Facebook and Instagram has banned users deemed alt-right

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>Louis Farrakhan
They gonna get called racists.

Why only far-right, not far-left???
It seems unfair.

I'm assuming this is a rhetorical question, if not:lurk more


they run the platform

What, you want people to just accept it and go on with their day? Faggot

who owns facebook?

What's wrong, Steve?
15 minutes on this place (granted your IQ is above 70 and you don't waste your time on bait/slide threads) and you should know the answer to his question, no?

Corporate america pushes progressive extremism thats why

the fact you picked a random white name indicates you're some sort of shitskin
which makes sense given you're trying to suppress ridicule and satire and seemingly prefer quite submission to censorship

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Louis Farrakhan still has his page.

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aye hol up

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>(((privately owned))) business bans whoever they want
>this is what free market fags want

Alt-right: We can't force Christian bakeries to bake wedding cakes for fags! That's a violation of their private property rights!
Also Alt-right: I don't care if that's their private property! Twitter can't ban me from their site! That's discrimination!

Everyone hates Farrakhan though.

Farrakhan is considered far-left by some people.

I love it when "libertarians" get a sweet taste of what private property rights actually look like!

>alt right
What does this even mean anymore?

He talks shit about jews, so Farrakhan is fair game.

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Does anyone still use Fagbook?

Jews are wealthy, therefore, taking anything from them is communism! Burn in Hell commie!

So you don't see the false equivalency in your argument?

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I love how Jow Forums only lashes out at corporate America when they promote progressivism. If I were you, I'd be more worried about how they treat their employees.

Farrakhan is the only one that’s redpilled

>not acknowledging government assistance going on behind the wall

Far-right extremism is much more of an issue here.

Nobody knows anymore. Libtards have diluted it by attaching it to anyone who might have a different opinion

Yeah ... because Trump never did anything like this.

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I agree with you American libertarians are dumb as fuck, but just cause you're for free markets doesn't mean you're for this

On a lawful level either websites are liable for all content posted so the free market argument is they get to ban you because basically the FBI is literally always harassing them over some shit a member on their platform said which would be understandable were it actually true and they couldn't just leak IPs and snitch to somehow bypass this liability

OR they have the right to make money, but not ban you. As soon as they ban you they've committed harassment and assault on you and you are entitled to lawful compensation

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The so called "alt right's" viewpoints are judaized to the point that they can only use material based arguments to support their ethics.
Fags are a cancer on society, and right wing values are healthy, therefore the baker should not have to bake the cake and judaic corporations shouldnt censor morality

Forgot pic related

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American politics in general are retarded

Checked. Farrakhan is /our black muslim/

PJW begging President Trump to get involved.

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Not really

Why do leafs always play games of one upping anonymous posters as if they were a cohesive collective

>that's right wing extremism

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He needs to get involved

The term was created by Alternative Right, which was and still is a white supremacist blog.

Tim Pool was just calling a Taylor Lorenz a “good person” who acts in good faith today. Yikes

A+ on that pic.

He promised last year to do something about censorship. Since then things have gotten worse and worse. What did his meeting with Dorsey even accomplish? Hashtags about impeachment were trending for days on end.

I used your argument, not mine.
I never supported forcing that bakery to make that cake.

It is according to leftists

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PJW unironically did nothing wrong. There is no legitimate reason to ban him unless criticizing mass migration is “hate speech”

>be commies
>hate corporations
>corporations start censoring proponents of freedom of speech
>"wtf, i love corporations!"
This is how you were dumb enough to let Stalin kill millions of you.

>Implying that private tech companies would be little angels without gubmint.

>Washington Times



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Welcome to 2015 you retards. You fags have really dropped the ball.
I don't mind him or the nation of Islam.

White people trying to go to Ivy League schools which are filled with Jewish students is white supremacy, according to the ACLU. The Jewish supremacy of higher education must be preserved.

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Marxist-Leninists still hate corporations.

Jews are white, retard.

Every right wing viewpoint is hate speech on social media. The left keeps expanding the definition of hate speech so they can ban everyone they disagree with.

Because far-left advocates for friendship so hard that theyll burn down your house whereas far-right advocates hate

White ethnocide is the aim of Jewish supremacists. So whenever some white person makes other white people aware they're being intentionally destroyed via mass-immigration which is meant to destabilize their countries and marginalize their native white inhabitants, Jewish-owned media outlets and conglomerates blanket ban that person so the message doesn't get out. It's information warfare. Most white people aren't going to realize what is being done to them until they open their front door one day and are surrounded by violent brown people.

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sure they are

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>As soon as they ban you they've committed harassment and assault on you and you are entitled to lawful compensation

First feminists claim that mean internet comments are "cyberviolence" and now "libertarians" on Jow Forums claim that being banned is assault.

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Then the Holocaust was a white genocide?

Look relatively white to me

Great argument.



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Why would a heterosexual white male even care about social media in 2019? You find only human garbage there. Get away from there if you are still there.

>inb4 I'm just there to talk to family and friends
The ones who truly care about you will communicate to you via other ways.
Take it as a test: the ones who still wanna be in contact with you are worthy. Fuck the rest.

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It was a genocide of a white subgroup, just as Stalin's policies in the Baltic SSRs were.

literally oy fucking vey

because this isn't about "extremism" but simply policing people for wrong thinking

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Ashkenazi Jews are literally Levantine-European by blood

Oh ... so you admit that it's about imposing your will on other people and not really about liberty.

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>Post picture of your white baby on Facebook
>Get banned from Facebook for inciting hate
>Get labeled a white supremacist
>People start asking you how you could be so full of hate

How did we end up at this point so quickly from 2015?

>Nick "The Optics and Disavow King" Fuentes is still here, prevailing
wew lad

So what? Those sites are pure cancer


>Look relatively white to me
everything is relative

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>Headline from Washington Times (a right-wing news org) for proof
>"it is according to leftists"

Grandma, is that you, with your dumbass clickbait? Shit like this is why no one even questions the retardation on Jow Forums

Far-Left are pussies and aren't an issue.

These are Yemeni Jews, a group distinct from Ashkenazi Jews.

>Ashkenazi Jews are literally Levantine-European by blood

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>"1984ization" of the world happens


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nahh he openly names the jew so they will slander him as well and tell blacky not to be like him

I went on a rant the other day begging my family to leave Facebook. I laid out how awful it was and why they shouldn't in good conscience support such evil.
>That's nice, dear
>It doesn't affect us, why should you care?
>How else will I see my grandchildren?

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Yeah ... that is a pic of a 1950s American family. Back in those days, dad could make a ton of money because of a lack of union busting and a 90% corporate tax rate. With so much money, he could take long breaks from work and his wifey didn't have to work at all.

A lot of people would call that left-wing extremism nowadays. The men of the 1950s were "union thugs" according to modern right-wing rhetoric.


I never said I was a libertarian

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>These are Yemeni Jews, a group distinct from Ashkenazi Jews.
have you been to israel? did you saw how majority jews look like?

Most Jews in Israel are Mizrahi.

Jews are excluded from any Government discrimination. Only European peoples suffer under Affirmative Action.

Are you actually stupid? The Washington Times was highlighting the clownishness of left wing mobs demanding the aclu apologize, which they did. Are you such a newfag that you dont even remember this?

Bro, I don't know if you will understand this, but your family is dead.
They are slaves to the system and think everything is alright as things progress to get worse.

I'd reconsider spending time with them. Just do your own thing and talk to them only when needed.

The question is, how do we strike back.

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>Implying that Trump would ever go against his corporate puppeteers.
Is PJW really this naive?

Jews in the US are probably affected by some of the same issues associated with whites.

>Most Jews in Israel are Mizrahi.
so? how they look like? are they white? are they jews?

"Why do men always play games of one upping women as if they were a cohesive collective?"
- Every Feminist Ever

If mu aunts weren't such wonderful cooks I'd only visit on holidays. Boomers can't be reasoned with. They don't understand tech the way younger generations do.

Did you honestly expect a wealthy businessman to go against wealthy businessmen?