It's may of 2016

>it's may of 2016
>find gf material at a random party and commence random flirt (i'm 28m she's 26f)
>fuck her brains out that night, end up hanging out again the very next day
>fast forward a few months down the line
>we gf and bf now and relationship seems to be going in the right direction all the time
>occasional small arguments but nothing worthy of the "fight" word, always end up having a good day and fucking
>this goes on for about 2 years and the relationship only grows on us more and more and we are going forward with it
>got feels going forward and she did too
>we planned a wedding for august of this year and everybody was a-ok with it
>fast forward a month ago and a half ago
>we are pretty happy and everything is pretty darn good but she for some reason has frustrations
>I always try to help her but she gets her frustrations up and starts really picking me
>it usually ends a few minutes later with her apologizing and crying
>3 weeks ago
>she screams at me for leaving her favorite cereal outside unwrapped
>I tell her it's no big deal
>huh? Are you pregnant?
>HOW FUCKING COULD YOU, PRICK? That's it, I think it's time to break up, I have had way too much

My brain just stood there for a sec processing and I just had the most "are you really breaking up with me over cereal?" moment.

cont 1/3

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>vocal filter off, fucks turned off, emotionless like a viper
>Good. Go pack your clothes, I'll have a car ready by supper.
>her: ARE YOU SERIOUS? I tell you it's time to end it and you AGREE? You also tell me TO PACK MY STUFF? user ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL RIGHT NOW? -sobbing-
>Yep. I'll bring a few boxes down, please start prepping
>There's no time left for this, please, let's end it properly
>call a car while dropping boxes
>car rives, she's not ready but is crying and constantly saying "what did I do to deserve this"
>I start turbo throwing her shit in the boxes and giving the boxes to the car
>20 minutes later
>her: this cannot be happening right now, we're supposed to get married next month, are you for real?
>it's happening, I told the guys where to drop you off and paid for the ride beforehand, please stop and go
>her: fuck you, I can't fucking believe you
>shut the door in her face
>text 49 contacts "The wedding is off, sorry for wasting your time, if I can help you compensate for any gifts bought beforehand, please leave a message"

cont 2/3

>her dad, mother, sister and a common friend all text me desperately trying to fix it
>don't reply to any of them, literally have hundreds of texts waiting to be read
>own parents give me a huge middle finger telling me I'm making a huge mistake
>tell them simply "The relationship is over and the wedding is off"
>proceed to call every single org we had that prepped the wedding
>everybody ended the call abruptly angry and we lost about 40% of the wedding money
>sent her a wire with all the money she spent on this wedding and the dress and other expenses on me including her xmas gift towards me from 2018, about 30 grand in total
>it's been 3 weeks, her parents still text me apologizing for her behavior and everything and are begging me to come back to her
>she's apparently stuck in bed crying daily and repeating "my life is ruined, I'm an idiot"
>can't be arsed, literally feel 0 emotion and have 0 will to go back with her and I'm 100% sure, and have been 100% sure since the first minute that the decision is permanent
>my own parents tell me I'm really stupid for doing this, won't talk to me
>friends all tell me I'm really rushing it
>can't give half a shit

Am I fucked in the head in some way? Am I at fault for anything? She literally said she wants the relationship over, I was so amazed that she said that, everything, all the history, emotions and so forth flew right out the window. I mean, I literally don't want to see her or interact with her or try something new with her. I went 4 days ago to a party in a city next to ours and managed to bang a new chick, I literally don't feel the slightest bit sorry and I'm actually interested in giving her a call.

Am I doing something wrong Jow Forums? Be brutally honest, I can tell I was a bit rushed but I never actually tried finding a way out of the relationship, it's just that one " time to break up " reply that just made me have a complete and total blackout emotionally.

Will I start feeling emotions again in the future? I just can't tell.

I've literally felt nothing since it happened yet her whole world is crumbling as we speak.

What would you do Jow Forums if you were in my situation right now?

I wouldn't worry honestly. You sound incredibly based and redpilled.

I feel extremely sure of my decision, and seeing everybody jumping on my dick about it, I really started wondering if I'm doing something bad or wrong or whatever the fuck they think I'm doing.

Based, but you do realize women don't actually mean anything they say, right? They use words as sticks to poke you with and see how you react, not as statements of what they actually want to do.

TIL OP is a retard.

She sounds like she’s having a lot of insecurities about something or nervous about marriage. Breaking up in the middle of an argument is something only nonsensical children do. I’m not saying she isn’t being crazy, but you both need to learn to communicate better. Both of you are wrong.

Facts. She sounds like she doesn’t know how to communicate in a constructive manner, and neither do you. Women express their feelings like that but it doesn’t mean they want to or are sure. It just means they want to talk about it and see how you feel. She could also be going through some crazy hormone stuff or pregnant like you said

You sound pretty based OP. Didn't take any of her dumb shit. Could you imagine dealing with shit like that after the wedding? She even knows she fucked up.

Personally, I think you rushed though. She's obviously anxious as hell about the wedding. But she kind of gave you a dumb shit test, and obviously didn't expect the response. Better communication on both your parts would've been good.

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I don't know. I put up with a LOT of episodes of hers in the past. And the thing is, I also thought about this. At around 30 years of age... acting this way. Holy fuck NO.

I do realize. I did ignore her saying a lot of things. But literally bringing breaking up for fucking cereal? She's soon to be 30 years old not 12. I never said such shit to her since the day we met.

It just fucked me up to hear "break up" for cereal. I mean, literally anything else but saying you want to break up with me for the first time over fucking cereal? When we can afford hundreds of bags with ease? Nope. Miss me with that dumb 12 year old mentality shit. This is real life not Call of Duty or LoL.

I'm so proud of you, OP. She seems like a horrible person and you did the best you could have done. Better be alone than to be with someone who is batshit crazy. Just my two cents.

>She sounds like she’s having a lot of insecurities about something or nervous about marriage.
that doesn't justify her behaviour

trust yourself OP, you're a based god with huge balls.

Tbh sounda rushed but the fact that you don't feel anything makes it seem like a better decision in the long run. She broke you with that comment, it could have been fixed yeah, it can be fixed yeah, but it'd a extraordinary ordeal. You sound at peace so as I say, might be the best choice.

It seems really weird to me to get this mad at one bitchy comment, to the point where I'm tempted to believe this is all bait.
Expecting any woman to be 100% perfect and courteous to you all the time and never try to push your buttons is stupid.

You don't owe her ANYTHING. If you don't want to be in a relationship with someone that's the absolute end of it.

I don't know why you reacted that way but if you really feel you don't want to be with her then you have your answer.

>>"I think it's time to break up"
>>over cereal
"lol she was just pushing your buttons bro"

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Just keep in mind that you get a lot of answers here by guys who are constantly mad at women because they never had a girlfriend.

Are you suggesting he return to a relationship he doesn't want to be in?

It's rushed but it seems to made the right decision.

We greatly overrate womens communication skills, emotional intelligence, and maturity. She sounds underdeveloped in these, and she appears to having some insecurites/anxieties regarding the marriage. She should have approached you and discussed it but instead she chose a really shitty, manipulative shit test that would have protected her ego (if a conversation happened and didn't go her way) and got burnt.

Since you said you had dealt with episodes in the past, it sounds like you had internally got burnt out on this and didn't realize it, maybe even some resentment. The comment to break up over cereal (a huge over reaction to a complete triviality) was the final straw and your tiredness with dealing with this shit just came out. Would explain the calmness.

It's rushed, but you sound like this is what you want, so I would say it's ok. I would go to a therapist and explain everything, they will help shed light on your actions.

Dude. She fucking demolished me sideways...

She knew well that I really care about these types of comments (and no, trust me, she had worse episodes with worse replies than this one but never once talked about fucking up the relationship itself) and I told her clearly that I care about this type of shit. She just tested the ground when she got one of her dumb sissy fit moments. And she tested it badly because I didn't tell her that just to seem like I give an extra shit about these comments. It really fucking broke me when she said that shit.

I feel like I'm taking the proper decision.

I can't take shit about "breaking up". Made it clear as the moon light and she took it seriously until that one moment. I don't expect a woman to permanently suckle on my dick. This one did indeed push a lot of buttons through times but fuck me, I ask you kindly one single thing and you fuck that up? At your age? Nuh-uh. You're soon to be 30, when we'll be 50 you'll be an omega bitch about it. I don't fuck with that shit one bit.

It just demolished me that she actually let one simple frustration take over and stumble on what I asked her before we even got in a serious relationship. I clearly stated I don't take "relationship breaking" lightly, not even as a joke. And I was dead serious for a good reason. The reason was found out the harsh way. She thought I'd pass it as a simple small emotion let through. Nope. I naturally took it so seriously that in a few minutes time she was just some random acquaintance to me and no longer the one I'll marry or the one I love because I take this shit seriously. I don't want a partner who will jeopardize the relationship, especially over FUCKING CERAL of all things. I mean imagine being in a relationship with somebody who considers it ok and perfectly normal to throw harsh acid comments like "we're done" over dumb shit. Nope. I'm out. Out cold, fuck that.

>huh? what are you, pregnant?

Please be real. Women have emotional outbursts and calm down after all the time before a wedding, it's pretty normal. You definitely overreacted breaking things off but it's your life man do what you want. Maybe if you could read between the lines you'd know she was just having a moment and wasn't serious at all about breaking up but hey, that's women for ya, they say one thing and mean another. This is still pretty funny nonetheless.

No, and besides it's probably too late for that. I just want him to keep it in mind when he reads the congratulations and people calling him a god.

>I mean imagine being in a relationship with somebody who considers it ok and perfectly normal to throw harsh acid comments like "we're done" over dumb shit.
my ex gf was even worse, I heard shitty lines like that constantly. this is purely abusive and manipulative behaviour and it seems you made a right decision.

I think he's suggesting that all the "based" replies should be taken with a grain of salt.
At the end of the day, it's good that you broke up now instead of getting a messy divorce in five years. Don't dwell on it too much.

She wasn't actually breaking up over cereal lol but to be fair you were being a dick, let's break it down.

>come downstairs for breakfast
>Bf left your cereal get stale again
>tells you it's no big deal and your opinion basically doesn't matter
>are you serious.jpg
>maybe he'll apologize for once for not thinking of me
>next words out of his mouth are
>huh are you preggo or something
>what the fuck user Im so done with this
>proceeds to seriously break up with you over a fucking breakfast cereal (lol)

Aside from being incredibly dense I don't know what she saw in you haha you destroyed her emotionally because you cant read social cues lolol

I'm pretty sure you're either a female or a transformer faggot because all of your posts are bitchy white knighting and calling men incels. Fuck off, dumb cunt.

Who cares? You had premarital sex with her, so it wasn't true love because neither of you have any self control.
>try to get married after 2 years of fucking
You were never a serious couple.

OP is obviously autistic.

Not that user, but do you know what those terms mean? Because none of those posts are of white knighting nor that person screaming incel.

If anything, you made the right decision, for the dumbest reason. You could have done it with a better reason, but hey, you do, do you boo, have some half assed validition from strangers on a chink basket weaving forum

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>I feel extremely sure of my decision,
what are you worried about, then? it's over

>you get a lot of answers here by guys who are constantly mad at women because they never had a girlfriend.
>guys who are constantly mad at women because they never had a girlfriend.
calling people incels

>TIL OP is a retard.
>She sounds like she’s having a lot of insecurities about something or nervous about marriage.
>Breaking up in the middle of an argument is something only nonsensical children do.
>but you both need to learn to communicate better.
>Both of you are wrong.

I guess I should also add a few more details because I somehow forgot to add them.

For one, it is not the first time I ask her if she's pregnant. It is actually an inside joke of ours and in the past, me asking her this actually loosened up everything and a few times actually stopped a potential argument from happening altogether.

Second, I'm not actually a dumbass who forgets shit around. That instant we were both so exhausted from the project we were working on (dumb art project for couples that grew on us) that I simply forgot. I forgot her cereal another 2 times outside over the span of 1 and a half years. It's not a "omg such a dumb user, forgets everything" moment. If anything, she's the one who consistently forgets a ton of shit. And I barely give her any shit for it too.

You realize you are putting those labels on those things yourself right?

He is not deffending the girl here. He is not supporting you either you fucking retard.

Dont be insecure
You're incredibly fucking stupid, multiple people have explained it to you. It's not really about the cereal holy fuck

People still, after 3 weeks spam me with "OMG THIS SO WRONG, UNDO NOW" and I just wanted an outsider's opinion.

I also feel like there's some dumb whiteknighting going on but I'm still keeping an open mind accepting whatever I'm being told so that I can process this down the line. Heck, I may even be wrong but I don't feel it. Not one bit.

>decide to add a few facts to the matter so people better grasp what I said
>still thinks I'm somehow mentioning the cereal incident as a "omg wtf" instead of a "hey, reason for words".

If all you do is come here to call people stupid because they don't somehow see exactly what you want them to see, you can fuck right off you dumb cunt.

I'm proud of you son. You made a tough decision, it's going to hurt. From your shared pain both of you will learn and grow separately. Both of you will become better lovers to any future partners. I assume she was gorgeous or your parents wouldn't think you're a chump. There will be more and better love.

all 3 op post sound like a larp but om case it isnt
holy based

it would only get worse down the line if you simped up and accepted her shit

Thanks! Dad.

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>You realize you are putting those labels on those things yourself right?
Let's call a spade a spade. This is too obvious.

>Heck, I may even be wrong but I don't feel it. Not one bit.
No regrets, OP. I'm sure you will find someone who has more respect and control.

Honestly pretty heartless from you but you do you. Worst case scenario the girl didn't deserve it but you already did it so the best you can do is leave her be IMO.

>just wanted an outsider's opinion.
its a pretty fucked up story. i can feel a lot of really dark energy just reading it. i don't envy your situation at all, and in fact it touches deeply upon my fears related to commitment within relationships. honestly though I wouldn't marry the girl either. she sounds nuts

you could break up with her in a nicer way. talk to her and tell her how much you enjoyed the ride, that she's a good person and will find someone great. whatever you get the idea. basically you jumped on an opportunity to make her eat her own shit and now you're ghosting her. its a pretty fucked up way to go about it

>>she screams at me for leaving her favorite cereal outside unwrapped
>>I tell her it's no big deal
You did nothing wrong. It was only going to get worse.

Sure, the relationship could have dragged on for 3, maybe even 5 more years, but would you rather end it now or after kids and marriage are in the mix? Would you really prefer to be stuck with a screaming harpy all that time?

Do you really think someone who will casually threaten breakup over nothing is worth one's time? It's textbook manipulative behaviour. She relied on bluff to keep OP in line until he finally called one.

>too obvious

None of this story is at all cohesive as to why this person even feels the need for advice when he has clearly made up his mind that he is "based and redpilled"

None of this is indictive of anything else other than rambling by an idiot who thought getting married by the year was a good idea, with a random girl he boned at a party, one time!

There is no explicit wording that makes those statements absolute memery of which you perceive there to be.

I agree. But OP wanted opinions, so there was mine at the time. It's changed a bit since reading though

But I'm not...? I'm literally not giving a shit. Her mother thinks I'll crack if she constantly tells me what's going on with her messed up grown up kid.

Yep. Exactly what I'm thinking and feeling. The amazing part is that judging by how much I loved her, I should've been hurt... yet I'm not? I mean, the line about the break up really fucked me up, but as of right now, feelings are missing... entirely.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding, this. I'm not her bitch and that shit is fucking disgusting.

Nah what ever you do don't give her a call though. From one view you could say that you should have nipped it in the bud by making it clear early on she can't act the way she did. On the other hand, she should have been enough of an adult not to act out.

What's done is done, admirable, really admirable effort blocking her and cleaning up after yourself, don't make further messes.

im not debating whether or not you should have broken off with her. i think that is obvious. im suggesting that you could have done it more smoothly. like i said i don't envy your situation at all it sounds awful

>have 30k ready to drop on a girl you don't want to settle debts

All other things aside, I admire your fiscal responsibility and capability, to have that money just lying around. mirin

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You should really listen to your parents, OP. They might be able to put it into perspective for you.

It wasn't about the cereal (like you said, you can get a hundred boxes right, so what's her deal then?), it's about you disregarding her and not thinking of how she would feel which is pretty disrespectful to a woman as her partner. It's also considered extremely rude and disrespectful to assume that she's pregnant (this is true of any woman but when it comes from your partner it has more of an impact), yes she is quite angry at this point, but all she wanted was for you to see the reason she's being this way is because you weren't thinking of her, and to treat her a little more dignified. Yes. it was over something minor but you really should know better. When women fight they say things they don't mean all the time, she wasn't actually breaking up with you OP, she just thought it was ridiculous that you would say

A) Her feelings are no big deal, which is what this is really about.
B) Bluntly assuming the reason she's like this is because she must pregnant which is not only insulting but gives the impression you're not taking how she feels seriously whatsoever
C) What is the point of having a boyfriend who doesn't respect how she feels

and put you on the spot. Since explaining it to you wasn't working she tried to escalate things so you might finally apologize and the issue would get put behind you. She wasn't expecting at all for you to take it seriously and leave, because that's not what she really wanted out of this interaction.

I do hope to your senses because if anything you owe her an enormous apology for putting her through hell. On this website it's based to not take any shit, and anyone who speaks up in their defense is a white knight looking to get laid, but instead of disregarding everything written in this thread I just want you to seriously reflect on what's occurred here from all angles.

>When women fight they say things they don't mean all the time
Why stay with someone who can't stop themselves from doing this? What stops a woman from just saying- AHH STOP DISREGARDING ME instead of AAHH BREAK UP WITH ME


That's up to you, I personally have a strategy for women who get like this. I stop and think if it was something I did.

If it wasn't and she's being unreasonable I stop taking her seriously and know she'll calm down later.

>What stops a woman from just saying

Thinking of her, that's all. It takes a conscious effort to actively think of a person besides yourself. She just wants you to show that you do care and her reason for being upset isn't entirely invalid.

I've always been a responsible adult and I've spent money exactly where I needed to, not where I wanted to.

She on the other hand wanted to spend so much money, I don't see her having a future financially speaking because of just how badly she just wants to spend money left & right.

It's 100% her fault. Her communication method is passive aggressive manipulation, she doesn't deserve an apology.

>met girl at party
>fuck that night
>gf material

>I feel extremely sure of my decision, and seeing everybody jumping on my dick about it, I really started wondering if I'm doing something bad or wrong or whatever the fuck they think I'm doing.

From the outside it may look rushed or wrong, but you're the only one who knows if its the wrong decision. Dont let their expectation narrow you, like , they prepared for the wedding and were sure that this would bring you happiness and would make you whole ( marry and have kids = happy ) [not saying its absolutly true], also you could just skipped some years of a failed marriage.
Still, i think you invested way too much into this and should give her another chance (people can change too) and see where are the things going.. wedding is already canceled,what else do you have to lose? Try again and see if you made the right decision or not.
t.guy who doesnt speak english very well and has problems communicating

That's your choice. Personal responsibility's never a bad trait.

Post some texts if its not bait

Of course it's not, but you shouldn't take responsibility for something that is somebody elses fault, especially your partner being completely unreasonable. He shouldn't take personal responsibility for her emotional abuse.

Giving her 30k back is the adequate responsibility.

>C) What is the point of having a boyfriend who doesn't respect how she feels
holy kek of cope

its almost like it isnt canon how all bitches love that you actually do not care about anyones feelings and opinion

him talking about pregnancy was just implying she is overreacting, which she 100% was

Honestly if you guys were to get back together at this point, you both would be walking on eggshells for the rest of your life. Then, 2 kids later, youre passive aggressive towards each other putting the kids in the middle which they absolutely do not deserve. Both of my parents were extremely passive aggressive towards each other and never communicated well, and led to a divorce my senior year of high school. I think i wouldve rather them divorce when i was 2 rather than spend 17 years having peak animosity towards one other, but I digress.
OP, ive never been a fan of "act your own age", but if shes doing this at 28-30 or whatever, then you definitely dodged a bullet here. Glad youre out of it, glad you never had any kids.

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>I've always been a responsible adult
Responsible adults don't fuck random chicks.

This thread sounds fake and bait.

go play fortnite kid

Yeah you fucked up, bad; you won't understand what you did wrong until the future when you're older.

But basically, you don't understand woman.

The biggest mistake you did, which I presume you did constantly, was not listening to and validating her feelings. This is dso crucially important to do in relationship and your posts showed a shining example of it.

Also you should forgive her when she makes mistakes, not blow them up and blame her for the damage. Forgiveness is a virtue you really need to learn before your next relationship.

Also now you've completely embarrassed her with your over-the-top reaction to her dumb statement she said when she was angry.

You've got to understand women will just do that. Don't take them tooooo seriously; take them seriously, just not too much. Also, at some point or another, EVERYONE will wish they were not with their partner. It's not always a sign of trouble. It's very normal.

So by freaking out in the way that you did, you did not allow her to have normal feelings. You put pressure on her, not letting her feel negative emotions. Again, not listening to and validating her emotions like I said earlier. That is your big issue here.

She is so embarrassed right now, her friends and judging her and stuff. You really hurt her. You should have given her time, even if you decide to break up, you did this so incredibly immaturely.

That's all I want to say. Consider reading the book "men are from mars, women are from venus", you would really benefit from it.

so basically what you are saying is, that women can do whatever the fuck they want, and we just should forgive them and let it go, because they literally dont know better?

this is the equality women wanted huh, now i truly see

im never getting married it seems then

>Didn't take any of her dumb shit.
That's not how real life works mate.

"Not taking a girls shit" doesn't mean launching an atom bomb when you feel hurt, it means being stoic and a strong proud man. Real men understand women and don't let it bother him. What OP did was the opposite of "not taking her shit"... not only did he take it, he blew the fuck up with it.

>At around 30 years of age... acting this way.
Women never mature much past children. If you think otherwise, you're searching for a unicorn. You need to be the leader in the relationship.

>But literally bringing breaking up for fucking cereal?
The problem is you took her literally. To anyone with some emotional intelligence, you know what she said was not to be taken literal.

She's human man. People make mistakes, in different ways, in different capacities. The types of mistakes that YOU will never make, other people might. You need to tolerate the different array of mistakes that people come with. Especially the woman you love.

Your behavior, in no way, expressed any love.

>It just fucked me up to hear "break up" for cereal.
And again you cling to this rationalization...

OP in the future one day, you are going to look back and realize what you lost. I really don't think,no matter how clearly it can be explained to you now, that you will understand it. Only the older version of you will get it.
I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am...

Good point. maybe OP was just tired of her for some reason and wasn't in tune enough to see it

>I can't take shit about "breaking up".
Advice for you future,
Don't set bear traps in your relationship. It's controlling and insecure of you.

Why can't you take it? Especially before marriage. The poor girl had an insecurity about you and really needed to express it. She trusted you enough to tell you and not someone else. She wanted to be with you.

This is a completely unreasonable trap.

Go watch Avengers kiddo.

>especially over FUCKING CERAL of all things.
I really hope someone else can explain to you, if I haven't done it well enough, that she was not actually upset over cereal but something else and more important; the reason she couldn't express it was because you wouldn't let her. You would not listen to her negative emotions and thoughts, you thus put a incredible pressure on her to be perfect, when in fact she is not perfect.. she is just a weak human and underneath it all just a scared little girl who wants to be loved. You did not love her man..

thank you.

someone else sees it for what it is.

this user is right and finally I feel like I can leave this thread with some hope.

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>im never getting married it seems then
Well then it's settled.

part 2
because you know how actual adults SHOULD communicate
>man i REALLY hate when you do x or y because A and B, could you please not do x or y anymore
>oh, sorry i didnt mean to ill try to not do that again

i forgot shit ALL THE TIME, ive locked myself out of house multiple times and shit like that. it happens we are just humans

especially if it was first time he did this (maybe he does it like 10 times a day, and she snapped, but even then she should tell him)

meanwhile you are excusing her absolutely out of this world outburst with a line "maybe we should break up" month before wedding. cant you be simping on reddit for karma points instead on Jow Forumsniceguys or something

if this entire thread isnt giga larp op just saved himself years of trouble down the line and it seems he can find just as goood if not better bitch

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You're probably a sociopath, user.

Of course she's gonna have frustrations OP. A wedding is a very emotional and stressful time for a woman and how you handed it is the way a sociopath would.

But if you're cool with that, then OK. It is your life after all.

you sound incredibely biased and I'm not sure if you're a troll

This user is on-point. Completely.

Honestly dude you sound like a pimp. Incredibly based and astoundingly redpilled.

>you guys were to get back together at this point, you both would be walking on eggshells
There is hope. If OP commits to change and tolerance and sincerely means it, is it possible they can have a great relationship for life.

>and we just should forgive them and let it go,
That's not what forgiveness means, that's what gullibility means.

One of the hardest things I ever have to explain on this board is:

the difference between
a virtue
a self-defeating behavior

Don't cross the two.
Look it up if you need more help (Google is your friend)

Actually you should also read my above quote ^^here


I don't know either of them, so I can't be biased, and in general I tend to disfavor the women in these sort of problems because of white knighting; I just don't see anything good that OP did from start-to-finish. Really not one thing good; can you point to anything he did and honestly call it 'moral'?

I agree with you, but I cant help but symapthise with Ive been listening to/reading corey wayne for a while and it seems like the relationship is basically on us guys to figure out what to say and when, to forgive our partners' mistakes because women are emotional and say things they dont mean. Why should it be on men to decipher what women say? I mean the obvious answer is it doesnt matter, you play the game or you dont and thats the game, but seriously. It seems as though blokes have the responsibility on them primarily to be the leader in the relationship, which makes sense I suppose, but who looks after us and cares for us? Ourselves? It should be mutual support but it seems as though the best way to live with your wife is to please her, essentially, whilst somehow being an immovable rock.

you justify every single of the actions the firl took even when she was the one who started being agggressive over a minor thing and escalated the conflict
You say it's because of wedding pressure but don't apply the same lenience to OP

You never loved her. Better you didn't marry.

no dude you dont get it
you have to be like a rock, not moved by anything but at the same time you have to be caring

you also have to be jerk, but a caring one
you have to be a aggresive jock but also a goofy nerd

all at same time.

women can not be taken seriously in anything where actual important decisions have to be made. You are just a resource to them and can be replaced on a snap of a finger.

consider this before signing anything

have relationships, dont get married its just not worth it


>OP right now


Had he been a little more narcissistic he would be an incarnation of Patrick Bateman

Look OP, you've had enough weeks to consider sewing back things together already. You clearly want none of her shit anymore. However, atleast there HAS to be a feeling of regret and disgust, clearly what you did, while you think it was the correct solution, it might have not been the best one to take

I mean, 3 weeks. Jesus, that's almost a month. That's a lot of people you gotta apologize to for acting like a jerk (even if you thought it was the correct choice, I've been through this).

It's a damn shame but some people do have feelings for you. And the one you were about to start a family with probably doesn't think of you the same as she did 1 or 2 years ago

Attached: 1435539359029.jpg (285x237, 10K)

I understand. And that is an incredible pressure. But women don't need to be pleased in that way - it's a common thing guys misunderstand.

Women are actually very tolerant of your mistakes. While pressure is put on us to lead, we don't have to do it perfectly, all that matters is that you do your best. She will notice. The pressure is mostly internal because man feel that if they're not perfect in every single way, then they might lose her a little bit. Or lose her completely, if he is really insecure.

>basically on us guys to figure out what to say and when
Just say the truth. Let it hurt, or help, her as it comes. Men are the closest to reality, women are the closest to fantasy. We need each other to draw out the other within us. So lucky for us, the 'right' thing to say in any given moment is just the flat truth, spoken in a loving tone. that's it.

When a woman feels hurt, do not give her advice! Especially don't help her! Unless she specifically asks for it. This is the biggest thing I want to tell you, because it is the one guys miss the most and what you are more concerned about.... women only want to be understood and validated. They do not care for your advice and help. They are happy to ask for it. But they have, for example, a pressure of emotions that need to come out. If you can open an ear for them and just let the negativity pour out, she will feel this pressure in her go away and automatically feel better. No action needed.

Woman are amazing in this regard.

I can't explain it all here, but I think you would be interested in the book "men are from mars, women are from venus". Consider giving it a read, it might make relationships more understandable so you can, if you want, benefit from a really good one

>but don't apply the same lenience to OP
I do to an extent, but OP is also a man. Men and women are different. What his fiancee did was characteristic of woman. Textbook language...


i mean if you have masochistic tendencies and want to have your dick cut off by court because she isnt feeling happy without tyrone then go ahead

I think youre right actually, I hadnt thought about that. Im trying to understand as much as I can about women before I get into my next relationship because I dont want to get up to the cusp of marrying someone and then decide that I actually dont want them

Yes, something is wrong with you user. People cannot flip a switch to go from caring to not caring on a matter so significant in their lives in such a short amount of time. Sociopaths can seem like they're doing it, but in reality they're just masking their true feelings under a guise of sincerity most of the time.

If I had to guess, you're not feeling anything because you are massively repressing your emotions. Either you took her seriously when she made the 'break it off' comment or something in it made you snap, but at that moment you went into emotional turtle mode and pulled your neck back into your shell. Make the first move, feel nothing, be the one who dumped her, and you can't get hurt, right? Now you've gone along with it so long that you're terrified of backtracking because you know that opening those gates will see you buried under an avalanche of feels.

But if you keep this deadpan act going, you're going to off yourself within the next five years once it all finally breaks open. Maybe you'll be in bed or maybe you'll be at work, but the sheer weight of how much you fucked up both your and another person's life will come crashing down on you. As bad as it might feel to face those bottled-up emotions now, it'll be a hundred times worse when it's far, far too late to do anything about it.

You don't have to marry her, but you do have to talk to her about why you did what you did. If you don't know why, you still need to talk it out with her. If you do know why, but won't admit to it from some combination of fear and self-sabotage, you still need to talk it out with her.

This is not how couples break up and it certainly isn't how they call off weddings.

Not OP but your advice hit me like a freight train.

How can I stop repressing my emotions?

Also what is your story, how did you come to understand this so clearly?

>have inability to communicate
>I know, let me throw a shit-test over something my bf told me not to joke about
>get BTFO

>you owe here an apology for not reading her mind and not putting up with atrocious communication skills and passive-aggressiveness.
kys cuck

I wouldn't call that abuse, some women are temperamental you just have to know how to deal with them. I don't think either of them handled it well at all, but what's done is done.
She did freak out at him because he wasn't being mindful of her, and not caring is what destroyed her mentally for weeks. It's just not respectful to a stranger let alone your partner.

>tell bf you're breaking up with him
>get mentally destroyed for weeks when he follows through
Maybe, she shouldn't have tried to shit test him.
Lesson learned for her next relationship, though I doubt she has the brainmeats to learn it desu

Women communicate differently than men hence the mind reading, whereas men are more direct women will drop hints because they want a partner that's intelligent enough to pick up on them and realize when they've done something from and learn from it. It's frustrating in the beginning but still something you should consider learning since it can only benefit you. In OP's case I do think it was sort of obvious, though. But that's not entirely his fault for not being understanding.
Well, yeah. He flipped out and broke up with her because he takes things too literally, I'm not saying he's a bad person but she clearly didn't want to leave him and it almost seems like he was looking for an out to get away from her and possibly sleep with another woman. I mean he's the one not returning calls, cancelling their future, ghosting her and partying.

Yeah, looking back that wasn't a smart choice. They kind of deserve each other to be honest.
>something from
something wrong*

I have a question for you OP. Is there anything this woman could do to gain your respect back?


OP, you did the right thing to do.