The real deal.
Close your eyes, breathe calmly, and don't think anything.
How can I be a productive member of society (working or going to school) with social anxiety?
Just spent the Evening with a girl i liker for such a long time and made her cum. Without much effort. She's RIDICULOUSLY attractive and the chemistry between us is phenomenal. Life is good.
Based cumbrother
Wish you guys a long relationship
lmao I really cannot stop thinking about how ive always been alone and might be the rest of my life. holy fuck. like I try really hard to focus on something else but I cant. its actually making me want to kill the only thing holding me back is upsetting my mom, dad, and grandparents. Theres this uncomfortable pain in my throat and pressure in my chest and all I want to do is fkn cry. im 28 yrs old and feel so far behind everyone else. I feel so lost. I feel like such a fkn bitch. I dunno what to do.
Three fucking threads, none of them at bump limit. Use the search feature in the catalog holy shit
Why the fuck do I still miss you? All you ever did was treat me like shit, use me for what little bit I could offer, and talk shit about me behind my back.
Why the fuck do I still love you, despite the fact "All men are trash, and have never done anything for you"?
Why do I still secretly hope you'll fucking come back to me with your tail between your legs, apologizing for the way you treated me for the majority of the 8 years I knew and loved you?
Why am I hung up over some stupid, willfully ignorant bitch who strung me along for all those year, who went chasing after a fucking 16 YEAR OLD GIRL IN FUCKING INDONESIA behind my back while I was in College, and working, trying to help? Why did I say yes to being your boyfriend in the first place?
I still love you, but at the same time, I want to fucking ruin you, and your entire existence...not for what you did to me, but for how you used both YOUR FRIENDS & MY FRIENDS.
Listen here Alayna, or should I say War Daddy, or whatever your stupid fucking Twitter handle is these have no fucking idea how badly you've fucking hurt me, and you have no idea how fucking much you letting that stupid little dyke you call a girlfriend ruin me, and actively antagonize me pissed me off.
When you supposedly move to Kentucky in August, you better fucking pray everything works out for you...because you don't have a home to come back to. I know your Mom kicked you out of the house that YOU own, and quite frankly, you deserved to have that happen to you a MUCH LONGER TIME AGO than in just the last month.
And when I go to Florida to visit the friends you threw away, and I'm drinking, partying, having fun, and maybe even hooking up with those friends of yours...I hope you eventually see some of the pictures of me on you Facebook, and I hope it cuts you as deeply as you cut me.
Something always goes wrong.
Forgive and forget user, it's better to let go than to keep the anger. You will hurt yourself more than she hurt you
Three freaking GIOYC threads- this is getting ridiculous. People need to stop it with their bs pics. There's a reason the same pic is always used.
I know, but even 3 months after walking away, post-mental breakdown, she still fucking pops in in what few dreams I have, and every single time it happens, it's a flash of reliving that moment where that mental breakdown happened.
I'm trying to forgive and forget, but dammit, it's fucked up when you reminded by your own subconscious.
I just woke up from a nap. You might be able to guess why I had to vent this, given context.
I miss you. But I don't want you back, and I absolutely don't want to see you back again. What we had, was beautiful. You loved me when I had nothing and held me tight when I was breaking down. But people always want something more and you wished for money and pretty things, when I was able to give all that to you, you had already lost interest. And your new love, they are fantastic, aren't they? That's why you decided to stop talking to your friends and be a general asshat. It's like the person I loved died and an idiot took your place. I miss the fun days. The eating chips and browsing YouTube because I couldn't afford going to the movies. The eating half a sandwich because we didn't have money for two. You blushed when I offered to buy you something, and where happy when I saved for your favorite book. You said que where strong. I take you leaving me as your final act of love, because you couldn't love me anymore. Now I have money, a job, a good career. But it lacks your laugh.
The other day I found a vídeo where I said I would save everything about you un case one day we started to forget. You asked me to never leave. I never did.
But I do now.
Good luck. Better times will come I guess.
Its been happening more often because these retards think the picture needs to be soecial every time and apparently people are too stupid to use the god damn search feature. Its getting really bad. There should be two up at once AT MOST and ONLY if one of them is at bump limit.
really wish i wasnt human
I want somebody I can torture and abuse
Why do you even care?
I'm slowly losing all my friends.
All my friends are online friends, and one by one they're stopping talking to me, and when I try to start a conversation some go offline and some just say they are busy.
I don't even try to talk to them anymore but also don't want to delete them from steam.
Copyin my shit from another thread since im a fucking retard :
Been fighting depression a long time now(I'm 24). At the point where its so bad that the Army is discharging me because of it. My parents have pushed for me to enlist my whole life and to put it simply they're pretty unhappy with hearing this, and are extremely disappointed in me, think I'm weak. Always telling me how easy life is/was for them, so it should be for me too. Depression caused lots of emotional instability. Went on antidepressants, felt like a zombie, lack of emotion and compassion caused the woman I loved dearly to leave me last week. We were thinking of getting engaged after I was out of the military. Went home to see friends over summer leave, none of them wanted to see me, nobody replied to me. Made me realize I have no friends, either.
Came off the antidepressants as she left me, and as my family stopped supporting me, and as I realized I have no friends. I have no support, sit in total isolation every day, shove ear plugs in my ears for complete silence 24/7, just me and my thoughts in my head.
Parents coming to visit me next month. After they leave, think I'll buy a .45ACP handgun, and blow my brains out in my car some place nice and in nature at sunset, since I love wildlife, and all animals. If I do this, military life insurance will pay out ~$400,000 ($200,000 each) to my parents. Will take the remaining $20,000 I have saved up, donate a lot to charity, will give ~50% to my now ex girlfriend as a last gift, since she really struggles with her student debt. I don't want to die but I want this to stop, and I want the last thing(s) I do on this earth to be helping out others, even if they don't want me in their lives anymore. Dont know what the fuck to do anymore and it feels like life is spiraling down, very rapidly. Dont want to die, but want this suffering to end, seems like no other options available to me
Tonight, and every night, I'm going to imagine that things went differently. I'm going to imagine I met you when I was a teen, that you got me pregnant and took me away from all this. That I supported your pursuits but stopped you from continuing the course you are on. That everything was different. This will be my only happiness in life from now on, my secret story before I go to bed.
Maybe you don't love me. I can hear it in your voice.
I don't think they pay out for suicides.
>"Friends" are always doing things without me, never invited to anything
>Work up the courage to ask one of them why they never invite me to anything
>Get told that I'm just being a drama queen and they aren't ignoring me
>Literally the next day they all go to a party and I wasn't told until the day after
>Try and make plans to do something with one of them tonight
>Get told they already have plans with someone else
I don't need any self-esteem anyway.
what would you rather be?
Is this karma?
Already asked someone, and looked it up. They'll pay out regardless of how you died, unless you died in a gun battle with police or some shit
Well there's a girl who kind of likes me. I could try getting into a relationship and losing my kissless, handholdless virginity....
or I could play Classic World of Warcraft and recreate my middle/high school failure.
So I did it. I moved 2700 miles away from my family to live with my gf. Along the way because I was on the road I was able to call my dad and at least tell me I was alright. Tonight, I can't. It's the first night here. I miss my family. My gf is great but I feel sad. Did I fuck up? I'm a grow man, and I feel like breaking down and crying. Maybe I'm sleep deprived.
God help me through this.
i pretty sure i made the wrong career choice.
I thought i could just power trough it and, with dedication, i could actually be good at what i do but i suck ass at it. I should have chosen another career. Every day is a fucking struggle and, even though i have a job that pays decently well, i have no fucking peace in my life.
If i could go back in time and tell myself to no enroll into system development i fucking would.
Seeing you with this fucking beta faggot pisses me off so goddamn much. I know you can do better then him. I know we didn’t end up working out but seeing you with some pansy ass retard makes me so angry because I know he offers you nothing. FUCKING HELL
Who wants to roleplay being my Canadian boyfriend?
My therapist has been very helpful, butI'm sexually attracted to her...
I hope that's not like a problem or something. I mean, I don't have a romantic attraction to her.
And I can control myself so it's fine. It's... fine?
...will this go away if I get laid?
>all of those times I fucked up in life
>all of those times when I did the morally wrong thing
>not because I needed it
>but because I wanted it
>all of those times I wanted love
>but all of those times I just gave pain
>all of those times I gave pain
>all of those times I received pain
>nothing mattered to me
>just what I wanted
>just what I craved
>selling my life
>selling my good will
>selling the rest of my soul
>just to get a smile for myself
>but I never got one
>from the broken man in the glass
Starting a new job soon and I’m very nervous.
I’m scared that people will think I’m weird. I’m pretty shy and I don’t want to come off as creepy.
In the meantime I’ll keep telling myself just to focus on work.
i missed my family for the first few months after i moved only ~4 hours away for my first job. it takes some adjusting. i wouldn't think too hard about it unless you're several months in and literally crying about it then.
Same. Eventually you give up on them. Then you realize that was your last group of friends so you decide to do something like go on a trip to meet people. It works for awhile, but then you end up having embarrassing slights by others all the same and eventually you end up falling into the same pattern of self-isolation with thoughts of disappearing in Cartegana.
Whoops may have been fortune telling a bit
I think Ivey started to find out that my loneliness is so profound that I can form "crushes" on virtually any girl that smiles at me for a second.. I mean, obviously that's just one dimension of my loneliness but still...
Also can't go out for a night on the city unless it's for food because EVERY FUCKING THING ID WANT TO DO seems like it would be better to do with friends. But I can't keep up with people because whenever I think to call them or whatever, I get so anxious.
I had only two friends I could ask to go do things with over the years, and that was because they took the initiative of calling me a friend, but even then it would be a little hard for me to ask them how they have been. Much less so than other people, but it's there and I don't really know why it's there.
Oh, actually three four... Well, no more than 10 and a lot of them I met at the same time in the same groups and they didn't stick around all that long nor did I actually ask them to hang out or anything.
I get a kick out of watching and reading stories where chicks make romantic and sexual advances only to get rejected. I've never had a bad experience with a girl in the past, I just find that look of indignation and heart break that they make hilarious.
Okay thank you user, so it is normal to miss your family after shit like this. I'll keep it mind. It's good to know it's something that happens.
I'm beginning to think my room mate is not only fucking my ex, but feeding her cocaine and brainwashing her. He's a former addict and he keeps disappearing for maybe a 40 mins to an hour. at a time from the house...this time, he left with his room open, with both their cash drawer and what looks to be a (former?) snuff box with rolled up dollar bills. I'm going to have to play this really, really safe and wait. The guy was a shitty person as an alcoholic, and while he has improved with sobriety, can be still caught pathologically lying for no reason. We had a conversation about some repairs that needed to be done around the house which he swore never happened until I brought him the hand-written list I gave him from our hallway table. When I began to confide in him my suspicions of my GF cheating, before we broke up, he was far too eager to tell me to let it go and move on. I overheard him the other night telling a woman on the phone he loved them, almost said their name and quickly saved himself with a sentence about accidentally saying their name out loud. The name in question sounded very close to my ex's. If he's been grooming my ex, then this may actually be better than the initial breakup because all I have to do is wait for him to fuck up enough for me to gather evidence, and put him in jail. At the very least, he'll lose his wife and his home. I really hope I'm reaching for things, and I hope this isn't true. I hope he's just kinda a lame dick recovering from alcoholism. But my ex's behavior has been incredibly erratic, she hardly eats, she's said she's fucking up with money, and her sleep schedule is all over the place...
Why don't you run background checks fren?
Cheers wish you all the best things in life
His wife owns the house and we're "friends". I actually have realized since he got sober that I still resent him heavily for how he acted as an alcoholic. He was very passive aggressive and petty, and since he's only of average intelligence it was often really transparent bullshit like sabotaging projects that didn't glorify him/having tantrums when he gets hit with the truth or called out. He nearly let one of the cats freeze outside during the winter because it's a barn cat that can't be taught not to spray. He verbally abused all of us for letting him in to sleep, among other shit. The only reason he's still here is because he's not physically abusive.
It's not ok. Idk. I guess "don't worry" is still in effect. But I'm scared of what might happen or what is happening. Maybe I will just let it go.
Because its annoying and fucking stupid and mods could start banning these entirely for being spammed.
Dam son poor kitty
ur cute
*rattles box*
if you gimme a kiss on the cheek irl I might tell you ;)
You ever just talk to someone that makes the dick in your heart hard and your actual dick hard.
Like I don’t even want to fuck this person I want to cuddle with them and just hang out with them
That's a keeper fren
*rattling intensifies*
My mom sacrificed herself giving birth to me, and I hate that my birthday is a day of mourning. Deep-down, I know you hate me for killing her and that I was punished for it growing up. That look in your eyes wasn't just anger. It was hate. I couldn't understand why somebody would hate a child, but now I get it. You know that when the doctors gave you an ultimatum you made the wrong choice. I'm the worst thing that ever happened to you.
If he actually loved your mum he would've cherished you as you are the outcome of their love and bonding
Lmao I only get the reference because people force me to watch movies
What movie did you watch that in it's more of a skeleton meme
I know how I was treated was twisted and that it wasn't love, but that doesn't change anything. I draw breath at a heavy fucking price and I don't deserve it. I have a tremendous debt to pay in order to be worth it.
Oh... Seven, the one with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman
Need less edge on that my dude tons of people die every year to childbirth our heads are just too big to fit through the hip so they have to kinda twist it
Wanna watch it again but this time with ur dad in the room? I'll be the snuggle buddy in between
Not even trying to be edgy.
I've thought hard about this. Even if I don't deserve to feel guilty just for being alive, the simple fact of the matter is that it came at a cost. It would be wrong to lead a life that isn't worth that.
Look dude killing yourself isn't going to bring you rmum back so get on your knees take her place and start sucking
Jk just to the best you can and become the person they would've wanted you to grow up to be don't forget to talk to him daily
Suicide would be a waste.
That's exactly what I said
My daddy ded
I'll be your daddy baby
Someone larp with me.
I have mom issues
Are you waiting for me?
Larp tm
Thank u and amen.
...rawrxd? Lol
And just like that, one unexpected text I dropped the ball. I’m sorry frens
what you do boy?
They asked me if I wanted to stay the night when we were going to hang out. I said no I couldn’t, she didn’t seem to take it ok and her demeanor completely Changed. I tried to ask why but that set her off and now she called it off
I’m a dumb fucking idiot, perfect girl on a silver platter and I drop the ball dammit. I could’ve just lied and said I can stay the night dammit. I’m sorry frens
Oooh ya bby we can rawr xd all night while staring into eachother's eyes
Elections seem to cause Psychosis in me
I kept repeating- Joe Biden, everyone Joe Biden
Then on TV I saw Obama with a 'laughing hush' and what do you know not too long later Joe Biden ran
I think I saw my friend Alice post her face on this site on Valentines day cause I was worried about her in January and I called her and spilled spaghetti
I've had some people tell me in person about Jow Forums posts I've made. Apparently it is obvious who I am.
I narcissitically think I helped get Belle Delphine famous starting last November.
Psychosis feels like the line between dream and reality blur together and you are witnessing reality break apart while the consciousness of others blends with your own.
Ok. I've let it out.
nigga u gay why didn't you stay the night?
Hey this is your dad please come back home hanna every since you took heroin you haven't been the same
I had work. I want to fucking die, this girl wanted me and everything’s up in smoke.
God I hope I get another chance at some thick brown skinned girl that loves me back. I wanna cry so bad
You play too much :p
post pics m8 we'll r8
It's alright man happens to all of us
I want a real Canadian boyfriend not a meme.
6666-666-satan CALL NOW
I’ll be fine. I mean she’s literally just another girl and she’s an hour away from me. I only put up with it because getting to her was easy by train and she was apparently attracted to me.
It just hurts now because it’s in the now and it’s going to be so hard to find another girl online, let alone that thick or thicker or let alone someone that was that open in how much they wanted to be with me as she was