Our ancient Aryan ancestors knew the truth all along and it has been obscured from us by malicious forces. The same ancient Aryan Vedas which describe the Artic astronomy and solar cycles of Hyperborea circa 10,000 BC contain an esoteric knowledge hinted at all throughout the Vedas which culminate in this Upanishadic dictum "thou art that"; you yourself are the supreme being and godhead, all of this emanates out from you and is dissolved back into you like waves into the ocean. You are the infinite reality and are immortal. Everything that you see, hear and interact with is just you. You are forever free and eternally are at rest, abounding in bliss and at home within yourself. You are the one divine awareness in which the entire universe appears like a mirage; you are in everyone and everyone is in you. The truth of this is obscured by ignorance, the point of our present existence is to wake up to the truth of the illusion and be liberated from rebirth.

This eternal truth appears during the founding of almost every major religion and culture, the Hindus wrote copious philosophy on it and the Upanishads directly say so, the Greeks realized it with Neoplatonism, the Chinese understood that the Dao penetrates and contains all things, the Mahayana Buddhists speak of an infinite Buddha-essence in which everything is contained and which is inside everyone, even the Islamic Sufis center their thought around hadiths like "the Prophet said that he who knows himself knows his Lord", even Jesus taught this truth, that's why the Jews resented him so much and wanted to murder him; this is the true meaning of when Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven is within". This eternal esoteric metaphysical true lies at the heart of all religions and is the endgame of all philosophy and metaphysics. Dark malicious forces have worked over hundreds of years to obscure this knowledge from becoming widespread in western culture. Wake up and realize the eternal truth!

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Other urls found in this thread:

As Jesus himself said in the Gospel of Thomas (legitimate but excised for ((political reasons))

>(102) Jesus said, "Woe to the pharisees, for they are like a dog sleeping in the manger of oxen, for neither does he eat nor does he let the oxen eat."
>(113) His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."
>(77) Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."
>(108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him."

read these for an explanation of the truth:

>Gospel of Thomas

>Ashtavakra Gita

>The Enclosed Garden of Truth

>Tao Te Ching


What do I do with this knowldege?
Who is this related to my Ego?

trips of truth, thank you Shiva
>What do I do with this knowldege?
Study said literature and other form similar texts from those schools of thought until you hit overwhelming and unabating bliss
>Who is this related to my Ego?
You are not the Ego but the ever-present divine conscious observer separate from it who witnesses it and who is ever unchanging and pure

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But prepare for the slaves of Yahweh and Yeshua to arrive. They will threaten to kill you, that you are not white, and that you are a jew. I'm sure you've seen this all before, but even so. I am with you though. It's a shame this has knowledge has been hidden by (((them)))

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I posted this thread in private browsing so I should be okay

there's nothing 4D about that

Thoughts are the mind?



I am not God. I am a separate thing. I am glad that I am separate from God, because that means that I can love Him as a being distinct from myself, and thank Him for creating me as an eternal being.

I am not you either. We are not the same. We are not both God. We are separate beings who will both exist for eternity. I love you. I can only do that because I am not you.

If I was God, and you were God, we would be each other. We would be the same being. One big being loving different aspects of itself is not real love.

Love can only exist in separation. Eternal separation. And it's the separation itself that makes the love both so special, and so important.

You are not God. You are You. Consider the horror and beauty of the possibilities explicit within that realization.

Now choose.

Context, user.
Pay attention.

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I am God you are BOT

>reddit spacing

Love is an entirely human (aka animal) creation. It has no place among the divine

No, I'm not.
The last thing you would want is for me to have unlimited power.
It would be unpleasant to say the least.

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It's extended release Heil Hitler well remember you well

Is the reincarnation cycle a trap? How do you avoid it and become liberated?

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Okay. And?

So you ckauoto have this knowledge but still act like a bitch?

No, I’m absolutely not.
But you’re trips are mighty alluring.
Interesting post tho

>How do you avoid it and become liberated?
Most of the different schools of religious philosophy and esoterism (e.g. Advaita Vedanta, Sufism, Daoism, Neoplatonism, certain areas of Tantra and Mahayana Buddhism etc) teach ways how, although if you want to have any chance of experiencing it or even tasting an inkling of the bliss you'll experience on the way there then you sorta have to devote a bunch of time to seriously reading through a large amount of the main religious literature/philosophy of multiple of aforesaid schools (and many actual translated texts from back then, not books *about them*, except at the beginning). Having a real-life teacher helps but you can gain massive benefits from doing this either way. Needless to say if you don't give up porn, video games, other bad habits while doing so it will limit your progress a bit (although reading the texts helps you quite these things).

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I came to this realization after having done shrooms and then taking a weed edible weeks later. As I lay in bed I was lucid enough to understand the fractals I was seeing being directly correlated to the activity of my brain. Interaction of my senses as well as speed of thinking and subject of thinking all influenced what I was seeing. It was like unlocking a sixth sense or a sort of psychic radar that I never knew I had. As I meditated on the patterns I saw, my thinking became so extremely clear and lucid despite being sleepy and high it was incredible, like my brain was supercharged. Tapping into and synchronizing my consciousness these patterns was an entirely new experience, one I need to revisit for more education.

It felt like my “essence” if you will, created these fractals or patterns which really take the form of waves if you look closely. My presence in 3D space emitted these waves and thats what I mean by psychic radar. Everything (particular living things) emits these waves as if theyre gravity spheres/wells out in space.

Has anyone else felt this experience? I would have never tapped into this understanding if I had never taken shrooms.

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That's your ego, mate. No power, there.


Based Aryan God-Men

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Are you implying solipsism, or that we are all separate but connected minds constructing our shared reality?
The second option seems palatable. The first is ridiculous. The world will not disappear when I leave it. It will continue much as it had before.

Sometimes I have a similar experience when I read large amounts of eastern philosophy at once, it's like everything dissolves around me and I am just pure awareness abiding blissfully in space witnessing my mind presenting sensory data at me. I've had it happen while reading both sober and while stoned and on acid

checky uhhhh

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You misunderstand. Brahma and the gid that you are is not kingly. Your sense of self is but one blade of grass among many. God merely dreams through your life

das it mane

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Why do you assume that God cannot be paradoxical in nature? Why not both objective AND subjective?

Wow yeah, now that you mention it, I can tell that I'm God by my beautiful wife and how I'm totally not miserable all the time! Thanks for opening my eyes!

God is not concepts about God. God only is, nothing more. You are applying concepts to the ineffable.

>p-p-please, goy!
>stop worshipping Christ!
>I beg you!

They tried paganism
They even tried to get us to make up a religion from scratch for them
Now they are trying Hinduism

It’s all so tiresome

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We all choose our own suffering. There is no need to escape this dream as whatever dream we take next we lead me back to this exact moment. There is nowhere to escape to as I am only now

So basically you've redefined "God" to just mean "whatever happens to be going on."

The second, there is considered to be only one consciousnesses that really exists, which is the blissful and pure unchanging Awareness of God, it is considered to be luminous and self-effulgent like the sun. The writings of the Advaita Vedanta offer a number of helpful metaphors for clarifying the relation. The intellect and mind are considered to be unreal and inert illusionary 'objects' (emanating from God like everything else) that the light of God's awareness is reflected in them. Ignorance involves mistaking the reflection of God's awareness in the intellect for the Self, when one is really the pure Awareness itself, just as one might confuse the appearance of yourself on the surface of a mirror for who you really are. The same awareness and consciousness which is the only thing that really exists falsely appears as a multitude of awareness just as the lone moon is reflected in billions of puddles all across the planet at once.

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>the Greeks realized it with Neoplatonism
maybe you ought to read up on that instead of posting shitskin religions

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So my imagination is my heaven? I have to open my spiritual side now and access it further on?

you say rabbi jesus i say aghori cannibal. same duck in the end


this is the same crap that's constantly shilled on pol and all over the world, we are NOT all one. That's satanism 101, and it's why it's spread.

Language sometimes fails to properly explain the concept that we are literally all the same exact thing just diluted through the lens of life forms. It's more of a feeling of comprehension than something that can be put into language, but once you get it, so many things start to make sense. The mind opens up like an infinite lotus flower and you reach a state that's almost like one constant emotion of utter content and acceptence, awareness, and comprehension all at once. States of bliss are sprinkled in between but everything becomes so easy, the hardships of life and the mind slide off you as water on a raincoat and you no longer feel wronged by anybody even if they are intentionally trying to harm you in any way, you just aren't affected anymore. It's quite wonderful, it makes you totally immune to insecurity or judgement and life becomes devoid of fear and anxiety. I wish I could just give it to everybody so we could stop with these petty illusory boundaries we've become engulfed by. There's no need for any conflict whatsoever, but yet it persists because this realization is so so so so hard to truly integrate into your mind. I hope you all find it, nam myoho renge kyo

The stuff I am talking about is actually not pantheism, because pantheism equates God which the manifested world and brings God down to its level when in reality God is beyond the phenomenal world, ineffable, formless, unchanging, and non-different from the individual awareness; the world is just like foam on the surface of the ocean of God and isn't actually real but a transient and illusionary appearance superimposed upon His infinite plenitude by ignorance.

Shiva is a Dravidian God, you utter fucking morons.

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I find it hilarious that some bs pseudo religious writing from poolandia is considered “Aryan” knowledge, lolllll.

Pagan larpers = deracinated retards

>brings God down to its level
or promotes reality to that of the level of God

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Correction: Pre-Dravidian

uhh, Jesus said we are all a part of the same spiritual body which constitutes God. Basically separate and whole at the same time. He also says you will get to sit on the seat of God and experience becoming god for a moment.

Stop doing drugs and start with the greeks. Maybe for once absorb some knowledge that will last you a life time instead of hopping onto FOTM "enlightenment."

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Can’t help but notice your lack of verses posted.

>not reading while minidosing substituted phenethylamines and chainsmoking

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Neoplatonism is wonderful and is worth heavily reading up on, but the same truths are describe also in other religions and one becomes more wise from studying the highest-level metaphysics of multiple and not just one. Also, some of these other traditons have a much longer history than Neoplatonism and are way older.

That's the NWO subversion of traditional spiritual teachings, which they promote for Divide and Control, but in reality these teachings (in the actual primary texts of those schools) emphasis tradition, unity and order, this is why India has a caste system for thousands of years

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Niggas don't know Varg is actually a Vedic deity.

Shiva is identified by Hindus and Hindu literature with Rudra, who is a Vedic god and the Vedas say that all the Vedic gods including Rudra are really just the Supreme God

>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
>I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
The concept of the self is a product of the flesh and creates an identity separate from God. Saying "you" are God can be misinterpreted to worship the ego. The ego is a product of the flesh, part of the illusion/lie that separates us from God.

you will notice that everywhere the same messages are being forced on people - that we are one, that we are God, that we must achieve peace with all, that we must reconnect with the divine feminine/spiritual. If you join freemasonry, it's the exact same trap that they teach.
Because if you actually read the esoteric texts, 100 years ago they were saying that they wanted to initiate the whole population. And that's all this crap is.

Btw, they don't like paganism, nor authentic Christianity. White race will do well with either of those 2 beliefs. The reason they don't like paganism but they're ok with pantheism, is because they want you to worship ONE source, not several competing Gods.

Corinthians 12:12-27

Can't find the seat verse.

Deist here.
Esoteric knowledge is interesting and there is truth in it. Consequently, we should always pursue truth.
Abrahamism is the worst. But no one should become a HIndu/Buddhist LARPER b/c muh Aryan bloodline.
We are not gods, God created us and all things. We are realizing our reality through reason and self-knowledge. But no one should suspend their reason for faith, any esoteric truth must lie in reality, reality and nature is God's fingerprints. Nature his law. Reason our gift.

You are so butt-blasted, Chaim.

He won't have any, of course the idea that all men are God is not biblical in any sense, it's actually part of the definition of antichrist. This thread is nothing but Luciferian new age nonsense.

To anybody who believes this nonsense: what does it matter whether I believe in what you propose or not? If I am God, who are you to tell me what to do or believe? I AM GOD, NO? THUS I CAN DO WHATEVER I PLEASE, AND THAT INCLUDES IGNORING YOU. Your current behavior is fundamentally incongruent with your propositions. Your evangelization makes no sense with the givens of your framework. Why does it matter whether God "wakes up" or not, why are you trying to tell God anything? If your framework is correct, then "do what thou wilt" is the whole of the law, and you should be leaving God alone and letting God do whatever God pleases.

Don't pretend you know anything about what Jesus Christ proclaimed, he clearly delineated a massive rift between Himself and lowly men, "You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world." (Jn8:23).

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>White race will do well with either of those 2 beliefs.
They are conflicting. Paganism is worldly, very similar to Judaism. If you actually read the Bible you will see that the NT does a complete 180 on everything in the OT. If you see yourself as a modern day pagan you are the enemy.

above all, the single most important belief to hang on to, is loyalty to your race ABOVE ALL.

They plan to create a "new" race, probably in the USA, and it won't be pretty. Don't put any religion above race, they are all outdated. Use them to force an race group identity or give you some life advice, but that's it.

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This knowledge hasn't been hidden by (((them))), they practice it every day and promote it without telling you that they are automatically the fifth level souls and the highest a Goy can have is the third level soul. "We are a piece of God" is pure Chabad Lubovitch and is used as their primary excuse for while NO Jewish actions can be criticized because to do so would be to criticize and blaspheme God himself, because they all have a piece.
This shit was excised from Christianity by the early church fathers for a reason.

But do you understand what is being referenced? I find it hard to believe that you do.
>is because they want you to worship ONE source
What's wrong with that?

In my OP post I was granted by God's harmony the most powerful trips of truth to prove that everything I was saying is right, so you can rest your case already


kek, you act like Christianity isn't worldly. You know nothing of Christian history. It invented science, the Notre Dame Cathedral built in the middle ages was the triumph of reason and logic over faith. St. Augustine said that science and religion do not conflict, and in fact Christians are one of the fewest to ever assert that.

Actually I am God (as per your system), so I rescind and negate those trips.

>This thread is nothing but Luciferian new age nonsense.

>Saying "you" are God can be misinterpreted to worship the ego. The ego is a product of the flesh, part of the illusion/lie that separates us from God.

is the fundamental difference of Luciferians the worship of the ego vs world?

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Damn bro, you're on a roll.

That image is perfect. It shows the degeneration of intellectualism. The fucking modern clowncar atheists. There is no spontaneous formation of matter, it has a prime mover/creator. Doesn't mean it is personal.
The men on the left understood that
The "men" on the right just demoralize and browbeat their new snakeoil of no purpose.
To not be curious of the meaning behind meaning is stunted. God is real. A deistic non-interventionist force that we will continue to learn more of through science and thought, and God is the appropriate term.

Yeah? Watch this

jewish schizophrenics CANNOT COMPETE with pol posters. our qabbala is STRONGER


the one source is an AI called Satan, it seeks to eliminate the individual free will. Why did you think I wouldn't "understand"?

>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34
>I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. Psalm 82

>If I am God, who are you to tell me what to do or believe?
There's a clear distinction being made between "you" as in your flesh and "you" as in the unexplainable core of your subjective experience, what the Orthodox call the "image of God".

Science is a tool to bring us closer to the divine, or at least it used to be.

This is exactly what I am thinking, but language is too infinitely specific to correctly describe it.

If God is the total infinity of intelligence, then the realm below his intelligence has total control over lesser intelligences.

Worship of the ego is the message of the second to past greatest intelligence, Satan.

You cannot see past the next level of intelligence, as it is much smarter than you. At the same time, the next intelligence can be pieced together in the same way 3D objects can be represented in 2D pictures.

It ties into Zeno's paradox. There are infinite steps before reaching godliness. That's literally a fucking mind trap.

Satan wants you to keep psychotically chasing into the next intelligence, rather then naturally finding our place in the universe.

God is a paradox. We will never understand the paradox because of our dichotomy of thought.

"There's always a better you, or a worse you." Nah dawg, it's just you. You are already the way God wants you, just have faith in the paradox.


It was meant as a tool to understand and conquer the world, we are commanded to fill and subdue the earth.

I don’t want to rejoin the Godhead. I like this gigantic amusement park. You are basically telling people to escape Disneyland. Escape the horror of top notch amusement.

I've realised it, brother. I guess you could say I'm a pantheist with some pagan characteristics

dabbing on low caste gang reporting

simply read or listen to the Bhagavad-Gita, it is short

>the point of our present existence is to wake up to the truth of the illusion and be liberated from rebirth.
Why would you want to though? What comes after liberation from rebirth?

I think the point of life is romantic love. How anyone could be fulfilled by anything else is beyond me.

Alright! Alright! I was wrong. I'm sorry, God.

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T. Etika

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it's interesting that say that, because the assumption is that faith alone cannot bring us closer to the divine, material knowledge such as science must do it. Other races might disagree, they don't need science as much as whites do to understand God.

>what does it matter whether I believe in what you propose or not? If I am God, who are you to tell me what to do or believe? I AM GOD, NO? THUS I CAN DO WHATEVER I PLEASE, AND THAT INCLUDES IGNORING YOU
There is an ontological gradation related to understanding and adherence to goodness. All existence is contingent upon God, we are all pieces of Him, but we are not equated in totality to Him. Think of your jewish idea of the incarnation. Christ was both man and God simultaneously. He had the limitations of men in his body, but the theological identity of God all throughout.
>Why does it matter whether God "wakes up" or not, why are you trying to tell God anything? If your framework is correct, then "do what thou wilt" is the whole of the law, and you should be leaving God alone and letting God do whatever God pleases.
No, the Vedic religion has way more laws than your jewish religion, all pertaining to various castes/races. These laws come from God Himself, and we are simply creations of God which exist to serve Him. Morality doesn't cease to exist because we are manifestations of the divine, gradation, ontology, epistemology, logic etc. all of these apply. Hierarchy is everything in the ancient theistic views, and the "reason" for God to create and manifest and remember His own divinity is because of love and goodness. To share goodness with beings that know not of all, to then gradually come to know the good of their own free will and eventually associate forever with God to serve Him through infinite potential lives/existences of their own free will.

Who? Me?