Been prone masturbating my whole life

>been prone masturbating my whole life
>Can't fap normally because it's just very difficult and long to do it
>Just discovered prone masturbation is bad for many reasons
What should I do? Of course I have to stop immediately, but I really hate fapping in any other way, how can I resist the urge to nut in my pants? Will I become normal again and start enjoy normal masturbation?

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>prone masturbation is bad for many reasons
Oh fml, not another thing I fucking screwed myself over with...
*sigh* alright, what's it do to you?

Ima need some info on why prone is so bad for you.......

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What is prone masturbation?

If you do it very often and for a long time it gets more difficult for you to get horny and/or nut, because without that "pression" on your peepee it's harder to get orgasms. Also sometimes leads to erectile disfunction.

Masturbation when you're prone, with your stomach to the bed rubbing the dick to it till you nut

as odd as it may sound to you, you need to start practising "normal" masturbation

That seems very uncomfortable and inconvenient to clean up.

Christ I thought my problems were bad. Here an user literally admits he fucks his mattress every night out of loneliness.

What the fuck, I thought you meant lying on your back.

Why are you dry humping your mattress and abrading your dick?

Not anymore, but when I was a teenager...
God fucking damnit, how did I fuck myself up so badly so early??? HOW?????

Idfk, but nice fucking going op. Lmao.

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It's just a different and better way to fap, but since it's harmful don't make my same mistakes anons
I'll try to adapt my dick to a new kind of masturbation

Haven't done it in years myself - is there hope for me?

Just don't do it? Idrk user

I just came in here to laugh at you

Who the fuck even told you that was normal? How did your mom never bother to stop you?

Hey, I like that song

No one. I just fell into it.

As for the second question:


I hate my mother and her COMPLETE failure as a parent. I don't know what the fuck she thought she was doing or, how "oh so hard" it was for her as a single mother, and I don't give a fuck. She failed me, and I'm going to let her know next time I speak with her. I give up trying to play both sides here. She was the one I should have pushed away from my life, not my father, and she needs to hear these and I need to say "fuck you" when she next tries to tell me "don't push me away, I'm someone who can help you."

Yeah, fuck her and whatever "help" she can give me. My dad may not be instantly reliable, but at least he didn't screw me over.

Didn't expect this turn

Without context, my best guess is, she babied your ass, and she did little to try and set you free

Ab. So. Fucking. Lutely.

Fucking cunt. I have come to the conclusion that she was terrified to losing me and my brother the way she lost our father (to divorce, not death, to clarity's sake). I had zero conflict, I felt the need to go zero places, I was never encouraged to go out and explore, in fact she managed to instill in me a great fear of the outside world by making it seem that everywhere I went there would be someone trying to abduct me--sure, she did this while trying to advise me on how to "stay safe" but it never came across as that.
And for all the BITCHING she did about my video gaming hobby (which was probably more of an addiction, desu) and how much she hated that I did it, she never did anything more than a TOKEN "I'll take away the power cord to the internet" - which I was able to circumvent within a day by figuring out how adapters work.

Sorry, but not sorry, I'd say that I've finally hit critical mass here, but I'm not walking off the job to call her and tell her what a fuckup of a parent she was. My father managed to talk me down a little last week, I listened, but I'm not going to make that mistake again. He's a better man than my mother or brother ever will give him credit for.

Despite having a father... I can say that my mother has never kept me from it.. I have a girlfriend now... Even though she is not up to par with everyone else's view about me, it took a lot of self degredation to get out of the cycle of porn.

While having sex helps. Doing something you think is cool, for your own entertainment, is probably the only thing that can keep you from yourself long enough that the issue will slowly recouperate, not fully heal, but it'll work again.

Mine never kept me from my dad either, I just developed a complex of "I HAVE to hate my dad for what he did to my mom" -- in no small part due to my mother venting to me and my brother about how it made her feel, I'm sure. I still have a vivid memory of her taking me and him in a car and driving us around the neighborhood one night, on the verge of tears, questioning us that "you know I still love you, right?"

I have never had a girlfriend and am in my mid-20s. I'm not going to be an idiot and blame that directly on her, though I don't doubt the above-mentioned issues contributed HEAVILY to my lack of social development. I don't have any friends either.

I've been working on that for a while, falling back into it now that I'm back off of vacation and can't dedicate my entire day to it (fuck this full time job without a reason to work it).

Yeah, this is getting brought up with the psychiatrist this week (not the Jow Forums thing, not that much of a sperg). But thanks for the help, mate, I haven't felt this angry at someone who wans't myself in a while. Refreshing.


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I'd say use the anger to make something rather than take it out on your mom, being that you will regret it later. Not now obviously. At any rate, my parents cucked me in a way too, mid 20s and I can't move out because they made me believe in a closed monetary family thing, and now I am just to help my parents not work as hard as they did, why idfk, their happiness I guess.

At any rate, as far as girls go, give online dating a chance, you will notice that people are probably as broken as you are.

>this thread

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Bit of gold tho right?

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