Don't you want $600 Democracy Dollars from Presidential Candidate Gillibrand Jow Forums?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-02 at 4.08.26 PM.png (565x635, 201K)

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go rake yourself faggot

literally buying votes now lol

Can I use it to buy Baltic Avenue?

the chinaman is offering $1000
go home low baller

>buying votes

It's an auction to get elected.

600 is a pretty lowball offer to literally sell my vote. I've already received another offer of 1000/month.

I kinda want to fuck Gillibrand. She ain't as cute as Jill "GILF" Stein but still... I'd nut


If you can't get people to vote for your ideas then the next best thing is to pay them to vote for you.

Gillibrand is so in the shitter she's taking policies from the Yang Gang.

Completely pathetic, there's no reason for you.

Us black folk be gettin Mo right?

Need Mo money fo dem programs

Are you suggesting niggers can't program things on their own?

Lmao that dumb whore literally stole this idea from Yang

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It's not just Yang. The communists have already decided on UBI and automation as the way to rebrand True Communism. It's in all the communist rags, NYT, The Atlantic, you name it. Now all the useful idiots know what the central committee's marching orders are.

>let’s try another gibs plan, this will surely work!

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No, user, you don't get it. "Democracy Dollars" are a fake currency designed to be spent only on political campaigns in an effort to get "Money out of Politics™"
Yang pitched the idea on Rogan, she picked it up. It's entirely separate from UBI. And for what it's worth, the Communists don't want UBI because they're afraid of "pacifying workers, and ensuring the continuation of capitalism."

Key phrase: up to
Heterosexual? -$50
White? -$300
Male? -$200
Non disabled? -$25
Enjoy your $25, goy

No, they want to pacify the workers so they can be culled when the transhumanism comes around. I don't have a link handy, but the shit they're writing in these big-wig rags would blow your mind compared to the Jow Forums shilling. They have the entire narrative laid out about how young people don't want to work and should have more free time and have a self-identity problem that needs to be adjusted. At the same time they're trying to come up with a new school of economics to get the theory to make sense for people still capable of thinking.

Disgusting, they'll be paying kids to go to school next, ... oh wait nm

She's such a stupid bitch

Yeah, the people pushing that aren't Communists user. You really need to learn to differentiate your enemies. Progressive homos from Silicon Valley aren't Communists. They're arguably worse.
The Yang UBI plan makes sense. Gibs programs aren't inherently bad, etc. Worst case scenario? It doesn't work and a rotten system collapses. Oh no!

This country is in freefall.

I used to think the whole communist thing was just a hangover from the cold war, but they are communists. Maybe you'd prefer a different technical term like communitarianists. I used to call it global fascism because of how the plan is to have transnational corporations replace the nation-state. But the left is lead by the old academic communists, so I call them communists.

As for the Yang plan, it's not only ridiculous proposition that appeals to dumbasses who don't even know how the government works and love to worship dictators because they were indoctrinated into Saul Alinsky tactics of using a cult of personality to represent a policy or institution. It's also a terrible, nonsensical plan that would do the opposite of what's intended.

How does “transnational” and “fascism” equate in your brain?

They’re communists. It’s that easy.

Nothing is free, leaf.

Look at your health care system. Nobody can see a doctor because doctors aren't getting paid. If doctors don't get paid, they move to other countries to get paid.

It'll be a cold day in hell when I take any advice from a fucking maple syrup sucking, dog blowing, leaf.

Great Debate! You should be a senator you uneducated hick.

Bitch just stole my other $400 Yang promised me
>I'd rather give that $ to Israel and Central America
Actual literal cum eating cuckold.

She's so politically useless that Corey Booker became Schumer's defacto sidekick and acting junior senator.

Mussolini defined fascism as the merger between the corporation and the state. It's splitting hairs, but I adopted that terminology because fascism used to be the worst word that means "anything I don't like" and so it's useful to shock the communists into explaining that what they were working toward was really no different in practice from global fascism.

I used to like to use Japan's model of a cartel of banks ruling over a larger cartel of corporations with the little people being trained sallarymen. Because, you know, who doesn't like Japan or animes? And you can trace that design back to the US repaving their entire culture and economy after WWII.

>Yang offering $1000 a month
>literally Gilliwho here $600 once
>Pocahontas promising nigger reparation
Democrats have officially reached the point where they are straight out buying peoples votes
and they aren't even hiding it any more

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>They are Communists
No, they're literally not. Silicon Valley types support the liberation of business from national constraints. Just because they want to pump kids full of industrial-grade chemicals and think importing unlimited blacks is a good thing doesn't make them Communists. They're literally just hyperprogressive Neoliberals.

Again, the actual Communists are worried about UBI proposals, because they think automation will create economic conditions that will serve as a catalyst to a (global) worker's uprising.

Both groups are bad, but they're very different, they have to be handled differently.

>UBI is bad
Quit being a Capitalist, user. UBI is a semi-decent proposal to current economic issues.

>Mussolini defined Fascism as the merger between the corporation and the state
People who unironically use "Fascism" or "Corporatism" to describe current economic affairs are dumb and you shouldn't listen to them. The Italian conception of a "Corporation" is an entirely different entity from the modern, Western conception of a corporation. "Corporatist Economics" conceived of a relationship between industries and the State that's incredibly different from what we have today.

>Nothing is free
Cool boomer talking point. Why should Jeff Bezos have more money to spend on propagandizing the nation? I'd much rather he pay for my healthcare.

Keep your money. I do not consent.

Liberation from national constraints is communism. It's the destruction of the nation-state, and the reason Stalin purged Trotsky. Never argue with a communist about semantics because they're argue about the most banal things without understanding the bigger picture. That's what makes them so moronic and incapable of rational thought.

So that's why I explained to you why I used to use the trigger word fascism, and you responding with a pile of meaningless hair-splitting that doesn't get you anywhere. Communists only know how to destroy and not to create, because they are effectively golems for the Synagogue of Satan.

Nothing is free Mohamed.

>Destruction of the nation state is Communism
No, it's literally not. A number of ideologies have their logical end at the dissolution of nation states. Liberalism/Enlightenment era thought is among those.

Cool talking point, Ben Shapiro. Are you going to tell me how Capitalism is "totally the best economic" theory now?

But it was your $ dipshit.
>Keep the $ for Israel please I don't consent to having any of my own $ back
This place is dead.
Trump will probably win again in 2020 but because his base is so pathetic he'll never have to build his wall and then what comes after Trump? There is no movement you're not fighting for anything. Texas will be blue by 2028 and you won't have done anything to try and stop it you don't even want any of your own tax $ back to prepare for that inevitability you're just ready to step into the wood chipper and let your organs be used for fertilizer for Dolan Heights settlement jew farms.

Texas goes blue in 2020, 2022 at the latest. Screenshot me.

>durka durka hold my burka

That's you Mohamed.

You're simply completely wrong. Communism and the destruction of the nation state and a one world government are all synonymous. Look how sidetracked you got by this compared to making a case for UBI. That's why I told you ahead of time that it's dumb to argue with communists because they always swerve off into irrelevant details.

Could you be more predictable?

I definitely want to fuck her

>getting money back from the bloated federal govt
>is somehow a bad thing

>Something immoral is going on we should counter it by doing something equally immoral!!!!

Man you can really pick out failures in society off this shit. Just admit you're some poor cunt who wants 600 bucks because he think hes entitled to it despite being unemployed for the past 10 years and posting wagie slavie memes passive aggressively.

Get this. You have to spend the 600 bucks on the campaign of your choice not bills or food, a fucking campaign.

>he thinks heterosexual white males will get anything but the bullet when the SJWs are in charge

>Yang names his plan for free shit 'freedom dividend'
>Gillibrand names her plan for free shit 'democracy dollars'
Is this what they believe will attract people to vote for it? Just put something with freedom in front so the voters feel good about voting for it? The sad thing is it probably works.

All Trotskyites get the ice pick

Change my mind:
Men should get $2000 a month and women should get $0.

but... 600$ mAAAaan you can live like a KING for the rest of your days !

this has to be fucking illegal and if its not it should be.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh sheeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

have some democracy dollars you smelly goy, they're good for your freedoms

>is somehow a bad thing
>getting bribed with your own money
>Not a bad thing
Ask me how I know you are retarded.

Is this enough?

How about in stead of giving everyone money, you give them food instead... FREE FOOD FOR ALL!

I self identify as a lesbian transgendered black jewish Muslim. Show lamb me lake em!

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That was Henry Kissinger's gambit for controlling population growth in the 3rd world.

gibz crypto

What a false dichotomy.
Why can’t I vote for someone who won’t shill literal gibs in exchange for votes, as well as cancel foreign support

Based. People have no incentive to vote unless you pay them, or fine them for not voting.

It worked very well. There populations boomed. If whites dont have to work for food they will have more time to lay around and get Mexicans pregnant.

literally buying votes
those dems are in new record of low...

Talking out your ass. I can see my doctor after a 15 min wait max usually. Walking distance away.

No, the point was to limit population growth by making them dependent on foreign aid. Part of the underlying logic was that young people are more likely to engage in revolution and regime change, so you want to limit the number of you people and also keep them on the dole so they wouldn't get mad at their US puppet governments. This was declared to be a matter of National Security so that the US could have retain easy access to their natural resources.

Look up NSSM 200.

I've got a better idea, KYS

lmao it's all fucking faggot colored monopoly money.

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400 dollars I got 400 dollars from the blonde bimbo can I hear 500 dollars 500 dollars anyone 500 dolla... 1000 dollars from the squinty eyed fellow! can I hear 1200 dollars 1200 dollars anyone...

user, are you retarded? There's an actual economic system to Communism. Communists want the destruction of classes, Silicon Valley types don't. Communists want to abolish hierarchies in labor, Silicon Valley types just want to reduce things to producer and consumer.

Again, both are horrible, but not every faggot who wants to get rid of the nation is a communist. That's a very special kind of faggot.

>Well, actually, me horribly misusing terms is an irrelevant detail
It's really not. You clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Please go read one of the books Jow Forums has recommended to you, rather than simply pretending you have.

>You just don't want to make the case for UBI.
The case for UBI is simple:
>Automation is coming, and is likely to drive mass unemployment in predominantly white areas
>minorities are already cynically looting the treasury
>People with bad opinions are getting financially blackballed with no social safety net to support them
>America is a dead nation and people need to extract whatever value they can get from it while they can.

>shamelessly copying Andrew Yang
>giving less money than he proposes
>giving it a dumbass, childish monopoly name like "democracy dollars" instead of something semi respectable like "freedom dividend"

i really can't get over how dumb "democracy dollars" is, it sounds like something the goofballs on Jow Forums or Jow Forums would come up with

pretty sure using dead people for votes and destabilizing their own country by importing votes from non citizens is lower. If any thing an open bribe is at least honest by comparison.

Communism has everything to do with maintaining classes. Dumbass. And that's not a rationale for UBI. I already explained to you that it's how the comunists rebranded True Communism.

Do you work in silicon valley or something? I can't imagine how a person could be so detached from reality and incapable of thought without working in a Google research lab or something, where they condition you to maintain a childlike frame of mind so you can be more easily controlled and brainwashed. You probably don't know the first thing about brainwashing, do you?

>Actually Communism wants a class structure because this is how the USSR actually turned out.
Did you somehow miss the entire fucking point of the Yuri Bezmenov interview? The actual Communists are always disappointed by the fruit of their efforts.

If you think Jeff Bezos is secretly some sort of Marxist, you're beyond delusional. He's a gay neoliberal. That's it.

>Not a rationale for UBI
Please tell me then, what political path forward does the proper right have in America at the moment? Demographics get worse every day, the Trump guys haven't bothered putting down ANY political infrastructure and have sold out regardless. Things are over, our hail mary failed. Time to cynically loot the treasury and wait for other options.

Neoliberalism is communism. You're also just plain wrong and out of arguments about the rest. Like I said, never argue with a communist. They're not capable of rational thought.

>Neoliberalism is Communism
No, it's literally not even close. How are you this stupid? Like please tell me who told you this, or where you got the idea from. They're both bad, they don't share much in common beyond that.

It's trotskyite communism. You're ignorant of history because you went to a communist indoctrination camp instead of learning anything, and so you argue like a child and thow out Jeff Bezos like he's at all relevant to the conversation beyond pointing out how I was correct in my explanation of global fascism.

Read a book, nigger.

Maybe for a cold, but if you have serious health issues you're waiting until you die.

Faggot, leaf.

>going to the doctor for a cold
People wouldn't do this if it weren't for the Jewish insurance companies.

Whatever you say Mohamed.

fuck off moshique you ain't fooling anyone

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>It's Trotskyite Communism
Nope, go read "The Revolution Betrayed." Not every internationalist ideologue is a Trotskyite.
>Throw out Jeff Bezos like he's at all relevant
He and the rest of the Tech Billionaires are. They're among the primary drivers of Neoliberalism
>I was correct in my explanation of global fascism
You're not, user. I guarantee you've never read a single fascist book, beyond seeing one Mussolini quote divorced from any sort of context.

It's funny you're now pretending to be "correct," considering you tried to dismiss your failing on very basic definitons ("Fascism" and "Corporatism") as 'irrelevant.'

Read a book, brainlet.

They're really trying all they can to get attention.
Beta has toned it down though.

>Another brainlet thinks every internationalist ideology is "COMMUNISM."
Jesus Christ you people are pathetic.


Jews and Muslims have never been part of the West and don't belong there. But kikes can't handle the truth, so they make up nonsensical accusations to deflect.

Your reading comprehension is even more dismal than your attempt to make any kind of a cogent point.

>durka lurka hold my burka

OK Mohamed.

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Sure thing, Schlomo. Jewish insurance companies are responsible for people being such dumb, lazy, ignorant niggers that they go to the doctor for a cold. Jewish influence is also responsible for the Rockefeller doctors, who are largely ineffective outside of a few specialties, and who exist predominantly to push drugs. Jews are also responsible for the Talmudvision and all the Jewish lies it spews out, and you can tell because most of the advertisement is for pushing Jewish drugs for the Rockefeller medical industry.

All of it is predicated on the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank. And the reason anybody in the West has to care about the Muslim flood is because the Jews imported them per the Jewish Kalergi Plan.

that sounds illegal.

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>allah akbar imma fuck this goat.

Whatever you say Mohamed.

That’s lazy asf

Gas the Lawyers

YOU don't get the money
You get to choose what candidate gets SOME of that 600 dollars because thats... a good thing?

Israel did 9/11, and all Jews are child molesters. All Muslims are also child molesters, and may have been used as shabbos goyim during 9/11.

>Durka Durka allah akbar

Whatever you say Mohamed., actually no

Someone explain this like I'm five or something

So its fake money that represents real money that you get a voucher for and you can give a certain amount to a candidate...
nigger what

>Us black folk be gettin Mo right?
>Need Mo money fo dem programs

Reminder that inside every nigger there is a slave owner. Blacks in the US have 20% human DNA...and guess where THAT came from!

Why isn’t this illegal vote buying?