Getting scared yet, POL?!

getting scared yet, POL?!

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Other urls found in this thread:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

kys filthy subhuman

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>they're all anarchists
Imagine my shock

borders against feminists would be better

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Bitch on the left looks like the vampire researcher in the first Blade movie.

I can get on board with that

Imagine being so low self-esteem you are unironically making low-quality threads about feminism/lgbtbbq+ on Jow Forums

its aero and his discord.


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Oh, how surprising, white women. Very strange to see.

Why would I be scared of something I could show someone against borders and make them mentally imagine themselves stsnding with that motley crew? You think my autistic ass cares when this punches someone right in the social image they hold of themselves?^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

He has actually lots of on-the-ground footage of those subhuman mongrels.


I can't help but laugh at the statement "you're just afraid of a strong woman!" No shit I'm afraid of strong women, y'all get into power and then shit everything up.

you guys should make a law that empowers a judge to dispose retards like that into mexican gang territory. problem solved and lots of keks to be had

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yes, because these people have more influence than they should have.

That fat cunt is repulsive.

this one

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Look at those fat whales

Don't they have anything better to do? Like maybe eat a whole cow?

I'd be scared of that left one. She might eat me.

>One day in charge, one full day
Thats all it would take

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She has high DPS but is vulnerable to fat shaming spells. She needs two support classes to chant body acceptance spells loudly near her while in combat.

Based and fencepilled

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can someone educate me on something, they want islam.. but sharia law will make these femanists 3rd rate citizens and or kill them. do they know this fundermental truth? if so, why are they doing this?

That fatty on the left is pretty terrifying. We're all doomed.

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I like how her arm is too heavy for her to hold the sign up.

I’m enjoying these freak shows.

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the left are aesthetic and political terrorists and yet they have the audacity to call us 'Nazi's' or whatever meaningless buzzwords they use against user's like us.

>This isn't even my final form.
Just a nose now?

>meanwhile the average feminist reaction to even the slightest retort
yes I'm so scared bro