Thats normal, yalk to us about schizophrenia when you believe that you are the reincarnation of Muhammad and fight space battles between demons and angels every night in your sleep.
Jacob Nelson
Hella sick Chronic autoimmune illnesses that put me in a lot of pain daily.
I've always seen weird shit, I always assumed there was a spiritual purpose behind it. Of course that weird shit I only (usually) saw when I WANTED to
A few months ago I started smoking weed to cope with the intense physical pain. I think this may have sped up the development of any psychological issues I may have had waiting.
I don't have a job, because sick, but I try to keep busy. The things I'm seeing do not scare me at all, but its a bit unsettling.
I also tend to see patterns in things, but maybe I'm just like that? For example, listening to a song that comes on randomly and feeling as if its giving me advice on my current life issues.
I don't take any meds for mental illnesses, though my mental health fluctuates with my physical health (feel sad a lot when I'm in pain, but who wouldn't right?)
Evan Price
I used to have intense dreams where I thought spirits were talking to me. I used to try and figure it out until I realized that it was exhausting and a waste of time, so I stopped
Henry Stewart
To be honest sounds like you need professional help, i wish i could do more, but that sounds serious. But i would recommend not smoking weed, weed is suspected to trigger mental breakouts.
Charles Perry
Okay, well I will
But also, the hallucinations aren't threatening? So.. Well fuck I don't know whats worse, brain tumor or schizo
Cooper Foster
Dreams are normal to be sureal. The fact that you know it was a dream says that you are sane. Schizophrenia means “split mind”. It happens when a person cannot perceive what stimuli is real or not, one theory is that a schizophrenic perceives their internal voice as to be coming from outside of them.
Brayden Campbell
Don't diagnose yourself, i was under suspicion for schizo when i was young, saw weird shit, heard voices and thought i was being observed all the time. Turns out i was just incredibly stressed, which triggered the symptoms. Still have some symptoms but after i learned to cope with my stress i got A LOT better.
Lucas Butler
Okay, and thats great and all But what if this is how it starts?
Thanks, thats actually helpful
I had a really fucked up childhood, and my birthday is today All of my friends/bf's family have been talking about how they're going to do this and that and spend money on me, and its caused me a mini panic attack more than once
I'm A. afraid of being a burden and B. historically I had terrible birthdays, and almost always ended up crying at some point
So maybe I've just been freaking out because that stupid date is coming up
I apparently also JUST started bleeding, so maybe its a hormonal thing
Hunter Robinson
You're not stupid i can tell you that much, hormones could very well play a role, i would suggest dropping hormone disrupting foods, like milk, meats, ect. For a shorter period. If you feel confident enough to do this, writing notes to keep track of the benefits (if any) is a must. also on a side note, how old are you?
Jonathan Brooks
25 today
I've actually tried very restrictive diets before because of my stomach issues, so I might pick that up again. Thanks again, user
Jordan Thomas
Regarding your stomach issues, a stool test, an organic acids test, and a SIBO lactulose or glucose test. Would properly be a good investment. If you have the funds.
Andrew Rogers
I live in germany right now, and I actually have the stool collection sample cup thing in the other room. Dr. gave it to me last week I've been meaning to get it down there, but I've been afraid of not being physically strong enough to walk/bus there
Jonathan King
Don't worry, I can already tell you're a schizo from the way you post. >I've always seen weird shit, I always assumed there was a spiritual purpose behind it. bruh
Get a therapist to put you on anti-psychotics or something.
Jason Taylor
Im sorry its that bad, i could only urge you to do your best. Remember to rely on your loved ones, and friends.
Jace Morales
Its not always that simple. Especially if op suffers from other illnesses, gut problems can rapidly dilute your mind.
Michael Torres
>gut problems can rapidly dilute your mind. ???
John Powell
Gut problems can cause symptoms that are akin to mental illnesses. There is a lot of readily available material you can read for free. Just google it. it is very interesting, and even common folk can enrich their well being.
Adrian Watson
I'VE SEEN A LOT ABOUT THIS Been thinking about getting a fecal transplant, or something My ex boyfriend had schizo-something (affective, I think) and he ALWAYS Had stomach issues
Basically some people have hella toxic bacteria in their large intestine, and if you eat certain foods (sometimes ANY food) it causes them nasty fuckers to secrete toxic compounds which A. degrade your gut so it can't do its job in the future and B. leaks out into your blood stream and causes all kind of bullshit and havoc, typically on whichever organ is weakest in your body
Owen Perry
don't worry Brother, what you see is equaly as valid as everything else. everyone exists on multiple planes of reality, it is the nature of universe doing the most with the least. creating everything from nothing. choose the reality that most benefits you. pretty sure most people in my life are gang stalking me, and I'm in a deep cover CIA training OP. I just take it one day at a time, remeber Love Each Other.
Joseph Torres
Yeah, my boyfriend thinks I'm viewing other timelines, and given my history, I'm not inclined to disbelieve that (I use tarot cards, and have actually given complete strangers pretty accurate random readings)
But I also kinda want someone to slap me, tell me I'm batshit for even thinking that and tell me to go to the fucking hospital
Like Where does the line between reality and the supernatural REALLY exist? I'm not fucking seeing bugs bunny eyeballing me creepily from the corner or some shit.
Seeing my bf come home from work two hours early one day doesn't sound that insane within that theory
Isaiah Long
Weed causes schizophrenia
T. Post stoner Stop smoking forever and it may not ever get worse. In fact you may improve dramatically. Likewise seek help and reach out to those you trust.
I only started smoking because I have 10/10 pain days at least once a week sometimes twice Like, actual physical pain that has left me in tears, screaming
I honestly don't know which would be easier to deal with, but I'm thinking seeing weird shit once in a while isn't comparable to screaming agony
Aiden Baker
stop with the weed weed and schizo is a really bad combo i know because I have the same issue I hear them talking about me, so much
Jackson Perry
bruh did you read the post? That isn't a solution for the issue the weed solves
Cameron Ortiz
Weird beliefs are rarely, *rarely* signs of mental illness; even with extreme beliefs. It's what you do with those beliefs, and/or how they influence your everyday functionality, that marks the difference between stability and instability. People with very strange viewpoints, but can still manage to (somehow) perfectly function everywhere they go still qualify as stable.
Auditory hallucinations are fairly normal. In fact, pretty much everyone has them at some point. Even healthy brains will glitch out on occasion, resulting in mild and inconsequential side effects like seeing/hearing things that weren't really there. It's just that they're so small and slight, most people will brush it off and completely forget about it. It's the frequency of the hallucinations, and whatever pattern of consistency behind that, that you need to watch out for. Though twice a month is too frequent for my liking, it's still not sufficient evidence to determine something like schizophrenia. Though it is enough to pay attention to.
Other than that, symptoms described so far are too few and mild to determine whether or not to look into them. They're at least enough to make a note of, and see if there's a continuation of them (and more importantly: a pattern).
Juan Robinson
Thinking that you are getting messages from things like songs and other media is a really big sign of schizophrenia but no one here is really qualified to diagnose. With all the stress the chronic pain puts you under and the psychoactive effects of weed it'll probably be hard for even a doctor to say for certain.
See if you can talk to a mental health nurse or something like that and write down everything so that you don't miss anything when you go hopefully they'll be able to give you some idea of what's up.
Best of luck
Juan Flores
>I only started smoking because I have 10/10 pain days at least once a week sometimes twice
lul kys
Nathaniel White
I'm getting close to it I keep seeing the faces of everyone across the world who knows me and cares about me when I think about it Been a deterrent until now
Daniel Russell
You just mistook your family car with someone else, or something simple like that. Because it’s always something simple like that. But ofc you jumped right to the most dramatic outcome, maybe you should ask yourself why.
Dylan Miller
I remember them vivdly having the faces of my family