I think i fucked up in life by choosing the wrong career

I think i fucked up in life by choosing the wrong career.

I went to college to be a programmer but i learned only enough to get by trough college even though i tried my hardest. after graduating i thought that, with enough dedication i could actually be good at it some day by the years went by and i still suck major ass at it.
I am incredibly bad at it and somehow i've been getting by, i even have a decent paying job but i feel like a fucking fraud and every single day i struggle with what i do.

Now i don't know what to do with my life. i don't want to follow this career no more but i feel it might be too late for me to change career or find something i might enjoy and be good at so i can at least have a fulfilling job.

What the fuck do i do now?

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>i feel it might be too late for me to change career

Well you don't really need to worry about it since you are on your deathbed and all.

It is more in the sense that i have no idea on what to do. I spent all my life trying to be good at this one thing and i don't know how to do anything else.

>tfw no big tiddy goth gf

feels bad

I'm in the same boat. Career is a major source of stress

yeah, it sucks, especially when you are not good at it.

>no career, just a 9-5 job
>No real prospects either
Feels bad man.

I don't know what to do at this point.
Learn a trade?

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I have no idea either. I am on the same boat. I might try getting a job at a related government job, it probably won't be as good but I won't need to fear being fired since those are for life.

You are now thinking about the fact that 100 years ago, you could make good money at a respectable job using nothing more than what is now considered Middle School level arithmetic.

is this that imposter syndrome thing?
honestly, i feel you should ride that job out until they let you go or you have the chance to quit and move onto what you really want.
just look into something else on the side.
it's not like you can't learn to draw or whatever and still make money at the same time.

Same, 27 years old and working as a security guard.

It's an okay job, but a trained chimp could do what I do, and as I'm getting older, I'm becoming more and more aware of how much of a loser I am. Plus, the pay sucks ass.

At least you get to hike up your belt, lift up your hat, and frown in disapproving bewilderment at people.

26 with full-time employment here.
As long as you have a partner/can start a family, I think you all are the ones who have it better. Don't fall into the trap of Education+Job=Success meme like my parents told me. Family and children are more important than money.

this and controlling your spending.
don't do something stupid and buy a new car when you know those payments can lead to a disaster

I studied computer science but i really hated it and just scraped by. As a result i am fundamentally bad at it and dont want to do it. I have zero marketable skills. I dont see how my life can be a good one

>i even have a decent paying job but i feel like a fucking fraud and every single day i struggle with what i do.
I have been among the best students on my year in CS and I have the same problems, so I'd say it's not really that important. As long as it pays your bills, it's not like anyone cares if you're a "fraud" or not, they just want a functional piece of software.

If you wanted fulfilment from your career, well, fuck. Can't help you with that. But I have a feeling you're like me and have some underlying issues that cause you to grow to hate any job you're at.

I'm the first person you responded to, and
>As long as you have a partner/can start a family, I think you all are the ones who have it better.

I fell into that trap you mentioned, and studied hard at the cost of developing my social skills.
All I have is my shitty 9-5, and a mountain of student debt.

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Same here. Deep into tech now but wish I just became an artist or writer or something.

Can't back out now because I don't want to be homeless and competing with hipsters for gutter jobs.

Mfw 2500 years ago you would've had your name immortalized in history for figuring out how a triangle works

You can become a NEET. I realized this w/ 2 years remaining in my useless computer science degree. I'm good at what I do, I'm not useless, but I'm just lazy. Like, extremely. If you're programming, it's easy to outsource. Specifically, you can get Chinese to do your job for a small cut of your salary, and they do an exceptional job. You'll have so much free time, but keep in mind that it's a risk of losing the job and getting sued, so do it right. Alright, enough tips for today.

>you were too discouraged to seriously pursue music
>now you graduated with a nice respectable tech degree
>so miserable
>have to do min wage job anyway
>in the same position as people who went to music school but way less happy less fulfilled and no skill at all to speak of


It's never too late to find a different career. I can't tell you how many people I know who have entirely different jobs from what they went to college for.

>an entire generation of kids told to go to uni and study things that would get them a good job, because their parents were from a time when uni = guaranteed success and you could get a job with no more experience than to make a firm handshake
>that generation grew up miserable, studying to be lawyers and doctors and engineers, with no option to follow their passion
>lots of people entering those high-power careers completely smothers wage growth
>guy who dropped out of school in the 9th grade to become a diesel mechanic now makes more than people who've spent 8 years in tertiary education
I fucking hate this world we live in.

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I was robbed of any kind of youth due to a combination of trajedy, abusive parent, and the pressure that your post explains.

I get sad wheneveri hear how people lived in highschool. I was not allowed to enjoy anything. My adult life is now even more miserable than those who got Ds and acted however they wanted loving and fighting. Im forced to self reclect and ask if I was ever human.

A life robbed of all passion both social, mental, internal, external,etc. Banned from ever being a child and suffering under those who were meant to protect them all while being pushed to pursue an outdated dead dream that not even the pusher managed to accomplish.

But ive graduated so now im a success right? Full ride boy my college was free and im in the pipeline to a good job.
Not only am I incapable of achieving a high salary. I dont understand why or how these things would make me happy or improve my life. I dont have hobbies to spend money on as I was not allowed to develop any. Im to unlikable and miserable to attract a woman or start a family and im not even sure i want to.

Despite all my smarts and achievements it turns out I was slower than those who dropped out.

What sort of careers do they change to?

Every one is a fraud, every job is a scam, take what you can an pay it forward.

Turns out, you dont have to go to work. Just periodically call in sick and let people think you're super interesting by wearing black variations of average clothing. Then sit back, relax, and watch things get interesting.

do you like/enjoy programming? it could be imposter syndrome.
do you like IT in general? IT is a very broad field, you don't need to be a programmer for eternity.
also, perhaps it's not you but your current workplace?

>Career is a major source of stress
this is true, though...

instead of telling us what you have worked in, you could tell us what you like doing, and we could respond by telling you if it's viable as a way to earn money or not.

yeah, be poor, get paid min wage and have kids. surely you'll somehow get a nice job that way.

this but also don't be retarded and find ways to make money doing what you like.

Best time to change your career was 5 years ago, second best time is now

If you have come to that point mentally there is no going back. You could try go from your current profession into management, but I would recommend taking a few months to a year to figure out it is you want to do. Its gunna suck, but itll be worth it once you get through the initial difficulty.

I was in a similar situation where I changed my degree. I added 2.5 years onto my studies which I absolutely hate but I try to get through each day reminding myself that this is what I want to do. You cant cry about spilt milk because it will eat you away. Change now user

>instead of telling us what you have worked in, you could tell us what you like doing
I just always assumed I'd be a doctor, but I quit medschool because I ultimately hated working with people (autismus maximus) and saw what the workload did to my seniors.
What do I want to do? No clue. Getting to this point has otherwise eaten up all the time I would have used to form a personality.

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>muh legacy
>muh heritage
>muh family
>muh values
>muh children
yet another retarded natalist shitting up the world. and get this. they're shitty up the world with kids just as dumb as them top kek

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i feel this.
why did i have to be in the generation that was ruined by this shit?
pretty much everyone i know that stuck it out in school is miserable right now.

teach me your ways

What do you lonely autists think you're missing out on?

you can still do this user.
just keep an eye on how much time you waste, cut down on it, and start doing what you want within that extra time you have now.
some old bastard who lives across the street is learning guitar, and i have to hear him every day, but i respect his effort.

A fulfilling job.
A partner in a relationship with a healthy sexlife
A house big enough to raise a family (if we wanted) in a good neighbourhood.
Money to travel.
The ability to eventually retire.

I have literally none of these things and probably never will.
Hell, I re-read Death of a Salesman recently and I was disgusted by the way a man with a loving wife and children, two cars and a house in the suburbs, killed himself for the insurance money because he didn't have a fucking holiday home.

can't you switch to chemistry, biology or something like that? what are your hobbies and interests?

My degree is worthless and I can't study another bachelor's, not that I'd want to go into research because the job stability is shit;
And I have no hobbies. I go to the gym 3x nights a week but that's basically it.

Enjoy all the student debt and the impact on the relationship with your parents, moron.


I'm going to school for the same thing and I'm afraid that that's going to be me one day. But I really do want to git gud at programming so I can lead my own dream vidya projects.

>implying your offspring can’t fair better than a lineage going extinct.
>somehow a materialist but doesn’t understand biological fitness
>”muh values”

You’re straight retarded. Thanks for not reproducing lmao.

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>implying your offspring can’t fair better than a lineage going extinct
This isn't the argument. You're calling other people retarded but can't even read lol
>somehow a materialist but doesn’t understand biological fitness
Yes, I am against animal abuse and bringing sentient beings into existence without their consent
>muh values
You mean morals? lol. Yes, because I am above you and morally superior.

>You’re straight retarded
And yet I can refute all your points in my sleep. I expect more ad hominems out of rage lol

>Thanks for not reproducing
No problem. I have a moral compass and am not on par with a literal pedophile. Natalists are literally worse than pedophiles. :)

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Protip 90% of programmers use stack overflow. Did you answer the questions on your interview correctly? Then you're not a fraud

Keep pounding your head at the keyboard till something sticks. Most coders learn in there jobs anyways. I was pretty clueless and pretty much had no help except google.Now I am able to find solutions to similar problems without looking them up. Tldr: don't give up

in my case i really can't.

my work is around 1:30 to 2 hours from home and theres no other place in the city for programmers. moving also isnt an alternative because said areas have ludacris rent prices, even the near areas have crazy rent prices as well.

i can't become a neet in my country

fucking this.

i also use stack overflow a lot and i never did many interviews, i always got jobs trough recommendations.

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This describes me exactly holy shit. Just replace the word programmer with lawyer.

First of all, that might be the most pussy major you could choose. Should've studied gender studies, cause you sound kinda gay

that's because you are a cancerous tradcuck brainlet

life is much better when you're skilled, knowledgeable, and financially independent if you have children or not

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lots of casual sex with decent looking women on the basis of nothing but physical attraction

I qant to die


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I traded research science for foreign education at 26 then went to professional school at 32, now I am a business owner. What the fuck is your excuse? Are you too sad to figure shit out? Grow a fucking pair. You make the distinct sound of failure.

i know user.
a lot of us do.
but there has to be something out there for us.
i'm not strong enough for this, and i have people depending on me at the moment, so i just can't do it even if i was, but there's something ideal about dropping everything bad about your life, selling everything and just trying to find your passion even at the risk of being homeless instead of just killing yourself right now.
that option will always be there in the end.

What are you trying to accomplish...? Lucky you man.

>muh lineage

you're posting on Jow Forums. your lineage is shit

>not having children to beat up his children because fuck you and your legacy

Good luck to both of us.

this is my fear. didn't even start my mediocre uni and i already see myself dropping out or barely graduating and not finding a job because i know nothing


If we all were given a guide at birth detailing what we enjoy and what we're good at, life would be tremendously different; but we aren't, and so the only way to figure those things out is to just try anything and everything until something sticks.

Start it off as an occasional hobby and advance it naturally in relation to your interest levels.

It doesnt work user.

>he drives 4 hours a day for work
Oh my fucking god


more like taking the bus and subway to get to work.

You say that like it makes it better

it aint suppose to sound like that

Thanks. But honestly this predicament we are in is twice as bad for a lawyer. There is a shit tone of scrutiny and higher expectations. I'm absolutely fucked.

Why even go to college

If you're good with people you could move into some other areas at the company you work for.

My favorite green text story on this matter:
>I have never worked directly for a silicon valley company, but the vendor I worked for had a contract with one. And in a nut shell, the reason for these legendary 90 hour weeks is because their projects are trash fires. All of them. They're the biggest dumpsterfires you've ever seen.
>You hear about how they hire these geniuses, these amazing engineers, yet every project from silicon valley I've seen looks like it was coded by baboons. The last one I did was maintaining the monitoring system for one of the big companies down there. Talking petabytes of data processed every day. The main pipeline for aggregating all the metrics and logging for the entire company was a hodgepodge of patchwork systems built in basically every language and framework that was popular over the last 15 years by different teams with very little coordination between them. Our job was to keep it running.
>Imagine, if you will, being hired by a prestigious company as an engineer, then being thrown in the basement after arriving and told your job is to keep the heat in the building going by operating a custom-build water heater and you only have 5 minutes to talk to the 10 immigrants from different countries and no common language who built it to figure out how it works.

>Fuck silicon valley.

Are you me OP? I just graduated with a degree in Comp Sci, despite never actually “wanting” it. I only chose programming because I heard it made good money (which it does), and because all my friends were doing it (which only some are now).

But to be honest I always had a love for the brain and understanding how people think. So I started uni by studying Psychology, but quickly yoinked the fuck outta there and switched into Comp Sci. Did a minor in Neuroscience though (still loved the brain and figured I could combine the two for artificial intelligence).

Regardless, I’m now currently in the application phase to be a Search and Rescue pilot with the military. Crazy, right? TOTAL fucking career change, but a pretty fucking cool job if I do say so myself. Even made it through the 2 hardest testing phases, all that’s left now is interview and medical.

If it helps, I’m 22. Still young, but feeling like I have no more time left in the world to make major decisions on my path in life. I definitely can relate to you (and many others in this thread) that this career may not be for me, partly because I’m not good at it.

But you wanna know the real fuckin truth OP? It’s because you aren’t motivated to do well in programming. You clearly have the fucking potential to, but you just havent had enough “good moments” to get you inspired and addicted. Start enough self-projects and maybe you’ll find your drive, I know I’ve found a bit of mine. (lead me getting my current dream job in programming, but desu I want to give the pilot a shot as I think I’ll enjoy life more in that career).

Goodluck to you OP, and everyone else in this thread. We are all going to make it.

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I am good with people but this is not how things work in the place I work.

I feel terrible at my job and the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to other workers. I might be too dumb for IT and programming. But I have no idea what else I'd do. This is the only thing I've known for such a long time. I don't really have any passions and I have no idea what I'm actually good at. And I don't think I'd make nearly as much money. I'm 28 years old.

You are basically me but one year older.



I hate programming
I hate tech
My degree is CS
My life is unfulfilled
Im gonna kill myself

Nah you dont get it. Im unable to do any project

Pretty much but i always had a nack for teaching. I used to teach basic English and it was the best job i ever had.

I don't have many self projects i want to do or time to do them since my job takes the majority of my day. I'll try to change jobs in the begging of next year because no one is hiring at the moment.