How do I cope with racism?

I treat everyone the same and think race is irrelevant to character, yet many people of other races are extremely hostile, aggressive, invalidating, mocking, and discriminatory to my race, even using the word itself as a slur. Even people of my own race often act very racist against it, I guess as a defense mechanism. I'm becoming more dejected and depressed every time I think I've met a nice person only for them to suddenly make a racist and hate-filled comment against my race--my heart sinks and it feels like I'm falling. Every time I tell myself "Things will be different, this person isn't like that" and that turns out to be wrong, it feels like I'm getting stabbed in my very soul.

I have a small group of friends of varying races and backgrounds and we all get along great because none of us care about that sort of stuff and just love each other as people, but they sadly seem to be the exception as I can't find too many people who think that way. Most of the time I feel all alone and it feels like everyone is against me just because of my race. It seems like there's no way out and things will only get worse and I just want to curl up in a ball and die. I feel hurt and confused.

What do I do?

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Be racist but not a white supremacist/neo nazi/fascist larper.

accept that it exists and that it isn't going anywhere anytime soon and get on with your life.

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The solution is a separate space for every race.

There are significant neurological differences between the races that exist and should be understood.

Caucasian people come from above the circle of capricorn; their entire survival methodology is built around surviving the winter. What's on the menu in an ice age? Sabertooth Tiger, Wolly Mammoth, Moose, Rats you dig out of the dirt. Monsters and scraps.

Africans come from a country where random horrific crap happens all the time. Now take a 1600's racist as heck Brit and put them Africa. What do they do? Hunt and eat Panthers, and Lions, and Rhino's. Now the Africans be like "Cracka' you is craaazy". They're right, because when Jack the Brit gets bitten by a fire ant and dies, he's accomplished nothing. Now you transport them to a modern country, they aren't going to have any long-term planning.

The Brittish guy can't survive in Africa, and the African can't survive in the tundra with their learned behaviors. They have to adapt.

I would take time to learn about cultures and why they are the way they are. Really learn to listen. Find the most racist son of a bitch you can find, take them out to dinner, and listen to what they have to say.

When you have spent enough time studying, you'll learn the right wise statements to make to get people to stop being dumb.

By the way, as a sidenote.

One of the most interesting conversations I ever had was with a kid who was really into the black panthers. Not because I thought anything he had to say was or wasn't accurate, but because he was so switched on. Someone had given him a worldview that was working for him and I found that 15 minute conversation so interesting.

Some of this is just learning to ask the right questions about people in the right way.

I won't do that. Things were great as little as eight years ago. Racism was still prevalent, but most people weren't racist; nowadays almost everyone is. My circle of friends in high school was very "diverse." Russian, Indian, Jewish, Chinese, Jamaican, etc., and we weren't friends with each other because or despite our differences, but simply because we got along as people. We were friends. Later that year the Jamaican girl became a racist Black Nationalist and stopped speaking to me. Everything became tense and fell apart, and for what?

I don't believe a social shift that occurred in less than a decade cannot be undone. Racism is stupid. I'm sick of this stupid fucking caveman mentality.

No one wants to have a good honest discussion any more. You just have blind defenders and blind haters. This guy though, has a pretty good perspective on the issue:

Genocide the kikes and niggers. It's the only way.

I don't care enough about strangers for it to really affect me. My (Asian) boyfriend recently asked me how I felt about living in our predominantly Asian neighbourhood (he actually moved in with me, I was already here) and it took me a while to realize it's because he is uncomfortable with the dirty looks that old Chinese ladies give us, apparently something that doesn't happen in whiter areas.

If you're white and not racist, I guess racism isn't really relevant enough to be a hindrance in every day life. For that reason I do listen to my non-white friends when they have issues and opinions regarding it.

You mentioned that you have a group of friends from different places who aren’t racist. Like some other guy said, racism isn’t ever going to get away but it can get better, which is shown by your inclusive groups of friends. Whenever you get lonely just think about them; you have to sift through a lot of shitty people in life to find the good ones, and it seems like you have. Just keep in mind that there are more good people out there and move on.

>t. larper
You just have to kick them out

>If you're white and not racist, I guess racism isn't really relevant enough to be a hindrance in every day life.
That's an ignorant thing to say from someone who is getting unfairly treated as a minority in their neighborhood, not to mention being legally and officially discriminated against by corporations, schools, and the government just for being white. All races face racism.

> dirty looks that old Chinese ladies give us
Based chinks

I donno, im white but grew up and live in a community predominantly black. 99% of the time nothing happens if you dont either act racist and talk normally. Lot of blacks will toss me a nigga pass. The only time shit has happened if im alone in a legit hood. But it could be a group just lookin to fuck with anyone. Though i will say the blacks here say obnoxious racist shit all the time. Its really a conumdrum
This. Because it is considered a social norm instead of racism, despite being fundamentally racist

It's almost like "racism" is a meme problem that wouldn't exist if different groups weren't living in the same spot to begin with. Really makes you think...

Almost cant argue with that. Just a couple small things though: some of the lingo blacks use is pretty funny. Not shit like "lit", more in the comedic tone theyll use. Their mainstream music and appeal for the most part is an enormous malignant tumor to society.
Mexicans are pretty hard workin and dont complain about it here, which as admirable. But you cant talk to em either because they deny english, or theyre dick personalities

people are stupid. shocker

itt: a nigger's upset that other niggers call each other niggers.

Just accept the fact that you're an ascended Homo Sapien and let the niggers nig each other to extinction. They'll just kill each other off with their stereotypical gun violence against each other and by Caucasoid Homo Sapien law enforcement applying the law correctly.

What makes you think they wouldnt become even more racially violent while at the same time screaming discrimination?

Yeah this
Racial harmony requires acknowledgement of differences to work. The current trend of denying inherent differences leads to mountains of bullshit and is only believed by the most naive retards among us, like OP

Yeah I've seen black kids calling Asians chinks and harassing the shit out of them. In about 10 years you are going to see some very very anti black wealthy Asians ascending into power in America


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Acknowledging differences would mean that you give credence to people who want to preserve said differences, and that's a big no-no if you want an obedient and docile society of drones.

People really really aren’t THAT racist. Most people at the worst are just a little indifferent to other races. You sound a little like guys that blame everything on how short they are, because you’ve reduced yourself to nothing else but your race like you have nothing else to offer.


What? Asians get beat the fuck up when their parents move here to start a new life. Then they dominate in school, get free college because they're poor and not white, then they get fucking rich and hate black people with a burning passion. You cannot shame it out of them though, so it will be interesting to see

I don't agree with that completely. There's a middle ground where racial groups openly preferrer their own kind but regularly interact with each other in a friendly way. Cities in America were mostly like that in the 00s before Trayvon Martin, Alt Right vs Antifa, and all this gay shit.

Oh shit. I really didnt know there was an asian and black beef. Where is this?

>I really didnt know there was an asian and black beef.

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what are you going to do about it?

literally every place where asians and blacks coexist

tldr but if you are actually worried about offensive words and muh "racism", you really need to grow up (and a pair of balls) and get out more so you can learn just how cruel and ruthless nature is and always will be

you could use a little bestgore and liveleak

Racism is something that is taught and its taught at a young age. Racism stems from traumatic childhoods of failure parenting and to ask them to just suddenly stop being what they raised up to be is like asking a dog to be a bird, in terms of mentality i mean with this analogy.

Except the British and the Dutch went to Africa and built prosperous civilizations there (Rhodesia, Orange/Transvaal/South Africa) until the niggers took over.

Know that being racist is what the jew want, that's why they are forcing us together so we will hate eachother, it wouldn't be like this if we were segregated.
They do not want us to have peace and prosper in our own nations

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