So let’s face it. She painted a big target on her head and shy lined herself. What are your feels?
I normally avoid buzzfeed but this was too tasty not to read.
Do we care? Should she learn to code? What lessons can we learn from this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop linking to your Buzzfeed article journafag. No one gave a shit about this fake eyebrow bitch.
If I hadn’t linked it some faggot who can’t search would be asking for sauce.
Vacationing burger here. Geolocation would cause a distraction.
>get out while you still can
But we are here forever.
Agreed but there is being smart about it and being dumb. This women was dumb.
There's this thing called You could try that instead of giving Buzzfeed clicks.
They're prepping online for 2020.
The through line of this piece is something people familiar with conservative journals are mostly aware of: Editors and Staff Writers at White Nationalist publications almost never gain those positions by rising through internal ranks, independent of the rest of right wing media, as is sometimes the case with the dissident left press. They're defectors from more respectable right wing publications. Richard Spencer was an editor at The American Conservative. John Derbyshire, Joe Sobran, and Peter Brimelowe all worked at National Review. Ron Unz and Taki both took their own publications down the rabbit hole with them, and so on. The 'Big Names' among alt-right thinkers, who the press has successfully made Untouchable with regards to social capital in DC, are the former colleagues of the establishment right-wing writers. They had smoke breaks together. They reviewed each other's drafts.
Katie McHugh enters the story as a normal low-level right wing professional writer. She wins a few scholarships and grants that allow her to start a career in the commentariat, from usual organizations (ISI and IHS) and, well, sees how much her Daily Caller superiors will permit when she gets further into the White Natioinalist community.
The personal story here is not so interesting: she's not nearly apologetic enough to get any sympathy from the left, and she explicitly calls major right wing institutions "pipelines to the alt-right" - she's probably not getting much out of this being published personally. The part worth digging into is how Gray uses this article to elicit the image of push-pins and string on a huge corkboard, connecting everyone from Chuck Johnson to Erik Prince to Donald Trump, Jr. Take her former DC editor trying to get her a job with an explicitly WN publication after she was fired from Brietbart:
>Would you have any interest in working for if I talked to Richard [Lynn]?” Brooks replied.
>“They fired me because of my tweets. Would be grateful to hear about another job opportunity,” McHugh said.
>“So they cucked for CNN? What a bunch of bastards. I've talked to Richard, and the money isn't there yet. But he has you in mind. Keep your head up and let me know if you want to grab beers and bitch about the nonsense. I'll buy. I also know Jared Taylor has been looking for an investigative reporter. I think he's a little in an old school journalist mindset, but it would pay more than I make at the Caller. Devin [Saucier] has the deets on this.”
>In an email last week, Daily Caller publisher Neil Patel wrote that the company had dismissed Brooks as a result of these emails. “Katie McHugh has not worked with us for many years and we have no association with her,” Patel wrote. “We have absolutely zero tolerance for these insane white supremacy types. Any insinuation to the contrary is an embarrassment to all the great people who work here. We have dismissed Dave Brooks effective immediately based on the email correspondence you sent which we had never previously seen.”
fuck off. this is not reddit.
Some of Gray's actual commentary on the right comes midway through. She's genuinely better at this than most liberal journalists (not exactly a high bar to clear, but, I should note, she was the one who wrote The Atlantic's NRx piece in 2017 (
>The alt-right was at the time all about smoothing over its public image, becoming approachable, more mainstream. “They didn’t have swastikas covering their foreheads,” as McHugh put it. The very term “alt-right” represented this effort to rebrand white nationalism. Everything in public was euphemism. The names of the main organizations were bland: National Policy Institute, American Renaissance. People could blend in, and they did. They were “polished, sophisticated,” she said. “There’s a very high culture aspect to it.” The class markers were important to someone like McHugh, who had come from the sticks. And the emphasis on genetics and IQ was appealing as well. “They see it almost as a moral value,” she said. “They think that people with high IQ confers them with some kind of super-ability and makes them leaders, natural leaders.”
Thanks for the tip. Will do it better next time
Not trying to convince people to abandon alt right. Just be smart about it. MSM just can’t hide their positions anymore but they are backed by powerful people and an army of useful idiots.
I can't tell if I should feel sympathy for her or not. The big picture issue here is that our society and social media have completely destroyed any ability for young people to make mistakes and move on lesson learned, since we now keep a permanent record of everything. This is true for young people even beyond political activity or comments. Doing something stupid in public school is now filmed and put online forever. A reality many of us here narrowly dodged growing up. In that sense I can feel sympathy for her because she really will never be given the opportunity to move on and learn from her perceived mistakes. That being said I can't tell if she really feels any guilt here because she thinks she did something bad, or if she is just upset that she is a literal nobody who burned every bridge she had. I think the reality is that this article wont actually do anything to convince people on the far right to become more moderate, all its going to do is remind young people that its better to just double down and push farther right than admit fault and "take the high road". You gain nothing from doing so and you might as well go full retard about it, because the outcome will be the same regardless.
Why are you shilling this KIKE shit here, Monkey?
Every single "KEKISTAN meme flagger is either:
1) Mexican
2) Hapa
3) Jewish
4) Mix of one or more of above
5) Mystery meat who cannot actually identify as White
Which one are you OP?
I'm guessing Le Based Mexican?
Don't call yourself a burger. They can call us that, but it's like a Canadian calling themselves a leaf. It's gross.
>Not trying to convince people to abandon alt right.
There is no such thing as "alt right"
why would you wear freakish looking eyebrow wigs when microblading exists
Or in other words; Obama's budget for hiring fake alt-righters was not renewed by Trump.
Always link the comment section
I can’t feel much sympathy for her. This is the world we live in now. She let them beat her. I agree that it would be best to just double down. Apologies come with too high a price attached to them these days
>I normally avoid buzzfeed but this was too tasty not to read.
>Directly linking fucking buzzfeed
Fuck off Buzzfeed employee.
That's actually terrible journalism. Amren and NPI predate the alt-right by decades and are in no way a "rebranding" of white nationalism, I'm pretty sure Amren as always been explicitly WN. Claiming the alt-right=white nationalism is also retarded, at its peak the AR was much more broad than that and there was much debate about it. It is true the white nationalists jumped on the label like pakis on english girls (the more retarded ones doing so most enthusiastically while the smart ones like Jared Taylor acknowledged it but never tried to own it), but accepting the idea of a 100% WN alt-right is either ignorance of the scene or lugenpresse propaganda because WN is the current boogeyman.
christ at least archive it you fucking mongoloids
>meme flag
>post about literally who
Checks out.
>whats the lesson
Once you hit 200 you become a leftist
>reading buzfeed...
i read the article too this morning, and was thinking of posting it, and declined. all i got out of it?
1) they portray her as "weak". gray skin, etc etc, pointing out she has sugar diabetes. she is "right" and she is "weak". psyops.
2) showing that if you are conservative? you will lose your job, and "all your friends will lekave you"
3) total bullshit puff piece, designed to show the "awesomw power" of the left... which is a bit of a MEME.
this article was on firefox pocket or whatever. millions of people saw it today
>I'm guessing Le Based Mexican?
I would imagine she will be all forgotten in a few years. Maybe just trying to grab any attention she can at this point.
What is the alt right?
Nobody seems to know
She hardly had any attention in the first place. I remember hearing about her getting fired for the tweet about Muslims, and maybe doing a podcast or something after that, but never anything else.
She's mostly just complaining that she got completely frozen out of any decent jobs for being tarred as 'alt-right', and telling any other edgy right wingers that they need to watch their own backs, because no one else in Washington will.
Can someone give me a QRD on what the hell this even is?
absolute cringe, the bitch is neurotic and this whole thing smells like psyop
if it is true it's a problem with weak people deciding they have right wing views purely out of some desire to belong to a community rather than actually believing those views
they make up some people here but they make up literally +90% of the left
Any conservative who isn't a part of the neocon Israeli war/theft party
You could read the article, or even read the exerts posted ITT.
I read those posts you linked, and I'm not interested in reading Buttfeet. Why does anyone care about this girl?
>Why does anyone care about this girl?
Because journalists know people are interested in the rise of the far right in the US, but aren't bold or bright enough to get into the real heart of it, so they find some random sympathetic person and make a human-interest story out of it.