my good friend who had success, money, good looks, a beautiful wife, lived a life of freedom and peace.... just killed himself
How am I supposed feel hope for myself now? feelsbadman.jpeg
my good friend who had success, money, good looks, a beautiful wife, lived a life of freedom and peace.... just killed himself
How am I supposed feel hope for myself now? feelsbadman.jpeg
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He was fucking stupid and weak. Sensitive and triggered. Be more like me and fucking hate everything. You'll make it home everynight. FUCK DEMOCRATS WHO DESTROYED MY LIFE AND COUNTRY REVENGE REVENGE
he wanted to die, dont be selfish. overcoming the will to live is alpha as fuck
Care to tell us more? How often did you see him? Did he act depressed?
Take his job and wife and then kill yourself
*Internet hugs*
He loved himself so much that he couldn't let himself experience so much pain. That'd why he killed himself to save himself from the pain.
In this meaningless life of mine I have seen both of these: the righteous perishing in their righteousness, and the wicked living long in their wickedness. Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise— why destroy yourself? Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool— why die before your time? It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. Whoever fears God will avoid all extremes.
Ecclesiastes 7:15-18 NIV
take his money his wife his freedom and peace and live
All is not as it seems, you are probably happier than most
Hello Anons. If you have a friend you haven’t heard from in a while please give them a call. It could brighten their day. It could save a life. Seriously. My brother took his like 6 years ago this month. Grief only gets heavier, you’ll find hope in others around you. Keep your head up.
naww man, he was always the one cracking jokes and making people laugh, never negative ... I used to work with him for about 5 years and we had alot of good nights together...I hadnt seen him in the last year......I don't get it....
Living in the world is like chinese water torture. People that suicide are usually people who have not experienced continual loss and hardship. It is continual hardship and loss which harden you into a being capable of withstand continually hardship and loss. Good times make weak men. Many times, weak men expect more than the bounty they undeservedly have. They are envious or angry they don't have more and kill themselves lamenting over not having what they desire.
The downtrodden man is happy and joyous to receive anything good since his life is fill with continually misery and pain. He is is strong because he must endure to reach the next bread crumb of happiness. He tries to be as gracious as possible, while also being woke. These kinds of men may never reach the comfort and satisfaction of the man who has more than he needs. But every scrap of happiness will be treasured and remembered fondly.
Does not have to come easy
And looks diffrent to everyone
Money doesn't make you happy it removes worries
>good looks
Unless you are narcissistic it only eases you social interaction
>beautiful wife
Is not the same as a good wife
All that you see does not show his overall happiness
nice words user
Take his position, his money, his wife, his freedom and his peace
Maybe he just got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer or found out his wife's been cheating on him for years. But I'm sorry about your loss man
Based and wisepilled
The point his, he could have chose a different path....he had unlimited options, he could have done anything he wanted....why end it?
Doesn't mean shit. People wear different faces. He might've been the polar opposite of his public persona when he was alone.
Nothing is what it seems. Sorry about your friend, user.
Sorry about your bro. Mine is going through some major shit and I talk to him every day.
Also this reminds me to call my cousin, I think she needs it.
But I am sorry for your loss, OP. Talk to as many people as you can about it. Talking helps.
He went asian female instead of a white female. He paid the price for burning rice.
People like that have the most to lose.
Maybe he was bipolar or borderliner like me. As much as I know we make over half the suicides while being just 1 percent of the population.
Apparently his wife is now in the market for a new husband. Good luck, user!
Maybe he was murdered by his wife for insurance money and covered up as suicide
The mother of a firend of mine died of cancer, the father was depressed aboutit, because just recently he Bought a full equipment for his carpentry workshop and build his house, both in the same building.
After he paid off all. He decided to an hero himself.
The father did not want to leave dept to his child or parents, so he keept going for 10 years until he tough he removed the problems
This actually helped me realize why killing myself is selfish. Sort of, anyway. I don't usually fall for binary oppositions, but it's a pretty good motivator at least.
he lacked discipline
truly the only way humans will survive the apocalypse is by staying in sexual chastity and discipline
sorry for your loss user, genuinely my condolences.
some of the people that are the happiest on the outside are the saddest on the inside. do not blame yourself, or anyone else. some people are just sad with the world. try and be thankful for the good times you had with your friend.
Maybe nothing bad ever happened to him
Be there for his beautiful wife.
Enjoy your victory
Right. Those kind of always smiling lunatics have some real issues.
Keep on and be stronger.
It’s what he would have wanted.
You’re not alone in this user.
Keep your head up chap.
There is always something you DON'T know when this happens. Seriously.
Cousin was same had it all it seemed. Found hanging.
Turned out coke addiction his it well...
So it goes!
Don't be fooled!
Well at least he doesn't have to live on this gay earth anymore, be happy for him.
It could be worse:
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He was probably heavily indebted and was going to lose it all anyway
Obviously he wasn't at peace, but now he is.
Maybe he found out he married a roastie. Loving a roastie is the biggest insult to man.
No one can ignore the inherent evil of the world forever. You either give yourself up to it and become a part of it or you spend your life fighting a long, private war. A war you will almost certainly lose. Your friend lost in a way that is openly obvious, but in the end we all lose.
Based Solomon poster.
well said user, well fucking said. i choose to believe in not losing to the evil though..
It's probably foolishness, but so do I. Good luck in your fight.
>Working hard all day, saving for retirement
>Wifey sluts it up behind his back and isolates him in his own home
>Realises when it's too late
>WTF wifey, I loved you!
Even worse if your children aren't from your dick. You raise them and then you can't deny them, living the hell. Always do genetic tests.
to you as well, keep the faith.
(correct image) =]
It's a sticky situation, but when they grow up, they will be on your side unless you're a total cunt.
Choose the right girl.
>success, money, good looks, a beautiful wife, lived a life of freedom and peace..
pretty much only people who haven't had these things think that it will make them happy. as long as you have enough to get by and people aren't fucking with you (mainly the government in my experience) you're not living a life that much different than theirs.
some people SEEM happier when you see them, but that doesn't mean they've actually got more than you or the things they have are what makes them happy.
I know a guy who's dirt poor and he seems happier than me and my life is better than his in nearly every way, according to your list.
your friend probably realized the things he had weren't really what made him happy or he paid too high a cost for them and said fuck it...
we're all going to die some day anyways, suicide ensures you no longer have to experience the downsides, you don't get the up sides either but you're basically always content then, right?
Maybe he knew too much.
was your friend eating a raw meat only diet?
>meds schitzo
He went out at his apogee.
What's bad about that?
>A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts.
> being insensitive
> hating everything
you must choose *one*
He felt depressed on top of the mountain.
Only those who are depressed and then climb the mountain will be fine.
Hope comes from future. If you cant go up, you can only go down
Yes, Goy. You are useless. Off yourself. Do not work to improve yourself. Take the easy way you!
>How am I supposed feel hope for myself now?
Well you haven't killed yourself so you're definitely more successful than he was.