Bucket of chicken

This has got to be one of the greatest things I've ever seen, this fucking timeline!!!!!!!


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That's racist

do amerimutts really do pic related?

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WTF even is this?

i dont understand? he mocks the doj by eating chicken? how is this throwing shade? pls explain.

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He's calling Barr a chicken

Rocky mountain oysters.

I guess. Not this one.

>you're a chicken for not showing up to our entrapment
Also if a republican ever brought chicken to Congress it would be world news

Why did based Tennesseans elect (((Cohen)))?

i thought that worked only in movies

Peanuts in Coke.

Cultural appropriation is not OK.

Never mind, found my own answer
>Tennessee's 9th congressional district
>Ethnicity: 25.84% White; 66.15% Black; 1.7% Asian; 7.38% Hispanic; 0.31% Native American

First thing I thought.

That is Mexican Coke

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who doesn't like chicken though?

Wow that's sure to drive away more normies from the circus party. Coincidence both dems that did this are Jews. Maybe the Jews are fixing the election in favor of trump

His district is full of niggers.


Why doesn't he exclusively eat CFA?

look at the label kike, its in spanish.

Progressive pence celebrates black history month

fuck you, bitch

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pussy nigga

I'm sorry I called you a bitch earlier


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>kikes doing kikery

>anyone is shocked

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Imagine my shawk! Congressman represents niggers. Is a Jew. LOVES fried chicken. You can’t make shit like this up.

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>Israel posting on Jow Forums
>anyone believing anything their schizo minds have to say

Don't you have boogers to eat?
Don't listen to the voices.

>Kentucky Fried Children
That dude is eating kids in Congress


I like you, you are fucking based

Get over here so I can tear that ass up

I think I will use the infinity stones and go back in time and make it a dead squirrel instead of chicken

Kek, back to Jow Forums with you thot

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All them nigga saying, "how many peice bucket you got nigga? Let me get that Dawrk meet nigga!"

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>not popeyes
Niggers cant even nigger properly

why does he only offer chicken to the white woman?

>In bed
>wait honey wouldnt it be funny if i brought some chicken to symbolize barr as a chicken!?
>yes honey that would be funny
>ok goodnight

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Best timeline ever.

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>Not Bojangles
What a worthless kike

He hires local rappers for the 'demographics':

Related: DJ Paul (3-6 mafia) and Al Kapone rap song for George Flynn for Congress
Memphis is surreal yall.

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dj paul is based

What's the joke here? I don't understand.

Underrated post, KFC is white trash fried chicken.

With an American nutrition label slapped on it...

They sell them in america.
The deference is the mexican one has cane sugar instead of corn syrup and it comes in a glass bottle.

Yes, I know. I buy Mexican coke all the time.

Yes, try it.
Salted peanuts in Coke, Pepsi, or RC Cola.
It a cultural thing in the South.

Well congratulation you spic piece of shit

*tips mossy oak cap*

Literally no one loves you.

Who the fuck uses the entire hands to gloat fried chicken?! Ugh.

Trump did it first

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Wow, how will Barr recover?
I guess he'll just keep ignoring the dim crytwats in the house, and investigating the fisa scandal.
Tldr: Comey, McCabe, and a few others really should get good attorneys, soon.

Is this some sort of spic insult that doesn't translate well?

Nigga should have went to Royal Farms

Projecting this much lol

That creature is hideous

What is love?

your in the wrong part of town boy...

Why is Tim Heidecker there? They filming another show or something?

I feel like you’ve been telling these people to get attorneys for years....

>Barr wrecks the Dems
>Dems make a KFC ad

Welcome to clown world.

Wtf, that isn't crushed ice?

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baby dont hurt me

Its a coke man they've been around before Jewish nwo went into full swing.

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advertising is out of control

nothing is based about globalist pedophiles you FUCKING SHILL FAGGOT

memphis has the best dancers

So.........he's eating barrs meat? GAY

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You will not be raked.

Barr needs to be seen eating chic'filla.

Better w Dr. Pepper

IDK man it just seems like a dick thing to do like nigga don't eat food at the mic.

If you need to explain to readers that this is to shade barr, then it was a stupid move

Racist as fuck for a cracker to eat fried chicken in the presence of niggers

Who dat?

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> Big serious
> Big obstruction
> Big impeachment
> boi you better listen us now, we’re the adults here
> it’s time to restore honor and dignity to our country and institutions

Also democrats
> shows up to the fucking hearing with a bucket of chicken and a plastic chicken toy like a goddamn mentally retarded boomer suffering from advanced age
> turns the house judiciary community into a cartoon laughing stock
> tfw when even jerry nadler looks embarrassed for you

It’s almost like the democrats just want to destroy their own party

this. tasty. both of my parents used to do this.

Peanuts are a huge crop in Georgia. Coke was created in Atlanta. I'm surprised they haven't mixed in peaches yet.

I believe Americans call it "Pojo", friend.

Kiernan Shipka

>mexican words
>mexican bottle shape
>mexican store in the background
Yup, PURE AMERICAN bullshit
That guy knows his AMERICA props

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Everyone in this thread stfu. You know for a damn fact if it was trump or cruz that did this youd have BASED threads and be making a shit ton of memes

Hes eating her lunch of fried chicken

I prefer it with dr pepper

Republicans always return fire with shade of their own so I cannot wait to see what they do in retaliation

Decker season 3

Is anyone offended or complaining about the chicken? It's a rather weak insult next to Barr blowing off their circus in the first place, more libs are certainly foaming at the mouth over that. Besides whatever the Reps do to one up this chicken stunt is going to be way better, they always manage to rile libs into a seethe with their antics

This is now a Robotnik thread.

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looks like that weasely dude from akira

god look that gremlin kike with his gold rings on his chubby finger, hideous