The snap was because of a over population. More people but less resources. That means war will go on and people will die from these wars and more. The best way to put it is if oil was very low and food and water was scarce so the world went to war but they can’t nuke anyone because they would louse the resources. People will die from hunger, thirst, war, diseases , etc. Making people suffer when they could live a happier life. Thanos saw this happen to his planet so he wanted to help all the other planets and people not have to do the same thing.
overpopulation is destroying life for eachother. A random, indescriminant culling of exactly half the population in the universe is the fairest way to make life more sustainable.
It would have died out on its own but not without pain and suffering, which he experienced himself on his home planet and the rich would have had the upper hand on dwindling resources. He wanted to prevent misery by painlessly and fairly killing half the population of the universe.
The half he killed are the sacrifice to prevent suffering.
Because the jews don't care how much resources there are, it belongs to them.
Zachary Brown
Resource was need more space and it’ll run out fast due to overpopulation.
William Campbell
Overpopulation is a psy op.. we are going extinct while being more and more diluted with diversity
James Morgan
unless he slashes fertility rates along with the population he is delaying the inevitable
Levi Rivera
Couldn’t he just use the space stone to create more space, and just create self creating resources that could feed bigger and bigger people? Just killing half the population, which will regrow again, seems useless and a waste.
Jack Harris
Thanos's name is a derivative from Thanatos which is the greek metaphor for death. He is supposed to represent destruction.
Dylan Morris
You all know the original was just to appease Death since he loved her. This garbage version is just made to help people justify why killing billions is the right thing to do (or why they believed it was). Also he crapped on all of this in Endgame when he actually admitted he was going to enjoy it so no it was never for anyone else's benefit, just for his own pleasure in this version of the tale which really makes the story even crappier.
Dylan Cook
Both correct - garbage story the guy is just an idiot.
Lucas Gutierrez
In the comics he just wanted to impress Lady Death. He murdered half of everything for some god puss.
Same. And you know what he did after he completed his lifes work? He fucked off to be a farmer now that balanced had been restored and prosperity certain. He gave up the thing he loved to fulfill his ambition. He didnt seek power for powers sake. He did it for a higher cause. Then come the avengers crying about muh other half attacking him for something as stupid as sentimentality. Thanos did nothing wrong.
Juan Sullivan
Isn't there a limit to matter? The law of conservation and all that?
David Richardson
1. This isn't /tv/ 2. If advanced civilizations can't figure out hydroponics fuck em they deserve to die out
We're talking about the magic space stones that give you god-powers.
Luke Reed
He would have done whites a great service, lopping all populations in half doesn't hold much bearance...except for Ashkenazi Jews since there already are only very few of them. He would literally wipe out the entiretiy of Hollywood and CNN
Sebastian Garcia
I love Necromancer pus pus, so I agree, Thanos did nothing wrong.
No, you would have infinite niggers and endless ghettos.
Bentley Ward
The world is not overpopulated, you stupid faggot!
Kayden Myers
I feel like we missed an opportunity with these movies by not making enough memes about Thanos ethnically cleansing the universe of undesirables. Is there still time? I don't watch any of this bullshit but now I think maybe I should just for meme propaganda purposes.
Avengers was a predictive programming MKultra brainwash-a-thon. Thanos in the movie is nothing like Thanos in the comic books.
The Thanos in the movie is more like Jesus. He wages a theological war. Warning his people of impending destruction they do not listen. They are destroyed. He decides to try to prevent it from happening to the rest of the universe (Gentiles). They come to do battle with him even though he is not there to do battle. Thanos saves half the universe with the Snapture and the rest of the Avengers are so angry and despondent they lost their goyfriends they seek to undue everything Thanos did and eventually end up waging war with Thanos in is full armor and sword.
Thanos reveals that this time he will remake the universe and no one will be sad. They will be grateful. They will not remember what was lost and who is gone. If you read scripture this is exactly what God says he will do.
A new heaven and a new earth and people will not be sad they won't remember the bad times before they wont remember the punished.
Sebastian Price
how do you socialize while having this much radical and original opinions
Evan King
What Thanos did wrong was that he didn't also change the mentality of every sentient living being to subconsciously desire to not overpopulate. The mind stone part of the gauntlet would have let that be the case. On top of that he could have changed the minds of the sentient living beings to not seek to reverse what had been done.
Simply erasing half the population is a 50-500 year solution to a problem that will come back regardless. The mind stone is key since it could have made people realize overpopulation was an issue and made the universe conscious of it. His heart is in the right place but he didn't think very hard about the solution. Hell he could have gotten away with not even killing a single person by just altering the perception of children and the chance someone desires children based on population size vs resources.
Nicholas Wilson
For this there's actually an answer. The more power you use from the stone the bigger of a toll it takes on you. It doesn't entirely make sense since somehow Tony dies from killing like 5k people vs Thanos and Hulk just being roasted a bit from killing / reviving literally half the entire universe, but it's more a story telling device and you can chalk it off as being that Thanos's race are nearly as strong as the hulk who is even above asgardian god levels of strength in MCU.
Lucas James
they completely shit all over the nuance of Thanos in endgame. The most complex and interesting character in the entire mcu reduced to a just another throwaway villain. He was too popular so they had to cuck him.
Leo Brooks
>Thanos did nothing wrong.
Thanos doesn't exist, shithead. Stop thinking and mouth breathing about cartoons.
Mason Brooks
>thanos is rig... Oh yea thats right if thanos snapped in real life you wouldn't have your insectoid waifus