At what point did you realize the "Alt-right" was a psyop?

At what point did you realize the "Alt-right" was a psyop?

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about the point Richie Spencer was getting wall to wall coverage in the progtard media where they were printing glowing reviews of his haircut, clothing style and mixtape. That was a proper glow in the dark rollout.

Brenton Tarrent & the Charger of Peace

When Clinton and the Huffpo did a hit piece on the so called movement a couple of months before the election.

I started researching Alexander dugin

It's not and never was
It was, however a gay power trip. I realized that after Richard Spencer fucked everyone's girl except his own, who he beat.
Also, how the fuck did Moarpheus know that Richard was cheating on his wife way back in 2016?

It is? I think it about fits. I guess I'm still "brainwashed"

It doesn’t matter if they pay for a side or not, in the end when one side gets in power they do a portion of the agenda and when the other side gets in they do a portion of the agenda. The idea everyone needs the political entity to be controlled is retarded conspiracy shit when you control the media. Seriously, nobody watches CNN any more, why is it still on the air unless it’s for controlling how people understand what is happening?
The Alt-right doesn’t have to be compromised if the media already is. Remember they want you seething at the bad guys ready to play into their plan and vote in who they want when they give you a chance. Or you try and be a martyr and help them more straightforwardly.

Who's the Charger of Peace?

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Since the term was coined.

The second I saw that video on CNN of him hailing

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Richard Spencer is a satanist autistic and should be hung for no other reason than his stupidity.

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>At what point did you realize the "Alt-right" was a psyop?

About right ... here .

Attached: google alt right trends.png (1721x618, 68K)

Charlottesville riots dude who ran over and killed a fatty with his charger. NEWFAG GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN

I’ve been saying since the very beginning, if there is such a group we aren’t part of it, Jow Forums is Jow Forums

the moment they called themselves alt-right.

When it stopped accomplishing anything

It got trump elected, big whoop. The alt right is just as impotent as the boomer conservatives are.


Absolute cringe.

Doesn't matter what it's called. The rejection of the world turning into a brown water, retard infested jew control cesspool is all that matters.

Why should the Alt Right being a PsyOp even be bad?

If worthless shitstains like you can't come up with something good then the PsyOp is the best you can hope for

Twas fairly obvious from the get go considering the glowy alt right youtube shills and disinfo, after C'ville it was obvious

every 20 years some tools (atheists, jews, gays and anyone who can be manipulated) come out as """"white""" supremacists
All they ever achieve is putting an entire generation of political activists in jail.
The nazi LARP is a losing strategy and is tailor made to sucker people

At what point did you realize you were a faggot

When people chimped out when I said Nazi LARPing in front of the media isn't a winning strategy.

>>Media trashes one guy and his followers for three years
>>'It was all part of the plan!'
K'd and saged

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>Don't resist goy any sort of organziation for white interests will be labeled a psyop
That being said, Richard Spencer is a faggot, and probably a fed.

>How did I fail so miserably fellow whites?

The second it was invented by the MSM to dismiss anyone to the right of sucking Israel's cock

It was a challenger so it really seems like you're the newfag

when they all came out as zogbots for 'consistent philosophical principles' aka code for 'i love losing with honor rather than winning'

When you realize Spencer’s personal YouTube videos have 5k views while his cnn videos have millions

Since it started: Any movement that values muh race above anti-elitism and anti-system action is destined to glow in the dark. Historically the american elite have always sued race as a distraction. Also being a neonazi outside of Germany in 2019 is absolutely stupid and anti-nationalistic.

Attached: american nazi.png (662x558, 33K)

the very first time I heard the term

also knew this fag was all shit the instant he became spam of the day

Nice glow you got there schlomo

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alt right lol Qanon was bigger.

ok half russian half mexican who whines about the white race on the internet

Sloppy job after sloppy job

The irony, only mutts parrot the civicuck garbage like you do.

Does it matter?

Richard Spencer seems to get more hate here than in leftist circles. Are they just shills or is there something else? I've listened to the guy and he sounds reasonable, although it's obvious he's actually a homosexual. What's wrong with his views or the way he presents them?

Interesting choice of meme to accompany your post
It's almost as if its ironic or something

when hillary said it

Yeah, he went to harvard, is a race mixer, his mentor is a jew, and he's a fag

1. He has worked as an editor for the past 10 years. Every periodical or website that he edited has either fired him or collapsed under his mismanagement.

2. He makes a lot of dumb statements that piss off supporters. He opposed Brexit, the RAISE act, and denied Holomodor. Personally I think he's too muddled of a thinker to have consistent opinions.

3. He though Charlottesville wasn't retarded. That was so counter-productive that anyone involved in organizing it should be discredited on those merits alone.

4. He can't manage his personal life. Despite having millions of dollars he still struggles with substance abuse and domestic violence. He had an affair with one of his top deputy's girlfriends.

Incompetence, poor judgement, and lousy scholarship are all worthwhile reasons to hate the man. Or at the very least not to support him.

Attached: Richard Spencer Shock.jpg (1019x959, 177K)

it goes even deeper.. he went to the same prep school (for high school) as Owen and Luke Wilson and Wes Anderson (around the same time, even!)
Kinda makes you wonder...
watch the trailer and notice how Spencerian it is... even though the story isn't really the same its pretty funny even without being tin-foil about it

actually he didn't go to harvard he went to UVA and Duke afaik
the other stuff i can't speak for and you're missing the details but I don't care
watch this same prep school he went to around the same time as the film maker.
was spencer a drama nerd?
max fischer? ... dick spencer?

The alt-right was 100% a set up by the media. It used to be the name for the new conservative movement. Trumpism, nationalism, anti-interventionist, etc. People sick of the old republicans and neocons.

Then as soon as its getting traction and people like paul joseph watson and other youtube commenters start using the term they roll out richard spencer.

I remember the article in The Atlantic was the big one. Where they had a reporter at some speech he gave in a hotel conference room giving the sieg heil and saying heil trump!

Most obvious setup in the world. Then after that everyone had to disavow the alt-right. It was a way for them to paint all trump people as alt-right neo nazi white supremacists.

>is a race mixer, his mentor is a jew,

What was the reason he opposed Brexit?

>Owen and Luke Wilson and Wes Anderson
Redpill me on these three faggots. I know they make cringe movies for faggots but that's about it.

youre spot on until about 3/4 way through when you started schizo-posting

As soon as a Rabbi gave a speech at Trump's inauguration.

went to high school with dicky spencer around the same time as him, and they got kicked out. Spencer didn't.
I wonder if Spencer was into theater and yea watch this fucking trailer its short and its very richard spencer in terms of being, you know, stuck up

I've seen that film before. I was wondering more along the lines of Wes Anderson being ok with white genocide or being a kike or something. His films have always felt very Jewey to me but I can't recall specific themes at the moment.

The main character of Rushmore is a lot like Spencer even if it wasn't based on him. Except the Rushmore guy wasn't Anglo and from a blue collar family in the movie. It isn't that much like Spencer but the trailer is really pretentious.
Wes Anderson is important culturally but I don't really know his views or anything.
Yea I don't want to spell it out but yea they went to high school together around the same time that really is all you need to know. Even if they didn't know each other it is a very similar culture, Wes Anderson and Richard Spencer. Wouldn't you say? Both 90s yuppies around the same age, etc etc.
Except Wes Anderson is way more accomplished and most likely way better/nicer than Spencer who seems pretty vile (for reasons I cannot mention here)

>for reasons I cannot mention here

>don't talk about race