I can’t take this anymore

There is no hope, anons. No one is coming to help us and most of us don’t even care.

The red pill has made more miserable than I have ever been in my life. I have a long term GF but the thought of marriage now terrifies me: raped my the courts and not never see my kids again. I love her dearly, but, again, being red pilled on female nature sometimes makes me want to end it with her.

On that front (kids), why the fuck would any white person bring a kid into this world?! Yes, I know, numbers for the future, but what future? Like I said, nothing to going to happen they will grow up to be a hated minority in the land soaked with their ancestors blood.

I’ve taken the clown pill, and, yes, the first month was funny but now I just want to breakdown.

Complete cuck, I know, but, if I could go back, I would never have taken the red pill.

Does anyone else feel like this? If so, what do you do to conquer the eternal feeling of despair?

British btw, hence the lack of hope.

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>I have a long term GF but the thought of marriage now terrifies me: raped my the courts and not never see my kids again. I love her dearly, but, again, being red pilled on female nature sometimes makes me want to end it with her.
Sounds like you are not confident of your ability to choose a mate who will follow you instead of societal trends. Perhaps you subconsciously realize that you don't have that innate authority that woman requires in her life in order to keep her on track?

>On that front (kids), why the fuck would any white person bring a kid into this world?!
This is something I struggle with too. I have failed in the sense that I just can't believe in nation, race and God's plan hard enough to justify bringing another being into this world. I don't know how to get out of this trap.

The only way you feel despaired/hopeless/depressed about this is if you had expectations to begin with. You expected women to behave a certain way, you expected the world to work a certain way, you expected so and so to not happen.

It's reality; accept reality for what it is and don't have any expectations and you will never be disappointed.



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You have to take the honk pill user.
After you take the red pill, you get angry. You fight back. But no amount of logic or reasoning gets in them, they are a single long universal REEEEEEEEEE. And they censor and silence you everywhere. So depression takes you when you realize good people can't win. Now you have the black pill.
But survival is an instinct and you can't live on that despair. You can't survive with it, so you start to shrug it off. You start taking care of yourself and not caring about anyone else who is fucking themselves up. There comes a point where you realize it doesn't matter- they are fucking up their lives and fucking up the world and they have gone 100% crazy. You're ok though, and you look around at the clown world they are making and find humor in it. Sarcastic, biting, truthful and genuine humor at how crazy they are making themselves. And you are sitting back and watching them do it for your entertainment. So what the world is fucked? You wont be in it for but a few more decades. So enjoy watching their crazy shitshow and occasionally honking out truths..sometimes just to watch them fall on their fainting couches. That is the Honk pill.

Thanks, user.

I guess I never knew how honked things really are.

I don't even know where to start dude. This sounds oddly familiar and thus purposely trolled just for me lol. I go on each day. I find pride in my ancestors because that's all I have to look for guidance (literally eyes watering). I have been successful in a career, but in some sad way I feel like I've let them down. Excuse me user...I am getting emotional right now.

Take the Christpill user. Then you will not care about what is now. Only about what comes next.


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Jesus fucking Christ don't let Jow Forums get into your head like this

Sucks to be alive today.

>Don't have kids
Having children is the best thing that ever happened to me. It gives you purpose and an even greater determination to uncuck the West.

demoralization kike

I often feel the same way but I have faith. Don’t give up. Because when you do you’re only accelerating failure.


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This is the stoicism pill right here. Good stuff.

as other anons have pointed out, your listlessness is worsened by your lack of commitment to any real responsibilities to anything other than yourself. Having kids will help you escape this malaise. There is no greater motivator than caring for your offspring.

Self-improvement comes first though. Many, though mentally red pilled, are still quite far off from being physically healthy, in touch with your own thoughts, or even spiritually fulfilled if that's your thing.

Your weak.

>I have a long term GF
Just give me her number then faggot

shut up faggot
>make money
>make babies

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This. Enjoy the show while it lasts, and try to be kind to others while you can. If there is a God, he will we reward you with a beautiful existence for rising up over the insanity.

kys you lbgt faggot

Pretty much this. Imagine if everyone on this board not only had kids (hard with modern dating) but was POLITICALLY ACTIVE. You don’t just change the world by shitposting. Throw blood on an open borders politician and film it—there’s an idea. It won’t change the politician’s mind, but it will embolden others to take action. The system is acting because there’s not only no violent resistance, but no resistance—period. So resist.

this is definitely also true. you have to be worthy of being a father, user.