How do I enjoy myself at the beach or in pools as a fat guy?

How do I enjoy myself at the beach or in pools as a fat guy?

Attached: Fat_b8396f_5576352.jpg (600x487, 29K)

stop being fat.

fast you fat motherfucker

stop fucking eating fatty

I'm trying, lads. But I started in like February and no results yet, still fatty

Go to nudist beaches and make sure everyone can see you

You're not trying if you were you would've lost weight,go to /fat/ on Jow Forums they have good info. Ive lost 32lbs in 2 months by eating less/exercise,you just have to put effort into it.

>no results yet
Read the sticky.
Start lifting.
Stop drinking soda.
Stop eating junk food.

Attached: self fit.png (480x262, 170K)

Havent drank soda since last year actually, around September

cool. did you know that stopping the consumption of soda won’t make you skinny suddenly?

Honestly when you see someone who doesn't look good at a pool or beach you feel sexier so you going and being fat will just make everyone feel good. Nobody will judge you beyond their own selfish comparison, then they'll forget you're there

Wear shorts and swim. Swimming is exercise, if people look at you crazy for exercising they’re subhuman. Not to mention fat people are self conscious when in reality no one pays close attention unless you draw that attention to yourself. Just have fun and do your thing the only people that might hyper analyze are the self conscious and they're probably not having fun because they’re worried about how they look and how others look.

What really sucks is that I'm no longer super obese I lost like 80 fucking pounds but my actual body looks like SHIT. Nobody told me my genetics were gonna be this bad man...

Loose skin, stretch marks, love handles; I might as well have stayed fat and enjoyed food.

160 lbs, 5'8", decently muscular my BF is approx 15% based off of caliper and machine readings I did a while back when I was a couple pounds heavier.

Fpbp. I came here to say that!

get under water

By doing laps. Start excersizing at the pool and people will say, " oh well at least that guy is working it off"

Don't giving a shit about the others.

If they're looking at you instead of enjoyng the water, that's their problem.

Do something for yourself, not for the strangers that surround you.
You wanna go to the beach? Cool! Go there.

Sure not caring about the othera can be difficult at first, but little by little you'll feel better.

Even your diet will feel different if you do it only for yourself, and not for what the others think of you.

Is this ok for starters? I can only do 5 push ups without resting

Go for a walk.
Last summer, I decided to lose weight too.
I couldn't tie my shoes without getting winded, so jumping jacks, squats etc were out of the question, at least in that volume. But I could easily walk 6km every evening after I was exhausted of 5 min of workout.
One day it became 10 minutes instead and 6 months later I could do 40 minutes of intensive training.
Then I started to run the 6km instead.

But you also need to adjust your diet.
I went down to about 1500-2000 kcal a day by eating once a day instead. It was hard at first, but also freeing to know I could do it.
Today, I am 30kg lighter, most of them lost in the first 6 months and I am now at normal weight.

I would recommend this method to everyone who wants to lose weight, it is so easy to follow and you can use your own laziness to your advantage. If you are exhausted at the end of the day, it is better to be too lazy to make dinner as you have already eaten lunch.
And if you don't have time to go for a walk, you stand still for a day, you don't go back.

I'm not OP, I already go for walks 3 times a week, 8-10 kms at 10 min/km. I want to get fit but that routine it's too much for me now


What is too much? The intermediate fasting part? I was personally relieved when I found it. I can eat a very healthy meal at the cafeteria at work, so putting together a meal once a day is so easy.
I have tried so many diets over the years and while they all worked, I couldn't stick with them because there was so much work in always making my own meals, having to take a break from going out with friends etc. None of that shit with this. I just eat as much as I want once a day and then it last me all the way to the next day. The portions I can eat is shrinking because of this and I have more time to do other things so I can spend this time working out or socializing.

>same muscles during 5 days
Who made this, a retard?

If you live in America literally no one cares

t. Live in Orlando , go to water parks and beaches all the time

Just own it!

You ever see those fat guys at the pool who just look like they're fat on purpose? Like they want you to admire just how fat they are? Almost as if they got fat just to let you know that they don't give a fuck about you. I bet that takes some practice though, it seems like they're just chilling.

Eat a hotdog

realize some people like fatties and be proud of the hamburgers you eat.

t. fat guy

Cannon-ball master

Dang, and I was about to save this to try it out...