What are some good hobbies to take up to meet females?

what are some good hobbies to take up to meet females?

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Dancing. Just about any dance class is 95% female. Classes are cheap too. I have a friend thats an instructor and she charges $5 a class

Anything artistic, paint a little, play some guitar, write some poetry. Helps develop some emotional awareness.

discharge these questions

heres a better one: how neurotypical are you considering ur posting this on Jow Forums? how neurotypical are your interests? if so, brainstorm where would you find people like that where theres a at least 50% population of women

dancing, yoga, bookstores are good anwers if you're a normie, bad if you're an electrical engineer with a 'played for 10 years' world of warcraft statue on your desk

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Neuro typical scum aren't nearly as valuable as mentally ill people

what ever you say emofag 2010s edition

This is a meme, do NOT do this

stupid fucking newfag

Never use a hobby soley to pick up women, if you really want to meet a girl just go outside and into the city or local bar or something, just go outside and be you. If no one wants you then you aren't being true to yourself, I believe in you user just go out there and find love.

Dat sounds creepy user Honestly I feel like, women only care if you know how to dance if you are going to marry them, and then after, not really before then.

Anything art related, get ready to get to handle estrogen in hyperdrive.

>picking up a hobby to attract women
You're doing it wrong idiot. You do hobbies because you like the hobby, you can't and shouldn't fake interest. Women will pick up on that fake shit.

Besides, choosing to pursue activities for the sake of a woman's interest is as beta as it gets.

If hobbies are bad, let me rephrase the question. As someone who connects with people better through shared experiences rather than through conversation alone, what would be the best approach for meeting females.

If you dont wanna date online, have no women at work or with your social cie what are you supposed to do then.

Do you think women will magically appear in your life because you can strum a four chord wonder or something? Go out and talk to people faggot

not OP, but one of my only semi-social hobbies is hiking, and trying to talk to a girl on a trail is a better way to get maced than to actually meet someone.

Isnt that the whole point of this thread? To meet people?
Other than pick up bar skanks or walk around walmart all day how are you supposed to meet women?
Also yes women will talk to you if you can play an instrument and go out and play it.

>Go out and talk to people faggot
Are you dense?. That's why OP is asking what hobbies he'd be likely to meet women doing.

Fuck you ginseng

I play guitar every day. I go to school for it. I hang out at a café and practice. I have performed at open mics. Maybe 4 women since I started playing have talked to me because of it, and it was never anything more than small talk. If you can't hold a conversation past what you can play then it's fucking pointless. The one girl who appeared actually interested in me through my guitar playing was an alcoholic who couldn't stop gushing over my passion for music. From what I've been told, it's that passion that's attractive to women.

Getting good at an instrument also involves a lot of time spent alone practicing, so also not social.

If your sole purpose to to talk to women, then I wouldn't recommend an instrument. Go do an activity that involves dealing with other people like dancing or hiking or something. It's still beta to pick up a hobby to find women.

But that other user isn't wrong. It's going to be mostly women. You're going to have to learn to socialize with them. Besides that, it can be good exercise and I've heard that people that dance are better at reading body language

I've been playing in community bands and orchestras for 30 years. If any LTR couple ever formed that way, I've never heard about it.

Normie here. This can work in the long term. The LONG term. Meaning you don't show up to class and directly hit on girls, ever. That's a great way to be kicked out and banned.

The way this could work is only over the course of months. Meet all the people in class, develop rapport with them all, become well liked and known for being decent and not creepy. Then when your reputation is established and you start to mesh with some of the people in class you play the same old triple H game you always play with women:
>Hang out
>Have fun
>Hook up

If you want something faster than that, nut up and start going to bars and clubs

You're right, as far as it goes. But on the other hand, I think the goal here is to gather ideas in the hopes that one of them might, in fact, sound intrinsically enjoyable.

Forcing yourself to tolerate something you hate and pretending to be someone you're not, for the sake of trying to attract someone who is into stuff you hate or someone you're not, is definitely scoring an own-side goal at best.

But all other things being equal, if you can find something you enjoy for its own sake, where there's ALSO a possibility of winding up with some kind of interpersonal connections out of it, it'd be foolish not to. And it's just plain dumb to assume that nobody else could possibly offer any ideas you haven't already come up with on your own.

Think of the question being more like, "what are some ideas for hobbies and activities that are intrinsically social in nature that a nerdy and awkward introvert might enjoy for their own sake?"

>mfw to socially awkward to approach girls
>mfw intp
>mfw no WoW figure but a 4k dota 2 account
>mfw i'm studying electrical engineering

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