>redpilled but not toxically like half the misogynistic, hypocritical losers on here >female, realise natural balance of male and female roles but believe women should be given an opportunity to rise up and play to their talents and not have to settle for second rate men under oppressive laws so see some use in the feminine revolution >but also notice it’s a scam to get more people into the workforce and separate family unit >have connected nationalism as core to saving the earth, a complete subversion to the globalists view on things >have noticed how fucked my country is and everyone seems asleep, all the ‘redpilled’ people I know are lame incels/ self-putting losers that are more interested in poisoning their minds with American politics rather than actually doing something for their own country that their forefathers died for, yet they sit there in their pathetic lives and just let it be taken away, and they’ll be a minority in their own country by 2050.
I basically feel so disillusioned and isolated. Nationalism isn’t a dirty word here yet so there’s maybe still time, but in terms of numbers our country doesn’t have much time if the mass immigration plans stay in place.
I have a good few friends and a college degree, but I don’t feel like anyone is awake, they’re all kind of falling for this new burgerland krispie cream around every corner culture and it’s a cancer and I see it everywhere.
It’s just degeneracy. A few months ago I had a conversation with someone about being proud of having our own language and culture and he said ‘oh yeah, kinda... isn’t that a bit racist though? Not sure’.
Like what the fuck??
Basically I’m a trad girl patriot who isn’t disillusioned with a magic idea of a past ‘better’ Ireland. But I’m not gonna sit here and let it turn into the shitshow it’s becoming. What can I do?
Have just seen that there, thanks. Hope it doesn’t get derailed as per usual
Brandon Sanchez
Oh Shut the fuck up. Someone can still have read mentalities but can recognise outliers. Imagining a life not using my skills and talents is redundant and it doesn’t do anyone service. A healthy community should encourage that. Go back to your pathetic life of not solving anything and doing anything useful to better your community. Women belong alongside you not under you, asshole. Just because feminism did it wrong doesn’t mean the entire idea is wrong.
Logan Cox
Feminism was wrong in every way. How many women do you know that aren’t totally brainwashed? I know a couple. Outliers are just that. The exception proves the rule. Women shouldn’t vote, not because we’re all bad, but most are gullible. Wait til you have a son. You’ll think differently.
Leo Foster
Make a lot of money, find a like minded guy who isn't a complete shitstain and reproduce, buy a farm or some land to escape to when shtf, build a legacy, raise your kids appropriately. Everything starts and ends with you. By doing nothing you waste your full potential, but at least by not being a normie you are also not spreading degeneracy so things could be better/things could be worse.
Caleb Clark
Based. I don't know what to do either, unironic incels really are poison. Especially to a movement that supposedly wants to restore the traditional family unit
Nolan Nguyen
I know a lot of nice talented or creative women that have a lot to give beyond just childbearing. I dunno, I guess I’m confused rn, I’ve only realised very recently the feminist movement largely is not good. But I don’t know would I go as far as to not give women a vote. I don’t see sufficient evidence to believe women are too irrational to trust with a vote. Maybe my mind will change with the future but idk.. I just want a world where if I ever had a daughter she would be able to pursue a career that fulfils her and not get trapped into a shitty marriage too young.. but at the same time not fall for the trap of thinking ‘strong and independent’ means not needing a man... it’s a tough balance.
Caleb Hughes
Thanks for the words user. I can’t wait to have a family, but it’s still a while off. I have much to learn and become before then, before I feel in the place to raise strong and healthy children, in mind spirit and physicality. It’s more that than the mindset of ‘oh I wanna have ten years of fun before I give my life away’. Good point about buying land that will be a useful self sufficient resource lookin into the future.
Evan Turner
Fuck off jungle nigger
Adam Stewart
Exactly! There’s so many walking pathetic paradoxical excuses for ‘men’ on this website, that spout calls for a better more wholesome time yet they’re on here complaining about the degeneracy of modern women but not stepping up to the plate themselves. Most modern women still can be saved, most of them literally just want a strong man that will be firm with them but also respects their growth as an individual (but in saying that it does seem that a lot of them really are just not there anymore, slaves to the system).
But yeah when i see pricks on here calling women ‘wet holes’ and stuff it fills me with such anger. They should really look in the mirror and get a reality check on their value system.
Chase King
I mean there have been pretty cool Irelands in the past, like when you guys converted to Catholicism you got all big brained from all that bible reading. Pretty much same situation as me in Canada though, I love my country and think we should preserve our Anglo/French people but no idea where to start with trying to help.
Look for local groups, find other like-minded people, or get into politics. Ireland needs to stop the mass immigration faster than most because of your small population, especially since an even smaller amount of you guys actually care about the culture/language which is shocking.
Lincoln Wright
>female, realise natural balance of male and female roles but believe women should be given an opportunity to rise up and play to their talents
>still implying men are by default superior, when all the meat of modern degeneracy and sjwism and even feminism are numale cucks who just cannot say no to a thot
The traditional roles are bullshit - the society goes into shit as a whole.
Ian Moore
Worth considering is the role that capitalism plays in assigning the judgment that, if you were to spend half your time being a mother and half your time engaging with some sort of career, you're merely half as valuable a worker as someone who wasn't "wasting time" rearing children. Nation, family, etc. are not things that capitalism knows how to quantify as value, so it just disregards them.
Blake Green
A few things, firstly, isnt Ireland really white still like 95% white? I agree that nationalism should include a degree (or two) of modern gender roles. I dont think its wise to exclude yourself as a people and NOT put your very best foot forward, this includes women, and that most people here that complain about women seem disconnected from actual women. I'm a husband and have a daughter. I'd hate for someone to tell them no strictly because they were female. I'd like to think that Ireland still has time. Nust put an end to that immigration shit and dont let it go like your neighbors to the east. Lastly, you said you're a female and hinged an argument on it. You must now pay the tax. /pol Female Tax: tits or gtfo
Jace Martin
Like I said I recognise the natural order but I think any healthy society should encourage a meritocracy and women should have the chance to not be completely held down under the boot of man.
Things aren’t black and white cunt.
Aaron Cooper
Why is the marriage shitty? Until recent history, women happily aspired for marriage and kids. Working in between is fine, but the career woman becomes vapid and bitter. Our instincts want a family while kikedom says that’s useless. We lose our culture and youth this way. Having a family and raising them right is the happiest and most fulfilled I could ever have been. I worked til I had my first, but couldn’t imagine giving my life to work. What a waste that would’ve been.
i think MOST people on the RIGHT? understand that SOME women will want education, or, feel a NEED to run a business, or, compete in the higher work force. such has always been like that, and its okay. The PROBLEM is in all the feminists INSISTING all women get educated, and workm instead of raising families... convincing them they can have it all. The far left makes the far right OUT TO BE against all women doing anything, and thats simply not true.
Sebastian Gomez
Well, at least have a place outside of the city you can always run to. Cities are places for making money and getting ahead in life, but they are resource sinks on everything around it. During war, disease outbreak, or some other unpredictable crazy shit happening you will wish you were not in a major city. Plus, you can do what you want on your own land, grow food, learn how to be an actual human, meditate, watch stars, bond with people in a way that you can't when surrounded by technology. Escape is a luxury. If you can't afford it at least be physically fit and handy with a firearm.
Don't wait forever to have kids though. I know it's easier said than done, but some things you can just prepare for forever and tell yourself you're not ready every day until that time passes you by and you wonder how it all happened. Younger men are immature and older men are after your youth. The only way to protect yourself is to ignore your hormones and listen to your heart, but I know it's easier said than done. There must be some kind of local groups that share your beliefs where you can meet people otherwise you're left with meeting a guy at school/uni or work which is where most people meet. Men don't ask women out anymore so being in as close proximity to your "type" as often as possible will improve your chances.
William Watson
>when i see pricks on here calling women ‘wet holes’ and stuff it fills me with such anger. They should really look in the mirror and get a reality check on their value system. I believe its largely projection. Thinking "my being a male inherently makes me better" sounds a lot like "I have nothing to offer and want my birth to mean more"
Jaxon Reed
Come out ye black and tans
Juan Brooks
Pathetic. You’re like a nigger who’s seen stats on crime per race and still doubts whether niggers are still violent.
Michael Harris
Now with literal meaning
Dylan Wilson
I don't know, giving women freedom has been disastrous for the west
The Irish part of my family turned out to be English Catholics.
Jordan Phillips
Yeah, like that’s the main concern, we’re such a small fucking country we could be so easily over run. It’s a numbers game, and a time game. You’d be surprised at the amount of Irish genuine Irish people that non ironically hate our culture. It’s fucking insane. But then again it’s not their fault in a way coz their parents didn’t really do much to bring them up in it so no wonder they prefer burgerland Ireland
I guess I don’t see many local groups. There’s non on Facebook that aren’t all old racist boomers.
Where are the young people omggg.
Andrew Gray
>have noticed how fucked my country is and everyone seems asleep, all the ‘redpilled’ people I know are lame incels/ self-putting losers that are more interested in poisoning their minds with American politics
Considering how small this island is, chances are I know you and you're talking about me.
If you get married to someone who doesnt respect you, it can be shitty. It's not illogical to say some marriages have problems, even in a white ethnostate. That is, unless everyone believes in tradition, family, honor, and respect.
Hunter Turner
> female Well. Hello there m'lady :) You are ofcourse more than welcome to partake in ohr fine community, and might I be the first to commend you on your intelligent and well balanced opinions. Do not mind the uncultured, sexist brutes. I will defend your honour at all costs ( not that you need me to! ).
Now, might I inquire as pertains the state of your dress, or undress, on this exquisite Spring's eve?
Zachary Price
What a pathetic cunt you are. Even on the internet you can’t look at a whore and tell her how retarded her sex, how immensely stupid her entire gender’s voting habits are, how they continue to race mix despite knowing the consequences, and most importantly; how they continually fail to support white men and the white race.
Look at black women. 77% single motherhood rate, sky high rates of domestic abuse and stds, all because of black men, and those sheboons still stand behind their men. White women aren't even capable of that. Neck yourself you pathetic beta piece of shit. Until you realize that we’ve given these sluts the best lives possible and they’ve done nothing but spit in our face, you are nothing but a bluepilled cuck.
Jason Taylor
Great points. I guess I am vouching for a country that doesn’t turn human nature and nature itself into quantifiable units. I want a movement back towards local communities and industry. But I’m still for international trade and development. There just needs to be a shift back towards the natural order with the general way we live and an idealistic 1950’s capitalistic idyllic pipedream isn’t one I have in mind
Luke Collins
Seriously though, it's not going to get better for a long while. Your best bet is to get involved in some of the more based movements/publications that are around. As a woman, you have social sway/legal sway that makes you valuable to these kinds of people.
Basically, look at helping the likes of the NP or the Burkean.
William Hill
Well worded response and I’d agree. And yes Ireland still has time
We’re 85% Irish whites at the moment. It’s going to go drastically down in the next while. Numbers are still very much on our side but time isn’t as much. We’re a small as fuck country so immigration is way more a threat to us than other countries with larger populations.
Samuel Reed
>>female, realise natural balance of male and female roles but believe women should be given an opportunity to rise up and play to their talents and not have to settle for second rate men under oppressive laws so see some use in the feminine revolution
You have no talent.
Your talent is being a cum incubator, that's it. Anything else is men kissing your ass to make you feel good, we don't need you to cook, we don't need you to clean and we don't need you to do anything apart from having our babies.
Your anti male stance complaining that men who have to deal with the trash meme gender that is you complain is why women as a whole are a joke, even the "rped" ones look out for their gender first and not their race.
Pathetic whore, why haven't you gone to church, found a rped man and married him yet? Lol you can't even complete your basic biological function which is extremely easy to complete and you want to complain about men not doing enough.
Nathan Edwards
>1950’s capitalistic idyllic pipedream isn’t one I have in mind I'm thinking Victorian era or earlier. Back when people weren't prudes and degenerate at the same time. Back when you could have a family, a carrier, and be a member of you community, without needing to learn Spanish and move to China. Dont be like America
Jayden Allen
>>redpilled but not toxically like half the misogynistic, hypocritical losers on here
lol good like with that lasting
Jacob Smith
Tbh if you wanted to find more nationalist Irish people you could probably find tons in America/Canada/Australia. I know they're not Ireland born but I'm mostly Irish myself and have been learning the language. There's a weird fetishism of Ireland across the pond that if harnessed could be good for Ireland. If you can't find any local groups start your own, probs wouldn't have to do much work outside of making a FB group, inviting tons of people and then organizing events every now and then. From there people pretty much snowball.
Idk if wamin have more of a social sway if they're on the opposite side though. Cause (((they))) tend to take that sway away the second someone announces beliefs opposite to theirs. It happened over here with people like Faith Goldy
Aiden Torres
Yes I though 85% Irish white and about 10% non Irish white (Scot, French, Austrian, etc)
Isaac Peterson
tits of gtfo
William Robinson
Please respond.
Brandon Baker
"Hello losers" You Italian girls really are fucking rude, it's not attractive, I'll have you know.
Henry Parker
Seing more women lately around these places. And suddenly they seem very scared.
I agree that MGtoW and such are wastes of space.
Joshua Diaz
I think Jow Forums is about 1/4 female.
Parker Mitchell
Marriage ain’t shitty, I’m just saying that it’s a structure that is kind of oppressive if you get u lucky and get the wrong guy. Because women didn’t have much say in the past if they had an abusive husband they were fucked. I don’t want a world where women can’t escape from domestic abuse and violence. Plus in western countries people are living longer, so marriages are longer.
I think women should be encouraged to see being a mother as just as virtuous as having a career. But with that becomes the responsibility to actually be mothers and not just let the state brainwash and raise your kid. I agree with you that the general soulless CEO female probably isn’t happy and is either going against her mother instincts and pours it all into a small apartment friendly Chihuahua, or she’s just more naturally masculine and is a true asset to society. I guess it’s important to spot the difference. I know some women who are built to be mothers and I know they will be great mothers. But I also know women that just have a drive to be in workplaces and honestly fair play to them
Nicholas Richardson
maybe yours, but only because commie scum made women abandon their traditional place 100 years ago, in the west such a change is more recent
Christian Barnes
With the last socialist victory in spain is the same in Spanish forums. Women freaking out.
Tyler Fisher
>seem scared The so called trad women are basically second wave feminists, who are slowly coming to realization that the gravy train is about to end. Of course they panic. What would you do if you were a parasite without a host?
The problem is that maternity should start at the same time a profesional career starts. But femists HATE maternity since it makes them less than men (From their perspective). Feminism has poisoned the idea of maternity.
Luis Ward
Focus on yourself, not the worries of the world, you'll go mad doing that, you're also going to develop depression going on like this.
Also go to fucking church!
Mason Baker
Yeah there may have always been that but not in all sectors, also idk about other counties but Ireland had the ‘marriage bar’ that a female couldn’t get married if she had a career. Shit like that is what has improved for us. Also fair wages have helped.
But yeah I do agree that a lot of women should be encouraged and reassured it’s okay to just want to be a mother as a long term goal. In our modern world there’s loads of ways to do stuff on the side too if you want to have a creative outlet or a business. I know many work at home mother and father businesses and they do amazing stuff!
Jonathan Sanders
>>female, realise natural balance of male and female roles but believe women should be given an opportunity to rise up and play to their talents and not have to settle for second rate men under oppressive laws so see some use in the feminine revolution So, she want less woman to make child? Trully redpilled as fuck.
Carson Allen
That's the role of women, idiot. To CHOSE. If they don't chose you wonder why and get over it.
Hudson Lee
huh? wrong reply?
Josiah Lee
Asher Russell
I’ve many family in the countryside so if shtf ive places for refuge. Cities are more and more places I’ve disdain for. Or maybe eager, these ‘global’ cities every major city has kinda become.
It’s all an uphill battle but I’d much rather die falling walking towards the stars than sit looking at the gutter
Nolan Thompson
No. That pic blames women for chosing. That's the role of women, it's stupid to blame them for that.
William Martinez
Where in Ireland are you. Save me from the hell hole Dublin plz ;)
Jack Jackson
Please gimme a chance user. I genuinely just want the best for women and obviously men. I’m still trying to figure shit out in my head. And my instincts tell me the solution ain’t black and white
Leo Long
>it's a role of a snake to sting big brain nibba insight right there [slow clap.gif]
Evan Murphy
Ireland still has some based young men. Stop being a faggot. If you really are a girl which I highly doubt go find a gaa lad faggot
Sebastian Gray
Hahaha probably. But sure look
Eli Ortiz
honestly can’t be fucked to read any of this. What size are your nipples, though? Dime, quarter, or half-dollar?
also post tits.
Jordan Campbell
Sorry not for you Brit
Henry Fisher
Benjamin Powell
Here's the thing, Any job you or any woman get's is taking up a possible job space from a man. Your college degree took the spot of a man going to college. No woman can say they have the right when there are government (which is gun point violence) programs and tax incentives to employ an educate you over men
Men have to work, you can stay home and work and have a stable marriage, men cannot.
You can not have everything you want. You're unjustified position in life is killing your people's legacy. You are putting off children in your most fertile years.
You only are increase your risk of divorce and shattering your ability to pair bond from a purely scientific perspective with increase sex and off set pregnancy.
Your people don't need you working they need 12 kids out of you.
But hey they'll just get out breed and raped and slaughtered by shit skins while your making money.
being catholic tho I will say I respect your willingness not to use condoms :)
Levi Stewart
>Hahaha probably
Suddenly I feel like I should be posting on Jow Forums...
Also, I presume you're the one talking to people in éire/pol/ atm. As I said before, your best bet if you want to do something is either in the NP, or if you want to keep a level of normalcy in your life, with the Burkean.
That, or just milk the system now for what it's worth. I wouldn't blame you.
Oh no trust me I’ve gone through the toxic stage of it, ain’t planning to go back
Elijah Baker
Hmm haven’t considered utilising the fetishistic nature of quasi-irish nationalism from over the pond before. Could be useful in the upcoming crusades.
Carter Ross
I have much respect for a lot of people who browse /pol
I’m basically just hating on the people who call women wet holes and cum incubators.
Plus I’m irish not Italian
Angel Torres
>utilising the fetishistic nature of quasi-irish nationalism from over the pond That's how the IRA financed their war. They would visit Americans, play a couple of Irish songs, and then tell Burger O'Brien how Irish he is.
As a side note fuck all you faggots for cucking out to a woman and giving her her own thread. New fags killed this board
Christopher Wilson
It's the role of females in all species. It's a form of natural selection. Do you feel bad because they didn't choose you? Awwwww.
Kayden Hill
I guess because people are living longer the idea of a professional career or even aspiring to goals behind maternity are more doable and achievable now especially with a cooperative husband who you can trust. But yeah I’d agree, this kind of pushing onto girls that ‘they should strive to be a big CEO’ is kind dumb. Most women are suited to more people focused jobs and community based work anyway
Jace Reed
Imagine thinking every time some woman says men are trash that she actually means it & taking it personally.
Robert Torres
No it's actually the role of a woman's father to choose for her, in civilization a woman making choice is something that happens in a state of nature or a civilization decline. But hey I like working utilities and scientific advancement
I can’t focus on myself in a healthy way I’m a world that promoted hedonistic individual endless pleasure. Idk, I just feel like I have to live my life as authentically as I can and it includes doing something about my concerns of the original post
Ayden Russell
Also, I want to be more spiritually connected but the Catholic Church is kinda dead here. I have to look into options in that regard
- not completely against returning to church though. But I can’t completely buy into it if you get me, and take it seriously
Logan Lee
We could make it work. Having natality support NOT FOR WOMEN but FOR FAMILIES if we tried. But sadly this trainwreck is headed in a completely different direction. Stay strong, We need people like you.
Well we won't be having any crusades while Pope Francis is still licking feet and 80% of remaining Catholics are fine with cheap grace and weak faith.
Ayden Jackson
Look man, history goes back and forth like a pendulum, things aren’t gonna stay static forever and SOME good things have happened for women whether you wanna admit it or not. Plus the idea of having as many kids as possible is dumb and every woman is well able to have at least two kids if supported by a state that isn’t inherently against it (which I believe my country is because it just wants to bring in poorer populations to replace us)
Leo Sanders
I sometimes feel like there is an antenna in every female brain that gives a little shock whenever another female thinks they're engaging in wrong think. This thought makes me think Orwell was the masculine dystopia, while Huxley's was the feminine.
Henry Richardson
So you're a feminist then
Chase Nguyen
Brit can you not use cringe infographs containing no evidence only euphemisms even if they're true they can not be seen as anything but a whine
>role of females in all species quite obviously false. Do you even science? Humans are 50/50 pairbonding vs tournament species. The whole reason we've risen above all other species is because we've removed female selection from the equation. Older men would pick husbands for their daughters from the men they consider honorable and productive. That system ensured every male had a reason and drive to participate in building and defending the society. Since we've deconstructed that mechanic everything went to shit, because 90% of men have zero reason to care.
>didn't choose you They choose to fuck Chad and Tyrone in their 20 and then expect to settle with men like me after 35. No thanks.
Christopher Long
Women have always chosen mates, parent permision was important but not the only factor. I agree that some limit to stupidity should be put, but that needs a cultural change. When I say women chosing is their role I don't mean they always chose wisely. Neither men pursue always good women.