i saw that video of the guy being asked to become an informant on anons and laughed. today i came into work and around 10 my boss said someone wanted to see me from the governemnt.
i come out and hes some normal middle aged dude in a suit. all smiles, shook my hand, showed his badge and ID, asked if he could have a moment of my time. i wish i recorded it but forgot my phone at my desk.
he asked if i had been posting on Jow Forums for a few years. i said yes. he asked which boards i frequent. i said k and vg and b. he specifically asked if i go to Jow Forums. i hesitated but said sometimes. when actually i visit here the most.
he nodded and started to ask questions. what i post about, reply to, casual questions. then he asked if i knew anyone from here. said no, all anonymous. he started to talk about their intelligence bureau expanding
>its literally the same convo from that video i saw
i said i would help if there was something specific but wasnt sure how i could help. he said they have a program starting to try and monitor online activities of hate groups, terrorists, and other threats and i could be a "key player" in sending along info from this board.
he gave me his business card and asked if i would arrange a meeting at his office next week.
honestly what do i do user. i now know the FBI is watching me (ive never posted anything bad besides bad opinions). so if i accept, im going to work for the governemtn. if i deny i will know my every move is being watched. im panicing i didnt want my online shit to have rl implications. what do i do
FBI agent met me at work and asked me to become a Jow Forums informant
Other urls found in this thread:
Pics or it didn't happen
Sloppy job mossad
Double agent. Redpill the fbi. Send them links to jewish crimes.
Nice psyop this whole thing.
Your latest injewnious idea to stip people from talking abour the real reality ?
Won't work.
>in a suit.
Stopped reading right there.
FBI agents typically wear plain street clothes. Especially when interviewing some Joe Schmoe
it was a blazer with a button up shirt no tie. do you think hes going to carry his gun in his dockers. he wasnt dressed for a wedding faggot
>FBI agents typically wear plain street clothes.
This. The last time I had dealings with above average pay cops, they were dressed like they were coming back from a volleyball game.....except they where there with a warrant to search my house.
>it was a blazer with a button up shirt no tie.
then you lied in your OP didn't you?
Each time they send people out it costs them thousands of dollars.
If a spook comes to see you, get him on film and write down his name, THEN don't even talk to him, tell him to come back in some legitimate law enforcement capacity
>on an anonymous board dedicated to live action role play
What were they searching your house for?
>not telling him /d/, /l/ and /qst/
shame on you user for being a man of such shit taste
Shill thread started by CTR/Shariah Blue to try to disband the collective republican base here.
FBI wear plain street clothes when they approach an average Joe for an interview because suits tend to intimidate. Approaching a subject in street clothes tends to make them feel more at ease and open to speaking with the agent
>willingly talking to a Fed
You fucked up.
>has the 5th Amendment
>doesn't use it
You REALLY need to watch this user (assuming your not a LARPing faggot)
> youtu.be
Embrace the power of BBC
Spy for USG to expand BBC
>dont take to an FBI agent when i havent done anything bad
>get arrested and detained for resisting and now ive done something bad
fuck you
Whatever you do, don't tell the FBI about my secret ICBM silo under my couch cushion fort.
>Double agent. Redpill the fbi. Send them links to jewish crimes.
get payed user, thats the dream.
>talking to a glow-in-the-dark
and if you think i'm just memeing, watch this entire video
Probably should get a lawyer dude
im worried he would offer an amount i couldnt refuse (poor user) but then im literally selling out anons
Do the based thing and play both sides
he would have given you a card. pix nao
Do it, and give hilariously bad false info.
Oh my god my sides. We are fascists who will bring the world out from the current dark ages.
Don't talk to the FBI.
To be fair, its illegal to lie to the FBI. They can ask you questions that they already know the answers to; or even if you unintentionally lie to them, then they got you by the balls
Post business card or gtfo
This is the FLAW in your PsyOp JEWS.
HOW THE FUCK can any normal fag be an "informant"?
Everyone here is an user.
FEDs already have automated keyword algorithms and ability to trace IPs
This entire thing BULLSHIT.
An attempt to scare people from talking about their believes.
>hide your powerlevel goy
>dont talk about the subversive JEWS
cant wait to get a comfy informant job in my shitty country due to my decade old knowledge of this internet terrorist website, god bless
Selling out who or what? There is nothing you could tell them, that lurking wouldn't. Just feed em bs and links to jq and reap the shekels. Get paid to shill your opinion to the fbi
what are they paying? i'd rat all you faggots out if they paid me
send him dick pics
>gets arrested for lying to the FBI
Dumb ass
Post both sides of credit card or GTFO
How much money can the fbi give to the people they are entrapping? I wonder if u can just string them along and milk them
A few bucks would be worth selling out leafs and memeflag posters.
>i wish i recorded it but forgot my phone at my desk.
Yeah that sucks. But you could have gone back and gotten it.
>he asked if i had been posting on Jow Forums for a few years. i said yes. he asked which boards i frequent. i said k and vg and b. he specifically asked if i go to Jow Forums. i hesitated but said sometimes. when actually i visit here the most.
You are one fucking dumb piece of shit.
Double agent. But at the same time, why couldn't they just monitor this board on their own? How much will you make
Lol,u did the agent pass the agent test? How do you know it wasn't just some idiot civilian azzhoe, you have to throw the first punch! If you get arrested by a raid the of 20 min you are in the clear!
They want you on their side, so you can sell out us.
Don't do it user.
FBI Hire me, i'll do it for room and board :^)
Damn I wish they would give me a job you lucky bastard
Actually... now i think of it, you're probably being set up for the next ff. Just avoid gov agents
They came to my house the last time they talked to me.
I think that's exactly why they are contracting anons now. Too many agents spent too long staring into the abyss and now they post here as one of us.
Are you stupid? My post is implying that he shouldn't talk to them, thus exercising the 5th, because they can trap him. Fucking moron
become NEET
So you're saying the best answer is actually this
Do it.
We need an inside man.
Just remember, pol is a board of peace, and any threats posted here are satire, unless posted by a leftie or muslim.
Take the job and only send them posts from obvious kike shills
I had fbi show up at my house over a particular shitposting spree I went on in 2003 and they were wearing business casual.
Yeah federal law enforcement would be carrying at all times
Cool story bro
I remember when people used to sage garbage larp threads without pics. Those were the days.
Think about it, boomers don't understand the way younger generations speak. Not to mention that chan "culture" doesn't have a guidebook or how-to manual. You have to figure it out on your own. FBI doesn't have time to lurk for 2 years, so they hire zoomers to sellout their fellow anons.
Glowniggers: please pay me to be a Jow Forums informant.
I’ll suck your dick.
Also, if OP doesn’t post the business card he is a fake gaynigger
What the hell is that supposed to be?
This. It has been known to happen.
Also, OBVIOUSLY this entire domain has been monitored for at least the past 12 years. Probably longer.
Guess what? IDGAF. See that fucking flag on my post? That flag means I don't have to give a fuck what the glow-in-the-darks think about my opinions, my online behavior, or who I choose to call a faggot.
They can join us, or go get fucked with a nailbat when their pensions funds fall within 10 years.
It’s from Shia getting arrested after HWNDU meltdown.
Not sure why they shopped the second guy in.
Ask them to pay you, I'd send them all shit on here to make the agent on the other side start doubting
>implying fbi is "illiterate" to gibberish retardese of the psyop'd brats
chans were only illiterate 10 years ago.
oh shit it's started already?
I wish somebody would ask me. I could use the money. Doesn't have to be FBI. I will also work with kikes, Russian or even the Chinese.
True anons don't rat each other out.
He is a larping faggot.
>It has been known to happen.
The way everyone tells the fucking truth on these platforms attracted all sorts of interesting people.
We probably had more VIPs in here then in jerusalem, DC, london, and white house specifically combined.
People LOVE to take time away from lying bullshitters and join in with the mad and truthful shitposters.
remember them in your imagination?
Post business card or go back to /x/
i sense u r trolling
attention fbi cia csa agents watching me i just want you to know i'm graduating from university very soon and if you need an autist and professional shitposter who can show up on time i am the man for the job happy to relocate call me any time thanks
hi user. I'm planning something BIG soon. Don't tell the feds they aren't invited... until it's TOO LATE. EPIC STYLE.
You have no idea how powerful some of the individuals shitposting here are.
What started off as a joke has progressed into a force stronger than MSM.
Interdasting. Only because typically nobody goes to your office. They would Palm you a card and have you call them. Very interdasting...
i hope you are just talking about minecraft again
Why the fuck do people not realize this is a god damn PUBLIC website, that is NOT ANOYMOUS, and his monitored by glowniggers.
Look at it from their position, it'd be dumb as fuck for them not to since so much patently illegal shit has happened here and so many memes have actually had a hand in subverting the current status quo
Talking here is no different than talking in public and don't be surprised if glowniggers come knocking on your door or use any legal means to snoop on your public shit
If you said some of the shit you say in public near law enforcement, they'd probably come give you a chat even though it wasn't illegal
Everything is gray, there is no black and white...well other than that Jews control the fucking world
Pic of his business card.
What the fuck, I didnt know you could get paid to browse this board. Sign me up
research false claims act.
best not to talk to any 3 letter agency without a lawyer
Attn Glowniggers, I will lurk on Jow Forums for the small sum of $175,000/yr
As a matter of fact.. they do carry their guns in dockers. Dudes right. I have yet to meet an agent in a suit.
My thoughts on this and the other videos on the same subject...
1. Studies have shown that when people think they are anonymous, they act more radically and say more radical things. This is why a mob will always act more immorally than the individuals in the mob will.
2. As others have pointed out, just because you appear "user" while looking at the board, that doesn't mean that you really are. If you think anything you do on the internet in truly anonymous (even with VPN's etc), you haven't been paying attention.
3. If these stories and videos are true, it means one of three things:
a) the FBI is warning people to tone it down before more people get radicalized.
b) they are trying to push out the sane rational reader/poster before putting all of their focus on the remainder
c) they really are having a hard time keeping track of the hundreds of thousands of posts in here; and want some genuine help.
4. Many of us believe in law and order, in morality, in doing what is right. Many of us, if we saw what looked like a credible threat posted in here would already be contacting the FBI without being asked.
5. Jow Forums is at a crossroads right now. We've already seen at least two murderers who were radicalized either here or over at 8, and I can't blame the feds for trying to figure out a way to stop it.
will they pay me to say nigger on the internet?
Ahem.. . I sure could use a new car, wish there was some way to earn money legitimately online
I think the big problem the feds are trying to counteract is that when people online start saying edgy radical jokes and ideas for the lulz year after year, they really start believing it and it becomes a snowball of radicalization
This is probably a psyop to plant into the back of people's heads to be a little bit more careful about what they post or really think.
>c) they really are having a hard time keeping track of the hundreds of thousands of posts in here; and want some genuine help.
Definitely NOT this
Super believable, agent. We all know you are most likely a cunt who forwarded post made on this board and applied to be a super cool liberal fbi agent. you now think you're super cool because the FBI denied you a job but you now want to larp like you're someone special, we get it.
you can always join shareblue and shill on here for few cents a post, not for me though, I do it for free
Some of the most fun I've ever had has been sending hundreds of megabytes of dump from /dev/random to foreign IP addresses. For no reason.
Glow-in-the-darks can't tell it isn't encrypted meaning. Flood their SIGINT pipeline with bullshit.
>ywn be CSIS's /d/ informant
Why live if you can't be paid to shitpost, raid shitty discords, and look at anime dickgirls all day?
take the glowpill, faggot. would be legit
Dear FBI,
Fuck, I’ll spy for you.
Hit me up.
It’s more than that user. Those posting since before 2006? Those aren’t the average shitposters. It’s almost a collective conscious thing... without going to /x/ I’d say almost 6th sense in matters relating to the chans.