>it's may of 2016
>find gf material at a random party and commence random flirt (i'm 28m she's 26f)
>fuck her brains out that night, end up hanging out again the very next day
>fast forward a few months down the line
>we gf and bf now and relationship seems to be going in the right direction all the time
>occasional small arguments but nothing worthy of the "fight" word, always end up having a good day and fucking
>this goes on for about 2 years and the relationship only grows on us more and more and we are going forward with it
>got feels going forward and she did too
>we planned a wedding for august of this year and everybody was a-ok with it
>fast forward a month ago and a half ago
>we are pretty happy and everything is pretty darn good but she for some reason has frustrations
>I always try to help her but she gets her frustrations up and starts really picking me
>it usually ends a few minutes later with her apologizing and crying
>3 weeks ago
>she screams at me for leaving her favorite cereal outside unwrapped
>I tell her it's no big deal
>huh? Are you pregnant?
>HOW FUCKING COULD YOU, PRICK? That's it, I think it's time to break up, I have had way too much
My brain just stood there for a sec processing and I just had the most "are you really breaking up with me over cereal?" moment.
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