Will some user please tell me if there will be an EXIT POLL for the england LOCAL ELECTIONS and what time these EXIT POLLS will be releaseed?>
Will some user please tell me if there will be an EXIT POLL for the england LOCAL ELECTIONS and what time these EXIT POLLS will be releaseed?>
ALSO if you have a CHANCE please VOTE LABOUR
What the hell is this shit?
There are local elections in the UK today to elect LOCAL councils. A good BAROMETER of euro/general election results. Why no one has made a thread about this is beyond me.
Pol os clearly a place for edgelords and shills who actually dont know anything about politics and talk about grand "idead" without anu substance lol
I bet everyone on here who is a liberterian cant even name a piece of food regulation they disagree with
there is something ACTUALLY relevnt to politics yet all people want to tal about is brexit, trump, immigration and muslims. LOL
stay retarded Jow Forums you fucking losers
Nobody cares m8
States that polls close at 10pm, no word on an exit poll though. And seriously dont get triggered over "guardian" you piss babies
I sympathize. Even in the US it's local government that matters most in people's everyday lives because it's the state and local governments that delivers services. Most people are distracted by the "sports" of national politics.
Spoilt my vote. Fuck them all. I voted brexit.
Lmao. One brazil. One german. Ukcucks are the worst.
Is everyone on here an underage bitchboy?
Votes counted at 10 bois. Who'd you vote for?
>labour shill
does anyone know if they do an exit poll at 10pm?
Was UKIP on the ticket in places?
Im in a labour safe area, so I didnt bother. THough on reflection I should have voted green to put left wing pressure
Who would vote for a party with a fucking fat neckbeard who tweeted a female MP "I wouldn't rape you"
>who is a liberterian cant even name a piece of food regulation they disagree with
I disagree with mandatory allergy content footnotes on menus
So who won these elections?
polls close at 10pm in the UK. It is currently 9:55pm.
Im not sure if they have an exit poll
Here is how much “center stage” your local elections take in your press...
some people are predicting a big loss for the conservatives (I hope), we shall hopefully see Left parties increase their share (I hope)
Why would anyone vote for those traitors?
Conservative are left wing too.
Would you not like to see improvements in your:
Public Transport
kill yourself namefag third world retard
WOW 10pm and BBC isnt even reporting on this
Labour couldn't deliver a pizza, let alone any of that. You must have a short memory.
>Half the posts are OP talking to himself
Heres a (You) faggot
DUP 1, 2, 3
Dianne abbot is shadow home secretary, she does so much shit. you really are going to base your ENTIRE opinion of how she will change the UK based on a couple of quotes?
how is that labours fault you dumb shit?
what does that have todo with labour?
Goal 4 was hilarious, just stole the ball and ran with it
nobody cares about eurofag politics
Labour will extract more tax, labour will pay more on public services
Vote Green 420 Blaze it faggot!1
get fucked
ps thanks for the thread
Neck yourself paki cunt
Didnt vote lol
literally both labor and the torys are kikes. i have no idea which is better.
Don't do exit polls on the locals.
I'm looking forward to a comfy UK Local election thread as the results come through though.
Labour have been posting their shit through my door for 3 days now. They really are fucking desperate
Labour filth let these subhumans into the country. Never forget. Never vote forgive. Fuck Labour.
The british empire was subhuman filth :
Stop being racist and painting criminals as being of a specific race. Goto your local hospital. Look at the names of your consultants. When youhave a heart attack because you eat too much pizza and play video games in your mom's basement, the cardiologist who will save your life is Dr Khan, I dare you to call him a paki.
Brainless white trash/.
You outed yourself, kike.
The British Empire in its heyday was the greatest thing to ever exist.
RNHS, innit norf?
British empire ruined India. There was a secular monarchy in the Punjab. British snakes ruined it. British scum can goto india, ruin everything and then complain when idnians come to the UK, pay taxes, work in the public sector, have better values than whites?
Fuck you Oswald mosely, jimmy saville dick bag
I had a choice between Tory, labour, lib Dems.
No independents.
I was going to not bother as none of these parties represent me...but lib Dems are very close to taking over the council, so I reluctantly voted Tory to keep the europhile bastards out.
Yeah I realise it's the locals and it's on local issues, but fuck the lib Dems
>Ruin india
more like improved it. Though improving poo by 100%, will still result in a turd.
>more like improved it
yeah splitting it in two resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and homeless was a great move
They stole the diamonds in india and put it in the queens crown. They massacred people in punjab and delhi and created famines.
Live in your echo chamber. You are stupid, one day your fat suicidal ass will be saved by a man with dark skin and you will be ashamed you held such disgraceful views
Why should I care what happens to a conquered peoples. The spoils of a conquered land in an Empire always go to the homeland. This is how it has always been since the great ancient Empires of the likes of Persia. It is the natural order of things. Murdering Punjabs is just the same as Caesar murdering Gauls in his subjugation of the region.
>The natural order of things is morally right
>If something happens the way it always used to happen that means it is right
>what is progress
WOW, ladies and gentleman! Your average pol idiot
I may add, we didn't steal anything. We gained them through right of conquest.
>Conquest entitles people to things
>Stealing doesnt entitle people to things
Things gained through conquest are just as illgotten as stolen goods. Why does someone deserve something by virtue of their investment into tools of destruction
3rd gen paki mad that this great great grand daddy's shit got pushed in by organized whites with more than sticks and a primary school education.
Imperialism is part and parcel of being a bunch of single digit IQ shitskins who never advanced past the bronze age.
Yeah, we have progressed. Instead of conquering through guns and steel, we conquer via financial trickery. Hence why London is such a disproportionately large financial powerhouse. It still leads to suffering of irrelevent peoples in nations taken advantage of by the financial system.
The Chinese take-over of Africa is purely financial, yet will lead to the enslavement of most of the African peoples.
Right of conquest.
A citizen who has his belonging stolen by someone has the right to face justice. Subjugated peoples aren't citizens, hence they have no property rights.
If I am bigger and stronger than you I am rightfully entitled to bash you on the head and take all of your things. Law of the jungle.
Britain was lucky with the industrial revolution. India was always being attacked by people from Afghanistan. Why is declaring war mor emoral than sharing technologies which can help others? Indians are rich, smart, do well in business.
>Thinks the suffering of people though trickery is moral.
your a fucking joke.
Britain didn't decide that, the Indian muslims did. They wanted their own country, not be part of a Hindu majority one.
>Britain was lucky
More like it had geniuses that progressed the nation. A technological and political elite that we sorely miss nowadays.
We will never have scientists such a Faraday, Newton or politicians such as the Iron Duke ever again due to the rot that has set in the system since the end of WW1.
>India was always being attacked by people from Afghanistan
Is this meant to be some excuse? Britain was in conflict with the Dutch, Spanish, French and the Americans at varying and multiple times throughout the century, all across the globe. They still spearhead the industrial revolution, and achieved Pax Britannica in 1815.
The truth is, India ceded power to the EIC because its princely lords were too preoccupied fighting themselves.