Why doesn't the alt-right participate in politics instead of LARPing on the internet 24/7?
Why doesn't the alt-right participate in politics instead of LARPing on the internet 24/7?
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Because online their ideas have some acceptance even if every personality is vehemently despised. In the real world 14/88 doesn't break 5%.
I dunno. Why do Jews LARP as white people on the internet 24/7?
Politics doesn't change anything anymore.
establishment politics won't get you anywhere.
Isn't TRS getting back together with TWP?
To go into serious politics you must get on TV and they don't just let anyone go on TV
because there are 6 hour podcast to be done and 6 gorillion thousand shekels to be made in patreon money
because they don't know how to respond to left talking points like
>you're a racist
>hitler bad
>lincoln good
>"how do you do fellow nazi's"
All white nationalist candidates utterly failed and were universally condemned. Sperg Little, 1.5% wonder, was even worse. The right in the USA is dead, their future is brown and ZOGED.
Being out in public as "alt-right" means losing your job and any connections you had. Why would you just go ahead and ruin your life, especially if coming out won't actually change anything?
Really, this answer is obvious if you have two brain cells to rub together. Any participation in politics that you do will have to be under cover.
Surely it is very popular in Goymany?
We are trying to take control of the white golem from its Jew master.
>>"how do you do fellow nazi's"
don't use nazi brand, use alt-right brand.
I want to work in right wing politics.
Because they saw how easy it was for the media to turn a car accident into a hate murder rampage in Charlottesville.
Yup. Only Italy has a worse opinion on "diversity". Pretty much anyone we know universally hates the lib left. Unfortunately Germany is also ZOG ground zero and the establishment is indeed an occupational government. So what the people want is not important, Israel. Ponder that over your free submarine.
>the alt-right
the what?
>going outside
Because they tried participating and nearly ended up in prison
because government bodies will use the opportunity to squash you
see charlottesville
3 guys and a cat.
The alt-right need to form underground support networks that can solve the problem of doxxing = your life is over. After that can come some public formal party structure participating in elections; not before.
Then the party can move from seeking to educate to seriously seeking power.
whats the difference?
who dont you leave your parents basement, and quit dressing like a woman? who knows these things. Also? your pus hole needs dilated.
>whats the difference?
Nazis believed in killing the Jews and 60-80% of "white Europeans."
Alt-right believes in reuniting Jews with their family members in Israel.
>The alt-right need to form underground support networks that can solve the problem of doxxing = your life is over.
get doxxed.
only way to win is to go public.
more people get doxxed
more deplatformed
more acceleration.
That’s certainly another argument. Don’t fault your logic one bit.
lets be real here. the alt-right would gas all kikes if available
well you can either spread your message to as many people as possible online, or you can get fired from your job, receive death threats, and become socially ostracized.
Right now is the time to spread these ideas to the masses to gain support so that one day you can participate in politics and actually have a backing.
>lets be real here. the alt-right would gas all kikes if available
Have you heard of Spencer saying to gas the jews?
If you want that than you're neo-nazi
They have nothing to talk about.
Most of how they argue is arguing against the people against their ideology rather than promoting their own, they disown most any stance they bring up using soft language as soon as anyone questions them.
They're also terrible about gaining greater acceptance/followers because of this. They depend on feuds between their and their enemies' e-celebs, which is impossible to understand if you don't follow them to begin with. Regardless of the alt-right's beliefs, they're fucking retards when it comes to things like optics in spite of being so into the buzzword that it lost all meaning.
It does you sperg
alt right is a retarded term
but basically anytime anyone tries to do anything of real world political significance, all the online larpers who are paid off by the CIA come out in full force to denounce them and destroy whatever little chance they have of achieving anything
see paul nehlen or patrick little
because most extremists are low iq untermenschen they fall for the CIA tricks every single time, they discard all the real political activists and instead lap up all the controlled opposition characters like richard spencer and the kikelord in your picture
Honeypot dedicated to losing
You take a mortal man, and put him in control
>see paul nehlen or patrick little
Yes. Let's see paul nehlen or patrick little.
but gassing the kikes would benefit the entire planet... everyone should get in on this kike killing stuff
>alt right is a retarded term
it's fucking great
because it's a new word that the MSM has legitimized, that allows us to discuses our viewpoint WITHOUT the association of Nazi or KKK.
It makes our lives a lot easier.
>but basically anytime anyone tries to do anything of real world political significance, all the online larpers who are paid off by the CIA come out in full force to denounce them and destroy whatever little chance they have of achieving anything
Big Deal
Look at Trump
the ZOG will attack you.
There is no way around that.
>because most extremists are low iq untermenschen they fall for the CIA tricks every single time, they discard all the real political activists and instead lap up all the controlled opposition characters like richard spencer and the kikelord in your picture
agreed with most people being low IQ
Spencer is a not a great leader but he is no controlled opposition
Spencer, TRS, Nick F. these people are legit.
Because there isn't actually an alt-right since you dumb faggots made that shit up?
Voting doesn't work.
cringe and bluepilled
Nowadays, if anyone finds out u have "White Nationalist" leanings u migh5 aswell jump over a bridge cause your life is over
Problem is that everyone gets kicked off of payment processors, making collecting funds hard.
Also, forming an actual party would be a complete waste of time given our current system, the only sensible thing to do is entryism. Any formal organizations would have to be private clubs or think tank/PAC type things that are at least partially under cover as bog-standard ones. Getting involved with Numbers USA or one of those groups concerned with immigration would be a good start.
>cringe and bluepilled
nah. I'm not bluepilled
To enact change, you have to go mainstream
you gotta figure out how to defeat all the liberal talking points since 1850.
when you convince the normies that
>it's okay to be racist
you win.
Fuck Paul nelen
>Also, forming an actual party would be a complete waste of time given our current system,
How does the current system work?
Do parties make decisions?
I asked this questions to get you to think
Alt-right party is important because
>1. Allows us to speak for ourselves using platforms like GAB instead of having the MSM speak for us.
>2. It makes our speech political speech and means that if online platforms platform us, they are interfering with elections. \
>3. Change happens culturally before it happens legally. Influencing the culture is the real battle. Getting a law passed is the formality.
This was before paul ate the whole bottle of redpills in like 5 minutes though
Participate how?
The most influence a normal person has is a single vote, and the majority of us do vote. Not sure how we’re supposed to do more.
>X wasn't always redpilled but now they are!
You can donate to blackstone, a lawyer working for kids who got doxxed to sue the people doing the doxxing
yeah your shit is never going mainstream after glowing richard sabotaged the charlottesville event
you are so fucking dumb, you need to do plenty of self examination
the fact that you think the alt right brand hold any value means that you are no less clueless than the average hillary voter
This is the same mutt faggot behind "sloppy job mossad". kys
You answered your own question. Only a fool would take anything posted here seriously.
>yeah your shit is never going mainstream after glowing richard sabotaged the charlottesville event
I don't think Richard does a good job redpillling the normies.
He is not a good speaker. too whinny
And I initially hated the optics of charlottesville
but I've had a change of heart and I quite like it.
He showed the world that we are a legit movement
Of 100s of disenfranchised white males.
No matter what you do, the Media will attack you
So do I care that the media attacked us? No
The problem is Spencer couldn't leverage the brand and crush the mainstream.
Biden keeps mentioning Cvile and that gives us an opportunity to counter-attack his narrative.
we're disenfranchises young white men that see themselves on the attack on social media and being purged from positions of power and influence in society and we have a right to be heard and to express our onions.
>to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
>the fact that you think the alt right brand hold any value (You) means that you are no less clueless than the average hillary voter
do you think maybe I am higher IQ than you because I see a way to leverage the alt-right brand while you think it's worthless.
In business we say that I see the brand as undervalued and if I buy it on the cheap and turn it around than I got a return on my investment
(((investment banking logic 101)))
Why don't you post some proofs, shill? Is it because you're deflecting from my arguments? Is it because you're a kike shill?
You're easy to recognize you lefty rent boy.
Fuck Paul nelen and fuck you
alt-right means gays going conservative. It fractures dems but isn't a winning campaign strategy
There is no such party. If you believe in the "Alt-right", I would assume you also believe in big foot, Sea monsters and Loch Ness.
You can't be pro white and have a public platform. Jewish lobbies are too powerful.
>i have no proof and am just trying to deflect from your arguments
stay defeated you low iq shill
Because alt right is a myth. Its not a thing. Its a boogey man created to silence any white person with a contrary opinion to multi culturlism etc. Theyre literally creating the a real alt right by pretending their is one...it doesnt end well...
potato faced nigger comes back with no argument
Same reason I dont play the lottery
"larping" is more effective and without the repercussion of social stigma
Alt-right is dumb, we need full fascism
I mean an actual political party - with first past the post elections, voting for any party outside of the top two is a complete waste and everyone understands that, so it's impossible to get traction. If you have any plans on getting into government, the only way is through one of the main two parties. For your other points:
1. Having your own platform is a different issue than having a party - that's more of an issue with internet infrastructure. In any event, nothing will stop the press from misrepresenting you.
2. Theoretically I suppose, but I sincerely doubt that they won't find some way to deplatform you. I don't think it helped guys from the American Nazi Party or TWP.
3. Completely correct, but this can be done without a party. Progressive activists managed to win the culture war by taking over media institutions and universities without having a formal political party.