My gf had an abortion without telling me

my gf had an abortion without telling me
I'm fucking shocked
and she broke up with me because I am "not happy about her getting an abortion when she doesn't want to be pregnant"
she's blocked me on social media not picking up my calls
what do I do I don't know how to process this

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be happy you dodged 18 years worth of child support bullets

You dodged a bullet m8
Get yourself a non-degenerate gf

How would you expect this to go if you could contact het? Do you think you could ever accept what she has done? Hidden pregnancy, hidden abortion, blocking you on everything? If there is any kind of "no" sentiment in answer to that question, let her go.

I don't know I'm just in shock she could do this
I would have loved a child... I was ready to support her

woman here and having to have an abortion isn’t an easy thing. I’ve never had one but in the past my ex wanted me to keep a baby, I wanted an abortion. I was only a teenager. I ended up having a miscarriage but still feel bad/sad about it even though I didn’t want a kid. Realize that she’s probably going through a lot right now as I’m sure you are, but if she acts immaturely it’s also a sign you dodged a bullet

So you cannot accept what she has done. Let her go.

nothing you can do. You now have to live the rest of your life knowing that woman killed your child.

This. Just accept that this degeneracy has removed itself from your life, op

why do I have to let her go
it's not right what she did
I don't buy her "you were being inconsiderate of my wishes I told you I don't want children" explanation that's what all women say but pregnancy should make women love their children

>murdering your baby isn't an easy thing
No shit.

>why do I have to let her go
Are you blind? You cannot accept what she has done, and she is not willing to compromise. She hid the pregnancy, hid the abortion, and left you. She knows what she wants, and she does not want children with you. You think you can convince her, but you can't. This isn't a woman who is waiting for you to say the right words, she LEFT, she HID a pregnancy and abortion from you.

yeah she did because I told her abortion is murder but I thought pregnancy would change her mind

Hard next

Last time I'm going to tell you: You cannot accept what she has done, she has already done what she wants. It is over.

don't I even get to punish her
she killed my baby

Man this is either good bait or you're really lacking in self-awareness.

She told you she didn't want a baby. You knocked her up because you thought it would change her mind. You went against her wishes and did what YOU wanted. Her mind didn't change, and she did what SHE wanted because you already have. There is no punishment to mete out. You're both even.

I fucking hate "my body my rules" bitches. They disgust me. you're lucky OP because she sounds shitty.

NO I don't accept this. I wanted a baby. She wanted murder. there's no way they're the same

>there's no way they're the same
The sametiy comes from you making a choice for her (getting her pregnant) and she making a choice for you (getting an abortion. If you cannot see what you've done in knocking her up against her wishes as a wrongdoing, then there is nothing left to say.

it wasn't a wrongdoing
she consented to pregnancy when she consented to have sex with me

>then there is nothing left to say

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Absolutely not

If she was happy with you, she wouldnt have gotten an abortion. If you treated her right, she wouldnt have gotten an abortion. If you didnt rape her, she wouldnt have gotten an abortion.

TL;DR your forced love child got the vaccum. Move on. Shes on Chad's dick now.

Hahaha no it absolutely does not work that way. Some woman have complete trouble bounding with the baby in the womb some get prenatal depression not to mention the woman that get post partum and some woman can just never truly bond with their children. Just cause woman should be motherly and nurturing doesn’t mean we all are and some woman know they’d be absolutely shit mothers and when they say they don’t want kids listen because either and you might get this, a mother that’s unattached and indifferent to said child or a mother that can be mentally, emotionally and physically abusive. Then your spawn you so wanted them to raise will be fucked up for having a mom that doesn’t want them.

Little girl wanting to play grownup games. This is the best way to describe college girls. They've never actually had to work for anything or take responsibility for the bad things they do.

The term "love child" kind of implies that even though it was an accident, it was one that bloomed from love. I'll tell you this. She didn't love you. She was using you for something. Sexual stimulation, status, money, and when her toy broke, when she couldn't get anything but ultimate affirmation from it, she couldn't just toss it away. She had to villainize you, make sure her friends understood what a monster you were and that she really did love you, but you were just trying to make a 50s wife out of her.
It's a complete fucking joke, and she's trash. She'll get away with it, though, because this crazed brainwashing that the bluebloods do with their high value college girls is a self-maintaining chastity belt. She's not going to pop one out until she finds a man who makes so much money, she can do it without it actually placing any strain on her.

Mourn it in your own time. I hope you find a woman that loves you and your children. It doesn't matter what she says. You have a right to be upset for what she did to your child, and you deserve your own place in this world

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Sorry to hear that OP. You're a faggot for browsing 4chsn but at least you know there was a human being killed. The others are right: She would have split up with you anyways to leech of your faggotbux.

You still can be a dad and shit. Just find a girl that isn't that much of a coldblooded whore.

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Unfortunately you chose a trash bitch to impregnate.
Recognize that you dodged a bullet and move on.

It’s a good thing as you don’t want a child with someone who doesn’t want children. Pretty straight forward.

Im so sorry man, id be fucked up too if that happened to me.

Absolutely based

This is just inarguably correct.

But you're lucky that a woman with such shitty maternal instincts is now out of your life with no strings attached.

ex got knocked up and ended up having an abortion and I ultimately got the blame for it but found out almost a year later the child was probably not mine but a neighbor of her parents she fucked when I was away at school

the modern woman explained in one post

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She's an immature child for not at least telling you what she was feeling, and how she wanted to proceed. Relationships are relationships because one word; communication. If she cant communicate something that is serious like this then what can you expect about her. Ultimately it is her final decision but at the same time she went about it completely wrong. I personally hate the idea of abortion, i hate everything it stands for and people who do it are either weak or doing it out of convenience.

But i believe she has the right to do such even tho its morally depraved.


Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.
Before I had sex with my bf, I told him I don't want children at least in the foreseeable future. We take precautions, yes. but should it happen I will abort. I will not keep a pregnancy I don't want. If he doesn't accept this, he can fuck off, and leave me alone, I don't want a man who would force me into a pregnancy I don't want to have.

No. I too would cease all communications and run in a case like this. This is a man who wanted to force a woman into a pregnancy she didn't want. There's no communicating with a man who has zero respect for you like you, he's a threat to your well-being and you need to get away asap like you would any other danger.

>someone having an emotional reaction to you doing something horrible to the product of love is them "forcing" you to do something

I'd literally put a ring on a single mother before a nasty cunt like you. Drink, party, and enjoy your "new experiences," because there's not really anything else to someone like you. Hollow fucking bitch.
Bet your boyfriend is a fucking simp.

Well OP made it sound like she just up and had an abortion without any form of communication. Almost as if OP was under the impression that they were keeping it, or if he didn't even know she was pregnant. Either way communication is key about things like this. Trust is gone if she just takes an action like that without at least trying to tell him what shes feeling. And i really dont think he has no respect for her. But i agree ultimately its her choice but what makes a relationship a relationship is communication and understanding.

I wish them the best , but i they both are hurting currently. And talking could of allieveted some of the mourning , she probably needs him more than anything now and they arent even talking. I couldn't even imagine how alone she feels in this situation, it could of been avoided - only if they talked.

You get it

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How do you know OP wanted to force anything? Are you retarded?

Nevermind I read through the thread, both you and OP are retards, nevermind.

It's not "the product of love", it's the spawn of deception and abuse because I do not want to be pregnant so any attempt to get me pregnant would be only through deception, a complete disrespect of my person and my will. There's no love in that.

I don't drink and I don't party, I have been with my bf for more than 10 years now. I am blessed I have a man who truly loves me and shows so by not forcing me into pregnancies I don't want. You will not keep a woman being horrible like that.

>"you were being inconsiderate of my wishes I told you I don't want children"
She communicated with him. He disrespects her.

>It's not "the product of love", it's the spawn of deception and abuse because I do not want to be pregnant so any attempt to get me pregnant would be only through deception, a complete disrespect of my person and my will. There's no love in that.

If you were serious, you wouldn't have sex. Don't be talking about "love", you don't know what love is.

>I don't drink and I don't party, I have been with my bf for more than 10 years now. I am blessed I have a man who truly loves me

10 years and still not married, holy fuck you really don't know what love is. This "man" is wasting your time.

I am serious. My consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy. I don't want children.

You're the one who doesn't know what love is, anno. You don't care what your partner wants. That's not love.

>my bf for more than 10 years
I've seen this show before!

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Be grateful to her for saving you 18 years of child support your life savings and college tuition and then probably paying for your kid after that, forsaking everything good and your life for some brat who won't appreciate you. Honestly it may not even be yours kids so I wouldn't worry about it.

Lol nopes all around dumbass

>Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.

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Shut up you zoomer cunt, there are consequences to your actions. Pregnancy can be a result of having sex. You don't run from your responsibilities, or the results of your actions

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It doesn't have to be if one doesn't want it. That's why abortion exists.

Consent to sex isn't consent to giving birth to a child.
But it isn't consent to get an abortion without telling your partner either.
If you have sex you and your partner need to have already had a discussion about what would happen if you got pregnant and be able to be candid with each other when it happens.

Only teenagers and sluts have sex without both parties knowing what would happen if it resulted in a pregnancy.

abortion exists because people aren't willing to take responsibility for their actions.

>That's why abortion exists.

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Children need parents who want them. It's more responsible to abort than to spawn a child you don't want.

The brainwashing is unreal. Everything you are saying is escaping your responsibility, and commitment to a selfish lifestyle.

>Children need parents who want them
that's where the responsibility part comes in.

There's no responsibility to have children you don't want, as children need to be wanted not to end up damaged people. You're the selfish one, wanting to ruin lives because you have absurd ideas about women.

I like many others do not want children, and nothing can make me want them. Forcing them on me will only make me hate them and resent them, which I will not hide from them.

>This shit is what you idiots believe.
I hate this board sometimes.

if you have sex you are willingly participating in an act that could potentially lead to pregnancy. you reap what you sow. well, not anymore apparently.

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Why would you want to be with someone who murdered your son or daughter?

No, as I said, my consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.

Maximum yikes bro

how dare you not be happy, you MALE you.

How can a guy force a woman to be pregnant? Can he stop you from taking birth control somehow?

He can try to prevent her from getting an abortion when the birth control fails.

No, you consented to that possibility when you had sex.

When you go skydiving, certainly you hope your chute will open, but you accept that it might not.

No, I did not. I consented to have sex, not to carry a pregnancy. If a man does not accept this, I do not want him. By consenting to have sex with me, he accepts me aborting any eventual pregnancy.

no wonder everything is so fucked at the moment. no more responsibility only rights.

>I'm a strong independent woman, I can't possibly be responsible for my own actions!

There's no responsibility to have children you don't want.

>Get yourself a non-degenerate gf
If you don't want kids you shouldn't be having sex. You shouldn't be fornicating anyway--so OP is already a degenerate and he'll only ever find degenerates.

If a C.U.N.T. had an abortion in the past, I do NOT want anything to do with it.

YES, ladies I am the catch you always dreamed of. No lie.

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My own actions are stating my intentions and making sure they are respected and follow through. Nobody forces a man to have sex with women who don't want children. If anyone has sex with me, they do so at my conditions.

There's a responsibility to not kill children.

Fetuses are not children.

What's the difference?

Women are not human.

She didn't want your baby nor your opinion. Get over yourself, you seedy nonmother fucker.

A fetus is a parasite leeching off another person's body. It has no brain, and there's no physical distinction between it and its host since it's physically attacched to the host's body.

A child is physically distinct body, not physically attached to anyone, not sucking the blood of another human, whose care can be immediately passed to others if necessary since it's not literally inside another person's body.

How can you say that when women were fetuses too that, and as you whine, have grown up to be human? Do fetuses stop being human when they grow up?

fetuses are vampiric parasites now. what next?

They feed by digging into the woman's blood supply and sucking blood and bone marrow from her. Vampiric parasites nails it, yes.

Fetuses are not a human, they are a part of one. They just said that. Cognitive Dissonance?

Women are parasites feeding off of men. Do we get to kill them when they do not serve our purposes?

Fucktarded women do not think correctly.

Can't Understand Normal Thinking.

Fuck off CUNTs

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>A fetus is a parasite leeching off another person's body
Doesn't fit the definition of a parasite.
>It has no brain
Neural development begins within 2-3 weeks. By week 4, there are already recognisable brain structures.
>and there's no physical distinction between it and its host
There is, it's a different organism with its own genetic makeup. Where it nor for the placentar barrier, the mother would have an immune reaction against the fetus.
>not sucking the blood of another human
Fetal and maternal blood are separated and don't mix.

Take a biology class, you dumb retard.

Male fetuses are human. Female fetuses are just things for men to possess, which still puts the decision of what happens to it in the hands of the father.

No, they didn't say that. The usual rhetoric from abusers like the dudes ITT is fetuses are human so they have rights, yet this quality of being human suddenly stop when the ex-fetus (according to their view) says something these people don't like.

>it has no brain
It has a functioning brain within 2 months of conception. It's basically running its os install at that point.
>a child is a physically distinct body
Siamese twins aren't human then? Your definition is arbitrary and convenient.

There was a point in the prohibition era where we were considering making it legal to not try murder cases where the victim was male and the perpetrator was female. The reason being that the juries always acquitted. All she had to do was cook up some crock of shit about being smacked around and terrified of him.

Abortion reminds me of that mindset. We're defining what's human, who deserves to live and who doesn't, based on what's convenient for the young women of society, because men can't stop cherishing them, and other women can't stop mobbing with them.

Let's say you hate the man you made them with. Alright, fair, maybe he's a piece of shit and you're just a crazy bitch. You can raise that child to not be "like" him though, while still having whatever good you saw in him, and find an awesome man that'll give him or her some awesome half siblings, and then where in this case is a child who wishes they were never born?

If you're pregnant by someone you love? Fuck, that's just great. I don't know why you'd screw with that.

this person has already stated that they don't want to be responsible for their actions

But it's not even a bad sort of responsibility. It's not like "oh, I stole something or hired a hooker, now I have to spend some time in the poke." It's like getting your license or going to school, getting a job. It takes away your wings, but it expands your horizons.

>an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
>something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return

Yes, it does fit the definition of parasite.

>By week 4
There's a neural tube in the spine, which is not a brain anymore than an insect has a brain. Also no brain activity, making it more braindead than an insect. Try again.
>it's a different organism with its own genetic makeup
So is a parasite inside a host. It's still a parasite because it exists inside another's body.
>Fetal and maternal blood are separated and don't mix
The fetus feeds on the woman's blood. Cells from the invading placenta digest their way through the endometrial surface, puncturing the mother’s arteries, swarming inside and remodelling them to suit the foetus. Outside of pregnancy, these arteries are tiny, twisty things spiralling through depths of the uterine wall. The invading placental cells paralyse the vessels so they cannot contract, then pump them full of growth hormones, widening them tenfold to capture more maternal blood. It's so shitty and horrible that if those arteries fail to expand, starving the fetus of oxygen, that fetus will release toxins that damage and constrict the mother’s blood vessels, driving up blood pressure. This risks kidney and liver damage, if not stroke. You learn biology, retard.

>within 2 months
AndI? It has no right to stay 1 second inside another's body against that person's will.

>Siamese twins aren't human then?
Siamese twins get separated usually, precisely because being forced to share a body is horrible and creates nothing but problems. Often they are separated even at the expense of one of them.

I don't want to raise any child. If ,my man loves me, he will not get me pregnant, he will not try to get me to keep a pregnancy I don't want.

>being deprived of your body
>being burdened with a parasite
>being burdened with a net loss for 18 years
>not a bad sort of anything

>1 thread later: why don't women want meeeeee ;___;

>>being burdened with a parasite
Congrats. You just acknowledged your a parasite.

Semen is full of parasite then

Looks like you began as a parasite then. Probably still are too.

I don’t care if women get abortions, because the whole “life is sacred” Schtick is a modern christfag meme that isn’t observed anywhere else in nature, but why can’t women just admit that they are terminating a child?

did you want kids?