I got raped oh god please help

I can't write so here's a greentext of the worse night of my life
>Be me
>Freshman in college, female
>Have male best friend
>Do everything together, browse Jow Forums and discuss politics, hang out at the skate park and the mall
>He invites me to a party, knows the risks but promises to protect me
>Agree and go to party
>All is well at the start
>Doing shots with him
>Play beer pong
>Ball hits eye but it hurts more than expected
>He comes to help me
>Starts feeling my face
>I feel his face too since I think he's just being weird as a joke
>He starts making out with me
>Confused but kiss him back
>His breath reeks of booze and it's awful so I try to pull away but he won't let go
>Frozen in fear and he pulls down my panties
>Grinds against me but doesn't penetrate
>Don't know what to do
>Eventually can move again so I manage to get away and take a bus home
>Haven't talked to him since, fearfully avoid him
That was 2 months ago. Should I press charges? What do, /b/? I'm still having nightmares it's fucking awful

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that's hot

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Good luck getting advice here m8

What the fuck? You think my trauma is hot? Fuck off back to /b/ or some shit
This place isn't for legitimate advice? Never been here before I just assumed

You didn't get raped. Being traumatized by this is an insult to people that actually got raped

I don't know about the legal side of it, but I would definitely go to therapy, if I was still having nightmares after 2 months.

>What do, /b/?

Yes the advice section but still Jow Forums

Weak bait.

>Worrying about a lesser problem is an insult to people with bigger problems.

Stop being retarded user, that's not how the brain works.

>touch his face
>kiss him
>freeze in place
>don't say anything
>guy doesn't even fuck
>oh no, I was raped and traumatised!

Stfu you don't know my life, that was so scary
Thank you!!!

Literally shut up what else do I call it? Nonconsecual sexual contact? It was rape and you're an asshole
Not everyone reacts the same to situations like that
He should have known to stop

>He should have known
From what? You kissing him?

Fuck off with the dumb bait.

Kissing doesn't mean I want sex
I didn't even really want to kiss but I was drunk okay?

What were you wearing?

Jesus this has to be one of the worst bait threads I've ever seen but kudos for staying in character.

You shouldn't have kissed him OP. He most likely thought you were ok with it and he went on further. Probably only understood when you ran away and took a bus. I know you probably don't want to but just talk to him, probably just a misunderstanding and he'll most likely say what I just said

Nothing but heels and a "please fuck me" tattoo, but that doesn't mean I wanted sex, teehee

And he didn't really want to rape you, but he was drunk, okay?

In that logic You raped him too, you kissed him back he didn’t give verbal consent.

Report his ass to the college. You are probably not the only girl he does this to. Title IX that shit.

normal clothes, im not a dumb slut fuck off
Men that fuck up always say they're sorry but they hurt you again, but I thought he was different and a real nice guy, not like the fake nice guys
the only tattoo i have is a basic bitch one of a heart so fuck you

this. what have you done op?

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So by your logic we shouldn't arrest drunk drivers because they didn't REALLY want to run over that family of sic
Of all the sarcastic comments this is the worse because it doesn't make sense. He initiated the kiss, that implies consent for me to kiss back on his part.
Thanks, I think I will. Finally someone who gives a shit about rape survivors

>im not a dumb slut
ummmmm you made out with some random drunk dude at a party and let him grind on you so yeah... you're a total slut sweetie :)


You are not a rape survivor, it explicitly states in the OP that there was no penetration. Suck it up, this happens to every ho who goes to parties in college.

It was your logic claiming that kissing him and touching his face and saying nothing because you were drunk somehow miraculously means that you have responsibility for your actions. You didn't resist and you went along with it. Deal with it and stop whining like a brat.

nice bait.

You're making me anxious stfu it took me so long to finally come forward to the one place I trust completely, Jow Forums
Dude wtf it was still rape, my body was violated while I was vulnerable
Really? I was drunk and impaired!

>the one place I trust completely, Jow Forums

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I'm anonymous and fellow 4channers have always been there for each other even though they act like they're not
They might be cold but they're also kind too


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Understand what you because he kissed you, that gave you the right to kiss back without asking. So you kissed him back giving the non-verbal consent you were okay with it. People aren’t mind readers If you said no I’d agree, you kiss and touch back usually gives the green light you are okay with what’s happening if you weren’t most people idk are adults and pull away don’t touch back and use words that what’s happening isn’t what they want. If you used your words I’d agree with you but like you said you were impaired so was he brains don’t process shit the same way sober.

stop responding to obvious bait for fucks sake

Before I was born, my mother was assaulted, beaten almost to death, and raped by 2 men while 6 others watched and drank beer. The judge called it, during sentencing of the 2 men, the most violent assault and rape he had ever seen in 40 years on the bench. She cannot trust men, including me, her son.

My sister was taken, drugged, and trafficked for 2 months when she got away. By the way, if that ever happens to you, you stay in the mental hospital for a few months so your brain can recover from the drugging. Many women don't ever recover and if they do, the survival chances are slim to none. She committed suicide with a shotgun blast to the chest.

You have not been raped. Not even close.

You got drunk, your friend got drunk, he decided to preposition you, things got out of hand and you almost had sex with someone you wouldn't have had sex with while sober. Some women like aggression in bed, obviously you are not one of them.

Furthermore, you are surprised and horrified a male friend, whom you trusted and felt safe around, would get horny and aggressive, while drunk.

For thousands of years people have used alcoholic beverages from mead to whiskey to assuage their better sensibilities when it comes to procreation. I'm sure a lot of children were born due to booze that otherwise wouldn't have been, this is why.

Take a step back.

Chill out.

Rethink your life choices.

By the way, if you ever do genuinely feel threatened, I recommend carrying the riot-sized can of mace in your purse. Just unload the entire thing into your attackers face and run. If he suffocates, all the better.

>anons and fellow 4channers
>I'mma gurll tee hee
>no tits
>hasn't GTFO
Post tits and timestamp ASAP or GTFO thot


Well yes but actually no

>Allowing boys to touch you with alcohol around
Ya dun goofed. Just don't make that mistake again.

>this entire thread
You people are awful
Search for organizations in your area which specialize in helping people overcome sexual assault. If you're freaking out at the moment, call their hotline.

ok ok y'all win i lied lol
I just wanted to see how people would respond to a girl claiming she was raped when she was nowhere close to being raped

I am so sorry that happened to them and I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. This must have been beyond insulting. Bless you and your family.

>I was drunk and impaired!
So was the drunk driver, you dumb bitch.

>You people are awful
Welcome, newfriend :)

I wish I could get raped. STFU and enjoy the ride!

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I'm giving you a 6/10 because some people actually believed you

It's been 7 fucking years. I meant to post pic related for this thread

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Thanks I try

Get the Fuck out and don't come back.

>Fuck off back to /b/ or some shit
t. pic related kek. Nice bait

Shoulda had sex, femcel. You sound like a loset, or a bitch. Go get raped for real, next time

Kill yourself. At least, never have children

You got me! You were merely pretending to be retarded all along!