What does Love mean to

What does Love mean to

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Nothing that don't know what it is all they know is lust and they'll leave you for your better counterpart in a heartbeat because unlike girls guys don't gossip about this stuff

"Love" is just a means to an end for them.

Being owned by a large powerful man who gives her babies

Don't listen to them. This feeling makes me the happiest in the whole world, when I think of him I feel tingles all over my body. I dream of starting a family with him and having babies. We'll move to our flat together soon and I'm very excited, I want to wake up next to him every day and then just lay with my head on his chest. I don't know if it's some long ass three years honeymoon phase or something but it all feels like a dream.

Depends on the woman you ask. As a woman see love as a natural by-product of the human condition. When ever I have the slight feeling of "love" but more specifically "romanticism" I am just reminded that humans are just animals living vicariously through their nature, trying to find a partner to have spawn with. After all, we are just a bunch of meat bags trying to keep the human race alive by breeding. It's disgusting.

Women are not your mother, if you want unconditional love then go snuggle up under your mothers bosoms.
That is basically what all this boils down to.
"Why do women expect this and that from me?, why can't they just LOOOVE MEEEee".

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Dedication, loyalty, compromise, communication, raising a family, working through disagreements. Understanding were both human and that we want or make each other happy. That’s how love should be.

a tool for control.

>Men are not your fathers, if you want unassailable emotional strength then go snuggle up on your father's lap.
>That is basically what this all boils down to.
>"Why do men expect this and that from me?, why can't they just LOOOVE MEEEee".

Nah, seriously though, don't be so one sided in your thinking. Great insights should add to your nuance, not your ego. Faggot.

Something you can't put into words

I'm saying it like it is.
If you bottom-feeders want to complain about the societal structure: "Men are providers, Women are nurturers", then feel free.
But it won't get you anywhere because women are turned off by simps that want affection without putting effort into fulfilling her needs as well.
And as i said, only your mother can give you unconditional love, no matter how much you fuck up in life. (generally)
It's ironic you call me a faggot.

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>tfw my mom doesn't love me
>tfw any love I have, or will experience is conditional

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I do not understand how anyone would want unconditional love. Of course love is conditional.

If you want unconditional love get a dog. Only indoctrinated idiots will stand by your side even if you fuck up massively.

Nothing worth having comes for free, that also goes for relationships.

an excuse to abuse.

>Women more likely to be aggressive than men in relationships
>Analysis showed that women were more likely to be physically aggressive to their partners than men and that men were more likely to be physically aggressive to their same-sex others.

>Furthermore, women engaged in significantly higher levels of controlling behaviour than men, which significantly predicted physical aggression in both sexes.

>"This study found that women demonstrated a desire to control their partners and were more likely to use physical aggression than men. This suggests that IPV may not be motivated by patriarchal values and needs to be studied within the context of other forms of aggression, which has potential implications for interventions."

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Dont you do the same thing with males expectations? Like why do men over sexualize things that arent possible for your average woman. You know stuff like that. Basically i think it boils down to unable to live up to each others expectations.


It means nothing unless you're attractive. If she thinks your genes would provide her with good children she'll latch onto that. She'll never love *you* but she will love "you," which is an idealized version of you she projects onto the real you. Now, the closer the real you is to the idealized phantom the longer and stronger the relationship will be.

I wanna know what love is

I want a girl to show me

I wanted actual answers from real women about how love makes them feel emotionally, you know, like , not some incel stuff about how I'll never be loved

If he loves me then I never need to say I'm sorry

Young girls know, mature woman no

And yet there are women married to fuck ups with good faces that under provide, under love, dont protect, etc.

This is a fucked way of thinking.

Ouch who hurt you as a child?

Love is something that lasts forever. There will be periods where you are angry at each other and bored of eachother sexually frustrated with each other, but you come back because you cant live with out eachother.

>peer reviewed research conducted by a woman
>incel stuff

Receiving Chad's dick

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Personally, I've always thought I couldn't "love" anyone because I don't feel passionate about people. I don't get excited about people the way I do with things like new films I want to see or books I want to read, so I figured I couldn't love because people always seem to talk about love as being some sort of great, constant passionate feeling and I just can't think or feel that way.

But I have found that my love is composed more of dedication and comfort. I'm gentle, I'm caring, I'm appreciative, I'm loving, and I'm not afraid to show it to the person I care about. I may not be willing shout from the mountaintop, but I'll go with you through the mountain.

Attached: grumpy cat's having none of this love bs.gif (400x377, 927K)

You can't get inside their heads to know what it means to them.

According to what my girlfriends told me,
having someone who makes you feel safe
having someone who makes you feel wanted

itt: every incel from all over Jow Forums, having a pity party instead of closing their computers and going out to self-improve.