When I was a kid, all I cared about was Nintendo and playing roller hockey with my friends. Kids these days listen to rap music and cut off their penises.
It’s really congress’s job. Trump did the college campus thing because that was something that was directly in his power.
Gavin Jackson
I don't think fed had much todo. No expectations were changed. Oil is I think the main driver. if the bigs tried to collude in a short they'd have every private entity with dry powder ready to take the free money. Oil and commodities are the only things shaky now. And reduced global demand makes sense in the context of Trump's Fuck You pay me negotiations. If I remember Germany was teetering on a major trendline going back to '03
Jace Evans
Anything happen today? And why you still on that flag?
>Anything happen today? no, just ree'ing about inpeaching barr for bad feels, etc. >And why you still on that flag? Because old glory is my spirit animal
they would say saying nigger, they would rationalize it
Cooper Price
Landon Evans
This I mean our opposition kills babies that were born alive how the fuck do people lose to these assholes on the moral stage?
Isaiah Johnson
EO needs an underlying law to function. What law lets trump dictate how private companies operate?
Jace Wood
>What would you have them do? sentence all mexicans to death for the crime of bad feels everyone will clap
Lucas Stewart
No expectations were changed, but the minute the guidance came out everything dropped like a stone after sitting even all day. I don't want to be confused for a fren who embraces too much but it's definitely some kikery going on. Similar to how UNH tanked markets a couple weeks back despite beating their estimates by a fair bit for the 6th quarter in a row, because "medicaid numbers weren't high enough". Anyone who thinks medicaid is paying off a health care provider and should drive the entire Dow 30, is clearly up to some serious subversion of western civilization
Im terrified. Im already feeling anxious and having a tight feeling in my chest. Ive always been scared of needles, lads. I fucking hate the feeling you get when the needle goes in, sets me off instantly. How di i get past it?
Realistically itll be all of maybe 2 minutes tops....i just dont wanna pass out
Ryder Powell
Really, the party to sue should be InfoWars claiming that Social Media companies have formed an illegal Trust to deny them market access.
Blake Richardson
Behead those who unironically use words like "kouhai" and "desu".
WTF is this EO priviledge? If you could do everything with EOs, what’s the point of even having a Congress? Why is everyone boasting about the mystical power of the presidency when they have never been to the WH or experience working there before?
Jason Wood
bcs harsh words are objectively bad and women should have the right to choose, there you go
>flag Shouldn't you just be happy that you're covered and/or can afford it?
Bentley Powell
They're a public forum idiot
Aiden Parker
>They think it's a marketing gimmick. The film is already done or almost done with a non-retarded sonic. And they made a trailer with a retarded sonic to get people to talk about it. Then they'll show the "new" designs and people will talk about it some more. And then the movie will release and they will have had millions worth of free publicity. And just like that a franchise that should have been dead decades ago will keep on existing probably forever.
Maybe you are right, but I doubt it. Let’s use Occam’s razor. Most video game movies are very bad and use very low budget. They pump out some bullshit as cheaply as possible to grab the kids attention.
Unless this videogame was actually being marketed to ADULTS. Then your theory is plausible.
I had allergy shots when I was a teenager. Once a week, everyweek they would inject me with everything I was allergic to and slowly ramp up the concentration. As they went to various stages of the injection, it was weekly, to bi weekly to monthly, with thicker and thicker serum. Till it felt like they were injecting the back of my arm with thick honey or something. It would tingle and burn my arms in a painful but not unbearable way. The allergy shots worked really well though. In anycase, I got to like to feeling of needles. or at the very least not have any problem with it.
Aaron Scott
Obama ran things through unconstitutional EOs for two terms so dumb zoomers have never experienced a President obeying the law since they were small children, until Trump.
Josiah Wright
So instead of uniting with those being censored and fighting back, you're going to have a bitchfit on the internet and whine that Daddy Trump isn't writing an EO so you can say nigger on Facebook. I hope Cenobitch gets blocked on Twitter for being a far right leader.
Brody Bailey
>private companies that receive federal funding, in nearly all cases
Adrian Perez
Naw dawg... I don’t like that shit...
Grayson Williams
> Conservative commentators, and other rightist acting surprised that journalists are okay with censorship.
Wonder if they'll ever understand that journalists are government bureaucrats.
Ryan Bennett
CIAniggers defy laws and constitution all the time Good luck firing them all without getting peachmint
Adrian James
And if the Democrats win in 2020 I'm sure they'll follow the example he's set and not do lots of EO's themselves right?
Noah Allen
It has a decent chance, anti-trust laws are pretty strong and InfoWars is big enough to survive the lawsuit's duration.
Thomas Fisher
Supposedly this movie has a $90M budget. Which is what makes the whole thing so damn weird.
Angel Miller
There is no agency he can get to modify policy when it comes to banks cutting services to people/companies that don't follow a certain politic?
they can withdraw all funding and educational loans (this would be the big blow, since most that shit is government owned now) to the institution. there's a lot of power that can be wielded against them
Luke Collins
$90 fucking million? You serious? The CG looks like shit and the biggest star is Jim Carrey, who will probably do any work for enough coke and a sandwich.
>This evidence was not provided to to the court and relates to the origins of the FBI CI investigation on Flynn
>Full report tomorrow That should be interesting if it pans out.
Jonathan Smith
What fucking bank was denying service to gun manufacturers and groups? Need to break their shit up.
Carter Cook
just imagine they gave half the budget to beto, and it makes more sense
Andrew Martin
They’ll regret and remember trump more fondly. It’ll paint them as hypocrites and kill their chances for a generation Short term gain, long term pain >b-but muh freedom How long did it take you to win back Congress and the WH after Bush?
Alexander Bennett
if someone gave me 90 million dollars i could probably make a 2D animation in a year with better quality
Not to my knowledge. Political alignment isn't a protected class, and you can't force someone to provide services in most cases. He signed an EO to fix free speech on colleges by going after their research grant funding. Social media companies don't take enough from Uncle Sam for revoking money to be a serious threat.
Read some Thomas More. Trump is doing what he can to get his message out to voters, and fulfilling every single major campaign promise. The economy is booming, ISIS is gone, NAFTA was replaced, the wall is under construction, and DOJ is investigating Democrats for their crimes, including voter fraud.
>$90 fucking million? You serious? Well, it's the number I saw a few times and it's what g**gle says right now. Hollywood is known for its "creative" accounting though. But even if it was half of that it would still be crazy.
James Fisher
His contract must be cheaper than a back-alley hooker at this point. The man has lost his mind.
Tyler Long
"Mom, show vagine and bob."
Robert Mitchell
4 years for the house, 8 for the senate and whitehouse
>win lotto this weekend >commission worsfren for animu budgeted at 25M Prolly would beat any other film made in the next 2 years, even with all the nihilistic rants about words on a screen
i have had some good ideas for various kinds of media for a long time but i do not have the connections, skill, money or anything to do anything about it it's a good thing nothing matters anyway
Man their desperate. Trump has been running a clean business for awhile now. He’s under the microscope, so he’s not going to do anything stupid. They have jack and shit
Juan Thompson
>Prolly would beat any other film made in the next 2 years, even with all the nihilistic rants about words on a screen I imagine it'd be a more kino version of lain desu