200,000 each) to my parents. Will take the remaining $20,000 I have saved up, donate a lot to charity, will give ~50% to my now ex girlfriend as a last gift, since she really struggles with her student debt. I don't want to die but I want this to stop, and I want the last thing(s) I do on this earth to be helping out others, even if they don't want me in their lives anymore. Dont know what the fuck to do anymore and it feels like life is spiraling down, very rapidly. Dont want to die, but want this suffering to end, seems like no other options available to me

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I ruin everything good that comes into my life. Why can't I just let myself be happy for once

fuck wrong place

I smell hacker man

Follow up. She never texted back so I called. She sent me to voicemail. I think I'm gonna go grab a bottle and then idk

I think I embarrassed myself or something but I'm gonna not-worry.

STFU you filthy rat.

not necessary user

He's my husband.

This is the most difficult step to take.

I can't speak openly about my own feelings and it's driving me crazy it's as if like I'm dodging bullets which I am just imagining


Same thing man. I can't speak about anything so I just keep it inside. I hope to just end it all one day, this suffering is becoming unbearable.

It's not like that. I'm not him obviously. baka

You people are dense.

It's all my fault, he listened to me.