Let's just make this fucking happen. We can increase the amount of power local communities have (like in Switzerland) while also strengthening the region and ending immigration tensions (the only complains will be gentrifying Mexico by northerners, which is a much preferable problem than what we currently have).

Attached: USNA.png (1634x1992, 288K)

i like uh pass on mexico being in it user.

make it all the way to the canal and I agree

We would ruin you like we've ruined ourselves. Do you really want that?

>take the territory
>Trail of Tacos them farther south
>dig a huge ass shipping channel across central america to keep them out


We're out.

Attached: IMG_0248.jpg (4032x3024, 1.56M)

Then USA and Canada will have headless bodies all over the territory for not paying protection to a cartel, there are going to be
a lot of missing people too and stupid ugly mongoloids harassing their women

If you think there are not worst things than niggers, i have bad news for you

Nah at the rate were going we will probably drop the United in usa. If trump wins 2020 leftist states are going to go full insane. Theyre going to not understand 2 times voted in at all. Theyre going to make a new country.

We already have the best land on the continent. Why would we let the shitty portions take advantage of our prosperity for nothing of value in return?

Fag flag, come up with something other than fucking stars and blue

make a better panama channel
make two
then the pajama channel will be useless
then see what happens to the us economy and the South American economy
shit ought to be funny

129.2 million more Mexicans who don't even speak English. a fucking absolute disaster. still doesn't solve illegal immigration because they're coming from Central America.

the dumbest idea ever

Mexico is to far gone user, might as well nuke a crater and make both oceans meet, only way to strife the horde of south american indios coming for all our jobs and wamen

Do you pay protection money to a cartel?

I do, its called impuestos

The government in Mexico is just another cartel huh.

I think there's enough pissed off white americans that would gladly skin any and all cartel members alive. Bring on the taco-nigger genocide.

Attached: 1494288750732.gif (265x200, 1.96M)

The biggest one

I love how I can just fly to cancun to be immune to the fuckery that is your country (for the most part even tourists are starting to get killed). Your country terrifies me.

Retarded & faggotpilled

Attached: fixedmapofnorthamerica.png (429x454, 4K)