Alexander Dugin thread discussion:

I ve watched what this dude say again, and i think i started to understand what he mean.
I mma list what i think he means, but please, if i understood him incorrectly, correct me.
>globalism rejected, not fusing all cultures in one but having different cultures talking and cooperating with each other
>this retarded shit that thy call feminism rejected, but understanding that men and women have their separate spaces and innate talents, and each individual should improve in there
>not absolute power by those who have money, but they should be stopped from doing bad shit that goes against the nation
>rejection of comunism, cause that shit is retarded, and it brings starvation
That's my own, but still, i hear that he rejects it
>rejection of absolute materialism

If those are his points, i strongly agree with the dude.
BUT. I think he makes an ignorant mistake: he misunderstand what the internet it.
Cause, the internet, is A GOD-DAMN WIRE!!
You have 2 computers, and you use a wire to connect them! That's IT.
Sure, the form of the wire is a net ( cause it encopass A LOT of computers, still the comparition is apt ).
Same as my ancestors gave birth to safe roads as the bone of civilization, the Americans gave the internet to the world, and that is the same shit, just more advanced.
Instead of rejecting it, you should embrace it, and recognize it as the new foundation of the future ( like safe roads and bridges were the foundation of what was before us ), and build on that.
Even more, the internet is the EXACT way to realize the dude vision. (continued)

Attached: dugin.jpg (474x316, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Steve Bannon and his entire NazBol crew will be executed for treason.

Think of it this way: you have different homes (nations), and each is ruled by the father, who decides the general direction of the family.
Those families lives in their own home, but they can freely go to another home to (for example) ask for help. Hell, borrow some sugar.
How do they do that?
By having separate blocks on the global internet.
That means that we should divide it by nations, and each (while every nation should operate on the base of not becoming a fucking dystopya, so common rules) should regulate it's own internet the best way it believes.
Then, if someone wants to connect to another nation's internet, they should be able to (depends on the nation's laws if it's allowed, but only retards would stop that), same as little Jimmy exiting the door of his house to go to the Jefferson's house ( by using the road ofc) and help doing some work there, or asking for sugar (knowledge), or to bring a gift, but then returning home after that.
What do you think?
Am i wrong in my thinking? Am i committing any fallacies or some shit?
Legit interested in a discussion.
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Attached: Black-Cube.jpg (1409x1306, 506K)

Im not a Nazi, cause i reject racism.
You americans showed that interest and wealth trumps race.

Imagine being a zionist shill like you. Sloppy job mossad.

Dugin is a Kabbalah practicing Jew. Nazbol kikes get the rope.

Dude, don't fucking copy pasta me, let's have a discussion.

Umh.. Im not a Zionist tho..?
I don't hate the jews, but i don't actively support them..
It's live and let live imo.

So, wait, is he a nazi, or a Jew?

Dugin is a religious and ethnic Jew. He's a Communist. Bolshevism is literally Communism. National Socialism isn't Communism.

Wait, wtf, but he reject comunsim.
And fascism.
He talks about the a 4th way.
Did i misunderstood the dude? If so, can you show me proof that he is a bolshevist?


Attached: Bolshevism = Communism.png (1593x794, 409K)

I know THAT.
But i just watched a video where he talks about not a international, but a conservative international movement.
That means like the opposite of commies, no?
Also, where does the dude say that he is a commie?

That's literally pilpul.

>he talks about not a international, but a conservative international movement
It's still Internationalism.. which is Communism. Conservativism implies Nationalism, hence the National part of National Bolshevism. But Bolshevism implies Internationalism. You can't have Nationalism and Internationalism simultaneously and if you try you simply get a world controlled by a single internet group... which just happens to be the goal of Communism. Nazbol is literally Communism under a new name. It promotes the exact same Bolshevik philosophy and is led by the exact same type of Jews. It's literally pilpul.

>I'm a Bolshevik but I'm not a Communist
>Even though Bolshevism is literally Communism

>interest group

I didn't think that way..
So, wait, the dude wants to take down property rights?

They elected Blowsonaro here. They also have links to this kikery:

Wait, wtf?
But Bolsonaro is against socialism, no?
So why would commies elect him?
I don't get it.

>Property not own by the Government
you may pick only one

Holy shit, dude, i know THAT.
Read what i said.
And yes, i am FOR property rigths, else everything is meaningless.
I don't like slavery..

OP you are in the wrong place if you are looking for intelligent discussion on political philosophy, Dugin lr otherwise.

Attached: nazbol property rights.jpg (1371x478, 73K)

>Not the place for political/philosophy
The fuck?
Isn't this what this board is FOR?
A place where we can safely discuss politics?

Holy shit.
I mean, what would that be, double slavery?
Besides, how the fuck can the economy go then with no private property?
I mean it can't be done!

You're right it can't be done. This is why Communism, in 200 years, has never worked. Nazbol and other forms of Communism aren't system designed to help humanity but enslave it.

Attached: judaism is communism.png (466x359, 160K)

Fuck me dude, i tougth that the dude was for property, but against globalism.
To keep cultures alive, not kill them, but a peacefull cooperation.
That's a kik in the balls rigth there, not gonna lie..

yeah. never trust a jew :\

Attached: kabbalah 2.png (1532x949, 1.01M)

Oh come on, dude.
Our problem aren't the jews, it's the fact that we let women get too much power, and now we are starting to break.
Cause giving unfair advantages to women always does that.
Look at history.

You don't understand Dugin desu.
He's a traditionalist.
You think in terms of universal systems, like there's a single political solution, which could be applied to any culture. Dugin does not. It's a completely different framework of thought.

To him there's no universal right way of governing a country, but rather how it should be governed derives from the local traditions.
So in some countries property rights have their place and in some don't. As simple as that.

In fact, rejection of the ideological universalism is exactly why he dislikes liberals - they enforce the Western European vision of the world onto foreign cultures. He sees human rights, democracy, the ideas of Locke, Kant and Mill not as some universal truths, but rather as part of the Western European tradition.

You misunderstood lots of things.

The first feminist was Wilhelmina Drucker ...a Dutch Jew. Behind every problem, when you pull back the curtain, you'll find a Jew.

Active measures and his entire ideology is meant to put Russia on top

Used to be something else. He's now a joke, an ordinary cuck serving Russian imperialist interests.

Muslims happen to be part of the empire so they have to be acceptable and part of society. Ans so on. His whole "philosophy" is built around the KGB/FSB's current needs.

>To him there's no universal right way of governing a country, but rather how it should be governed derives from the local traditions
>So in some countries property rights have their place and in some don't
That i can agree with, partially.
But i mean, if you don't have property rigths you have slavery, that is what it is.
And i mean.. It's kinda fucked up..
But hey, if the people of a country wants what, why not?
The problem is: how can you determine that?
If they are under slavery and under danger, how can you be sure they aren't saying what those in power wants?
Like during the inquisition, you know?

Nah, my ancestors had the same problem 2000 years ago.
Women wanting more power in a stable environment it's common and natural.

>his entire ideology is meant to put Russia on top
>He's now a joke, an ordinary cuck serving Russian imperialist interests
That's sad..

>Used to be something else
What do you mean?

You're in prison aren't you?

is Dugin taken seriously in Russia?

No, im not, why?
Im just looking into what this dude say..

I'll explain Dugin to you then, hence I've listened to many of his lectures. I will refrain from giving my personal opinion in this post.

Dugin is a traditionalist and as such sees the world as a collection of cultures with different ethical, metaphysical, ontological and etc. features. He believes each state should exist in accordance with its cultural code and trade with other states. Thus everyone should maintain cultural integrity.
Dugin sees expansive egalitarian ideologies as things akin to cancer cells. Especially liberalism.
Why is that, you may ask? Well, there are several basic premises.

Liberalism forcefully replaces local cultures under the dogmatic presumption of itself being the ultimate virtue. Liberalism uses dogmatic constructs like human rights to militarily enforce itself, causing physical and cultural damage to countries.

A right is a lawaker's term, which implies a pact between the state and a citizen with mutual obligations. Human rights have no basis, hence they apply not to citizens, but to humans, which is a superset above citizens. They defy the definition of right. They are dogmatic and assumed out of air. Furthermore, hence they operate piercing any country's local jurisdiction and traditions, they work as an excuse, as a basis for liberal world's violent expansion and intervention.

You can justify bombardments, killings of 1000's of civilians by assumed protection of ephemeral human rights.
Liberalism gives you two choices: either accept its ideals and replace your culture with it or die.
It's preach of freedom is semi-elusive. Liberals preach not freedom, but human rights and personal space as their Gods. As such they'd gladly forgo the freedom of speech for the protection of the said rights.
This is actually what you're seeing with SJW's in the West, where liberals go against the actual freedom of speech with their fanatic preach of human rights and egalitarianism.
This is only a small part, I could elaborate further.

Nope. Most people don't read big books and don't listen long boring lectures in any country, you know.
Most people don't really understand or know what he's talking about.
In some moments I disagree with him, but I see his points regarding certain issues.

Sure, that makes sense, hence he's Russian.
He opposes the US as a potential enemy, obviously.

However he also thinks that in reality, the American culture, the American tradition is not liberal, but rather pragmatic (

According to Dugin, the epistemology and ethics of the American people are pragmatic. They believe whatever works within one's individual goal framework must be true. From this stems the cult of freedom of speech.

E.g. a man has a certain psychological complex, but dressing up as Adolf Hitler publicly helps him alleviate these problems somehow.

From an ethical and epistemological pragmatist's point of view, this would be fine and right as it serves this man's personal end goals within his local framework of thought.

From this you kind of see, from where Americans take their freedom of speech as the ultimate virtue. It's a logical continuation of pragmatism being the source of their mentality.

Liberalism inherently opposes pragmatism.
As with the situation above a liberal would say that a man dressing up as Hitler clearly violates and offends the people around. It is unacceptable, as it celebrates a man, who stomped upon human rights.

As you can see, liberals are actually incompatible with the American pragmatism and freedom of speech. This is why there's a growing disparity between Democrats and Republicans. Dems lost the American in them and got infected with liberalism. They've lost the logos of the American culture.

Dugin sees the enemy not in the traditional pragmatic US, but moreso in the liberal zombie-like liberal US, which yet to become one, if American traditionalists are to lose their culture to liberals.

He's not opposed to the American people, nor to the American founding fathers and their ideas, but to the liberalism itself, which he's afraid takes over the US, turning it into a huge geopolitical zombie.

Russia knows something, no matters what the Jews claim.

Also Germany had its reason, too, but they failed to make it clear.

Nations are the old dying model. The global pan-nation is itself a mistake. The thought is that if a nation is outmoded, surely a really huge nation isn't! Where your perspective is right is a distributed cluster of small private networks communicating over a common substrate. Where it is wrong is the thought that "the nation" is the reasonable divider between networks. Networks will self-segregate into useful bodies that serve the elements operating upon them organically.

No idea, Black Cube and Bannon elected him. This is well know in the non-normie circles. I guess sucking jewish dicks trumps ideology.