A friend of mine said that MGTOW is a creation of the Jews.
Other urls found in this thread:
Any time you have white men making excuses for not being Great. It's the Jews
mgtow is for lames. Pure virgins turn 18 everyday and I'm snatching one up.
It is indeed the work of the Jews.
another tool of the oligarch
Rape should be used as a correction for thottery
MGTOW is fine. It cuts sheckle hungry kikes off by fucking up tax collection due to lower birth rates and less divorce cash, whores get ignored, and men are happier.
Just frustrated men who gave up.
How old are you user? I'm 30 and I've matched with 18 yos on tinder before but never really followed through. Do I ask them how homeroom is going and take them to chuckee cheese or what?
Um ye Jews invented it
I believe in it more and more everyday, honestly.
It’s gay
Send them your dick
MGTOW has been around forever. What were soldiers.sailors,explorers etc?
The copiest of copes
I have researched what they are talking about, and I think they are right in talking about the laws that are made to destroy men, and how every state apparatus works for it.
The problem, which I can not quite accept, is the answer they give to this problem.
On the one hand I believe they are right, but on the other hand I would very much like to have children.
Soldiers fuck everything in sight when they conquer some shit and sailors go port to port for a living, explorers are just looking for that exotic poosay
It's a lazy road that expects women to change without being made to.
If you're 60+ or your wife died after giving you multiple children it could be acceptable, otherwise fuck off and be the change you want to see because nobody else owes you shit.
I'm 31 and went to Europe to my local town where I was born to wife up a healthy 17 year old virgin. She'll be 18 when I go back this summer to make it official. I'm not a degenerate so her family was the one to set us up (they don't want her to "date" guys in their early 20s because they'll get her into drugs and partying).
Get off dating apps they are degenerate and those girls are all major sluts or attention seekers. They have multiple accounts you'll eventually find.
You're black aren't you?
MGTOW is for betabois who have let women control them.
gen x here
so these men removed themselves from the gene pool, for the best.
combined with the beta/nu-male pussification trend, actual men are going to be hot commodities in the future. I'm going to predict women will probably reform their feminist counterparts so hard that marriage will become favorable to Men once again, simply on the basis that these desirable Men need sufficient reason to stay with their wrinkled dumbasses. The nanny state (supported by women, supports women, yet penultimately cripples them in the long run) is unsustainable without Men and women will learn this the hard way.
millennials are already starting to suffer from "Men" shortages, and this is going to cause a whole myriad of problems down the road for women. Zoomers are just as fucking retarded, they just haven't had sufficient time to show it yet.
The next few generations are going to be hard on women because competition is going to ramp up so much that the bottom 30% will be unmarried, and a high chance of being children-less.I'm glad I'll die before seeing the repercussions of this.
so the US judicial system?
Mgtow - running from problem. White sharia - solving problem.
How did you meet her family? Church?
Women will get bored of working soon and they'll want to go back to being housewives and mothers.
I've dated women of all ages 16-32 in the past 8 years. The personality of women only varies according to how they perceive themselves, narcissistic or with self respect. My relationship with 17 year olds was almost identical with the 30 year olds. They both desperately wanted something real and lasting because they were both insecure (one because of inexperience and the other because she was getting old). The relationships with the 19-25 year olds was so stupid it was genuinely pathetic. They wanted to be on instagram posting ass pics all day, complaining about literally everything in her life (problems before we met) while doing nothing different and contradicting me at everything while bitching about being controlling. The early 20s women are the worse to try to wife up unless they are anti social.
Bad arguments in this thread
But they do have some valid points even though they're willing theyre telling you not to have kids
Always doubt whoever is telling you not to have kids even though their arguments are close to percet. Well... I do
I dunno. Lemme ask my sugar momma what I think.
She says it's kikery. It's definitely kikery. Let some roastie take you under her wing and nurture you user.
why does everyone have to label everything they do. everything has to be a big movement. just go away quietly
Because they want to expand the movement and create scarcity for women to better their own position, obviously.
The best way to regain control over women is to prevent them from having children till they start behaving responsibly. Mgtow is the only way we can do that at the moment and that is why women hate it.
They're an archetype of the kinds of people the deepstate believes got Trump elected. They believe that these people are a more annoying problem for them than middle eastern oil disruptors. So like Oceania moving the proles anger from Eastasia to Eurasia they're slowly switching anger over to angry basement nerds. They're also faggots.
No I'm not religious and she's already conforming to my views. Her parents just care about the basics, no drugs, no sex before marriage and raising the kids traditionally.
people have been asking me about "coming back to wife up" their daughters since I was 14. I went back when I was 14 and 18 year girls were trying to get me to have sex with them to get pregnant and eventually a US citizenship. I made it back safely with my virginity lol. This time I went back to see family and we met at a local gathering. She's shy (in a find out more privately way) which I like and everyone was watching my every move so her mom told me to meet her outside where her daughter also was. She let us alone after suggesting that we make a great couple. I pursued her like any other girl I would be interested in. She's mature enough to understand what she wants (a family) and I probably will wait until she's 20 to get her pregnant while we develop a closer bond together doing things as a married couple.
>mgtow is for lames. Pure virgins turn 18 everyday and I'm snatching one up.
the day you have a shitty woman that tries to keep all your shit after you break up with her you will know better
she's a Goddess, a Goddess, name please name name please
That's nice. Perhaps I too should start visiting some hillbilly town to develop these connections with the locals.
Anything that leads you to, no family no kids is an invention of Jews. Anything that leads you to debt slavery and abortions is the invention of Jews. They would say otherwise and be easily proven wrong. They would legislate laws against your free speech and call you a bigot and a racist... And imprison you for wrong think. Another invention of Jews... but not the last or the least unfortunately.
MGTOW is just a form of the blackpill
the conclusion that the JEWdicial system and cunts are so perverted that the risk exceeds the possible rewards.
unfortunately, their conclusion is mostly right, even if there are things you can do to protect yourself from getting fucked.
the answer isn't buying sex dolls.
>It's the Jews
Jews publications like "cosmopolitan" have been promoting women be degenerate whores & sleep around etc.
Jew were beind the feminism movement
Jews are behind porn & against christian values
Here is a quick 2 minute redpill exposing the Jewish global agenda
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (summary) written in 1919, while jews claim its a "forgery/fake", 100 years laters, all its predictions came TRUE.
Here's a 2 minute video exposing the JEWISH role in LYING us into the Iraq war
Here's a couple of good ones on the JQ
Here's BEST documentary on Jewish/Isreali involvement in 911 (free version)
more jewish involvement in 9/11 (playlist of 6 videos)
Here's another example of Israeli treachery against the US, and (((their))) influence over America (attack on USS liberty )
MORE trechery (the lavon affair)
EVEN MORE treachery (the Apollo affair) (jews stole nuclear fuel from the US & got away with it)
> youtu.be
jewish lobby control over America (part 1)
Jewish lobby control over the UK (part 1)
The HOLOHOAX exposed
The greatest story never told (LONG but amazing)
Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany (horrific heart breaking)
you're never going to control women. Even if you remove yourself from the equation other males will take your spot in line to reward shitty behavior. The only way is to reward the good women with marriage and kids. I haven't been discouraged nor wasted time when I found myself in a relationship with what I eventually found to be a slut. It's simple, date but don't fuck them. In 2-4 weeks you'll know them well enough to know if they are worth pursuing.
Damn. Imagine parents carrying so much about their daughters that they make a conscious effort to marry them off to a good man to take care of them, as they come of age. I hate this fucking dystopian hellscape.
well I'm not marrying a shitty woman so I don't have anything to worry about. That's why men should wait to be between 28-35 to get married so they understand what character traits to look for and more importantly to have themselves. I've been developing my character with time rather than assuming I'm perfect. Women should be malleable to great men. I plan on teaching everything I know to my wife and she's receptive to everything because I have proven through my life that I know what I'm saying.
that's the best solution. It's more interesting when you start with a family relationship because they can sense the connection and start talking to her after. Just like parents warn their daughters about guys they also influence them with guys they think would be a good husband. Get on the parents good side because half the courting is that.
It's mostly old men who's T has declined to a level they don't see women with hormone glasses anymore. After you get old those crow's feet become more visible to you.
sounds pretty jewish to me senpai
1 shitty woman makes you mgtow?
Go MGTOW to improve yourself. Go monk mode for 4 years. But don't make it your way of life for the rest of your existence
All I know is that men who are not MGTOW are effectively enabling whores thus creating a perpetual cycle of suffering for society as a whole and that is a crime that should be punishable. It is like men who date single mothers, sure you aren't gonna marry her, only in it for h sex but what it does is raise he expectations and level of arrogance of women who have the delusions that they are human. Same people who will most likely defend women during their eventual replacement by artificial wombs and robots. That is obstructing advancement of humanity and very despicable thing to do. By not being MGTOW you are announcing that you do not give a shit about your fellow man or he society or civilisation as a whole and simply want 2 minutes of pleasure from a loose hole you found on tinder because it validates your existence
What's so stupid about people today is the mentality of "let her figure it out on her own". Why would you send her to school to be dictated to for 12 years about everything else but leave the most important issue to her being pulled along down millions of harmful paths. I'm not suggesting to arrange the marriage but as an adult who understands what makes a marriage work you need to find that in a mate she can trust her heart with. By the time she "makes her mistakes" 90% can't trust themselves with their next choice and keep repeating the same mistake in men.
get women pregnant. have white kids, but don't ever marry them. The courts literally rape you.
I don't care if the woman is an incarnated saint sent directly to me via Christ himself. To marry in this current political climate is asinine. What's the purpose of marriage? To have children. Can a man legally discipline his own children in the Western world? No, he'll be thrown into a cage and forced to pay while being deprived of seeing his children. If the woman decides to jump ship, for any reason whatsoever, the state and society will fully support her. There couldn't possibly be a more counterproductive environment for raising children. Yes, I know it's all by design.
Until we start talking about repealing the 19th amendment and no-fault divorce, good men will not marry.
I honestly don't know if I'm MGTOW or not. All I know is that right now for the foreseeable future I want as little to do with women as possible. I'm sick to death of everything about them. That may change one day. But I don't think I'll ever voluntarily sign a marriage contract. That shit is poison.
my penis is groing
Social darwism
Darwinisim* I'm retarded
>By not being MGTOW you are announcing that you do not give a shit about your fellow man or he society or civilisation as a whole and simply want 2 minutes of pleasure from a loose hole you found on tinder because it validates your existence.
Based and Pajeet-pilled.
I'm moving to Europe to raise our kids anyway but I want them to be born here for the citizenship since they'll also have that nation's citizenship through both of us (parents) being born there. I don't believe in physical punishment as a disciplinary tactic since I can punish them enough with an in-depth explanation of what they did wrong lol and it serves to educate them too so why would they take them away. I've literally never thought about the "what ifs" regarding failed marriages. I know what I have to offer because I spent a long time developing it and I know what good women need in a husband. If you approach it statistically and logically before you ever go looking for a wife then everything will come together naturally.
divorce rape hits pretty hard
You fundamentally misunderstand the MGTOW movement.
>the system is rigged against men
>women are acting like degenerate cunts and getting away with (betas even support them)
MGTOW is about men disengaging until this changes.
You can still fuck a women and be MGTOW,
but you will not be giving her anything for that pussy.
She either wants your company freely, or can FUCK OFF.
Gen x are niggers.
mgtowers are the beautfiul ones in the mouse utopia. stay mad ugly retarded ones. you will die.
Fuck the labels. That's how you end up with retards trying to hold you account for what others have done that you had nothing to do with. Your friend is right in one way because it would not exist if not for cultural marxism in the first place, since the reason for men going their own way is because of radical feminism in the first place. There are plenty of subversive elements involved in the label MGTOW however, like homosexuals who just want more men to be like them, and that may also be a jewish ploy, similar to how radical feminism has lots of lesbians who just want more women to be lesbians too. So in the end, your own choice in values is far more important than the label itself. Don't let yourself be pulled into a mob mentality.
it's great and pisses off women. fun fun fun
im proud of you both
Marriage laws & business are the creations of the jew.
You're a nigger.
MGTOW is about avoiding the legal bullshit. The whole incel spin is from faggots and cucks. I'm just not getting married or putting up with any drama. Other than that, it's been business as usual. In fact, I think expecting MGTOW is becoming the norm with females too - less drama and no pressure is becoming more of the norm from what I can tell with my circle of friends.
Quality post
Underrated post
Judaism creates mental illess and they want to rape kill and eat white children
please do not post my wife
Its fucking retarded.
what is going on here
>tfw a girl like this will never strangle you unconscious with her legs and then trample you to death under her heels
why even live man
closeted faggots
There is no MGTOW movement in Africa, Asia or the Middle East or any other non-white country. I wonder why that is.
MGTOW is great, goys. So many whites volunteering to not procreate and carry on their lineage.
Dont trip over your doc martins nigger.
>What's going on
what's necessary
assault fully automatic katanas
I think MGTOW are incels in denial, trying to hold on to the last shred of masculinity and dignity they have left
They're kinda retarded at times. I mean, they use terms like "gay", "queer", "woman" and "feminist" to insult other men. Even all of those horny, desperate bitches surrounding them use the same terms to insult men they do not like.
It's so comical I watch their videos to amuse myself.
BTW, is Jow Forums Search working with the rest of you? It's giving "Something went wrong" each time I use it. I sent a report but nothing happened.
Ah so many shaming tactics in this thread. How quaint.
really? all the young girls I ever meet have absolutely no interest in me whatsoever. MGTOW is just an offshoot of the absolute SHIT that are millennials and soon, zoomers. Humanity is going to be fucked once hte boomers exit