There have been boos and jeers as former prime minister Tony Abbott faces one of his biggest tests in his bid to hang on to his seat.

NSW Police has been ordered to apologise after the outfits they wore for a training exercise were deemed to be offensive.

Hours after Bill Shorten backed him, embattled Labor candidate Luke Creasey's political hopes are over after new sexist posts emerged.

The Footy Show plunges to dismal depths with just 50,000 viewers in Melbourne while rival The Front Bar smashes ratings war

Australia's Anzac shame: As many as five hero soldiers who served overseas have committed suicide in the last week


Melbourne 1966:

>AUS/POL Pastebins. 5NXqdmJFFgm/PvBusZeo7Y8mYLWtJQ/f

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Other urls found in this thread:

How is the election going lads? Haven't been keeping up with it and would like to know how things are going.

Shorten 2019. 500,000,000 more africans.

How do they get it so, so wrong? Defund please

A retiree has been mocked after complaining that Labor would put a dent in his luxury retirement while sitting on his boat.

Social media has risen up against Fremantle yachtie Steve Gledhill, a retired boat lover who complains Labor’s franking credit policy will put a big dent in his luxury retirement. The 71-year-old caused outrage after he appeared on ABC-TV’s 7.30 to complain, while munching on a Tim Tam aboard his yacht. Mr Gledhill, who emigrated from the UK to Australia in 1986, confessed to having owned eight boats in total, with each successive craft getting “a little bit better and bigger every time”. Under the current franking credit scheme, which Opposition Leader Bill Shorten promises to scrap if he becomes the next Prime Minister, Mr Gledhill earns about $15,000 a year.

The controversial scheme, which has become a political football in the election campaign, means shareholders get a tax deduction for nothing. Dividends distributed to shareholders by companies are deemed “fully franked”, allowing the shareholder to obtain the value of the franking credit as a tax refund. Mr Gledhill told 7.30 Labor’s policy would cost him 30 per cent of the up to $50,000 income he earns on a half million-dollar superannuation account.

Mr Gledhill, who retired 10 years ago, said owning eight boats over a 40-year period did not mean he and his wife Julie were rich. “There’s an assumption that if you own a boat, you’re a wealthy person. In our case, that couldn’t be further from the truth,” he said. “As I said earlier, this is my eighth boat. I’ve gone a little bit bigger and a bit better every time I’ve done it over a 40-year period.”

Immediate happening all based Anons are moving to NEW pOl

there is no election until later this month m8

Hi ASIO. Nice Honeypot.

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remember paul duncanson

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Who in their right kind would willingly vote chicom scum like labor into federal government?

Shit thread, someone post the one and only true australian fraser anning aus/pol

Fraser Anning won`t win. Labour has majority.

We can dream can't we?

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Imagine if he did. Imagine the Twitter and QANDA meltdown.

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>Labour has majority.
but the election hasn't started yet

They are importing plenty of voters from SUDAN.

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what is the difference between a senate and a house of representatives?

I want a gf

In what world do you live in?

Stop shitting up auspol with this shit

Don't believe the lies.
The real number will be at least twice that.

You can not do that, it might impact the comfortable boomer life, they might be attacked in the street. And they are old and frail. They cannot fight off africans. Walled suburbs wont be safe forever.

Anyone have a link to the Weibo ads that are saying Labor wanr to import 5 million refugees over a 10 year period?

If they don't let us dream we will have to wish.

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And every single one will reproduce three times in five years

His name was Paul Duncanson.

Fag here. Went on a few dates with Luke Creasy like 10 years ago. Got rejected because he was a pretty boy and I guess he was too good for me. Feeling some decent schadenfruede today.

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Fantastic. Great move. Well done OP

Die of aids sodomite

AIDS will be cured soon sweetie

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All gays are pedos/ molested/ traumatically emasculated

>All gays are pedos
Debunked more than the flat earth

Labor will be based if you're a NEET. Not so good if you have a job.

You're right. It's only about a third.

Prove it cocksucker

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>fuck off we're fu--

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If a person enjoyed sucking cocks they wouldn’t take offence at being called a cocksucker, and seeing this is an anonymous Mongolian throat singing enthusiasts forum it also not a word that can make other people think less of the person at whom the word is directed

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Hetero here. Went on a few dates with SHY about 10 years ago. She would only let me fuck her anally.

Mates how do I deal with the fact that my social media history has already disqualified me from running for parliament and might even disqualify me from having a decent job?

I haven't even started life yet and I am already fucked.

Would a Jow Forums history that includes Jow Forums and /b/ disclude me from a ASIO job?

I know that feel
Cavanared a girl in hs

There never was a political solution cunt
Grow some balls and take action

The fire rises

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dumb faggot

Kavanaughed? Fuck cunt learn to spell

Eat my ass homo

Delete your accounts retard. Unless somebody screencapped your posts and remembered to hold onto them you’re fine, and even if they did turn up you can say they are fabricated.

Calm down schizo. Just delete your Facebook (and make a new one if you really have to) but this time be a lot more careful.
Fuck off you cunt shill

This. Even if you went full dipshit most people don't take screenshots until you start gaining notoriety/public profile.

This Labor Minister quitting should be a real rwdpill for any anons Anning on running for Senate or anything like that.

It's not very likely that another Labor minister will be tripped up by it.


We arent seppos, faggot

Save me some time and kill yourself poof

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The Footy Show plunges to dismal depths with just 50,000 viewers in Melbourne

>Get rid of Sam
>Replaced with a woman
>Surprised when ratings drop to all time low

Are these people legit retarded?. Not that i watch the footy show, I haven't owned a TV in about 9 years and even i can see this is a retarded move.

>A retiree has been mocked after complaining that Labor would put a dent in his luxury retirement while sitting on his boat.

I have no doubt that this segment was an ABC PR stunt for the Labor party. The retiree pom may very well be a publicist. It's designed to make the voting plebs think Labor are modern day robin hoods and even the typical Jow Forumstard isn't even red pilled enough to realise it's a PR piece.

In reality their policies benefit the established rich and make it harder for young people to gain wealth (and also they'll do nothing to lower housing costs and instead they'll bring in more 3rd worlders)

Any farmers here? Looking at buying 100 acres in Gippsland and leasing it to a cattle farmer and want to know roughly how much that could net me per month.

Negative 340000

Bet you were the funny one in class while you were at school for all of 5 years?

he's right though.
who buy's land that isn't going to have development?

There was a potato farmer fag on here for a while that was also hiring neets

Hey this guy was pretty alright, what do you guys think?

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It's agriculture. Farmers, in this particular case Cattle farmers lease land off of people to utilize for grazing. So if you have X amount of acres spare with a dam, they will lease it off of you for their cattle to chill on for 12 months.

He also bragged about getting $10 000 from the gov to hire a meet for 1 month.
Also cried his mum couldn't get DSP while he bragged about his millions and investment houses.
Classic example of what is wrong with AUS.

they're already getting assfucked by rentier capitalism on the market side, the more they get assfucked on the production side by literal rentiers like you the more they're going to switch over to factory farming models.

Ten mins until the second and final debate

Who /compfy/ neet here?

Thanks for paying taxes wagie

thx wagies

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if you hate boomers more vote labor
if you hate millenials more vote liberal
i wanna stick the boot into boomers so im favouring labour atm
they've also said they'd regulate the banks better
but fuck knows what will really happen
the media and polis are jews

Voting for any other candidate is not really justified at this point m8

Turn on The Drum. Hear the word Transgender within 6 seconds. Defunding the ABC when? Why did I spend 2.00 on a dongle when this shit is on?

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Forgot flag

Oh it's the weekend you say? I wouldn't know, I get every day off

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Who's debating what?

What should I be wearing when the escort arrives
Already have the condom on
What do I do if I need to pee

Based. Currently pissed for the third consecutive day.

You pee inside her, durr

Scomo and bitchtits are gonna debate who loves niggers more

they're called "escort" because they escort you to prison.

How doe we have a hundred parties and only 2 people in the """"debates""""?

Hey lads,
anyone know the "rape jokes" that a labour minister made, which forced him to resign?
The media keeps referencing them but never tells me what they were, I'm curious.

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why the fuck would anyone fight for feminist controlled, nogunz australia? i'd join islam and subvert if i lived anywhere but here or the czech republic.

Based spiritually discerning poster

Get in here. bill is btfo Scott morrison

Dont vote either

>domestic violence leave

lazy cunts will pretend their husbands abuse them to get paid to stay home.

Q How do you rape a nation?
A Vote Labor.

yup yup yup

It was a Labor minister that made the joke.
I want to know the actual answer, not your own joke.

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Land before time reference?

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sesame street

>Bill saying kikebook should pay more tax

i'm not only at the end of my list
i want to decide which of the majors my vote goes to

Reminder that this is what the average yank looks like that wants to migrate to Australia.

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I'm moving back in a couple of months, cobbers. Been away for nearly eight years. How bad are things now? Are nigger gangs as bad as they say? How's employment? How much is a steak these days?

Bills about to get banned from fb

>Bill wanting to increase the rate of noggification

Thats a yikes from me


>domestic violence leave
While it's not law here yet it already is in NZ.
Our unions have been pushing it in EBAs for a couple of years now.
By forcing the employer to pay for it (not the gov) employers use this as another excuse to avoid a wage raise for workers as they have to set aside the money to cover any potential claims for it.
The reason unions do not push for the gov to pay for it is that most union bigwigs have political ambitions and would be reminded of how they cost the gov money any time they cried about needing more money from the taxpayer to cover gov expenses.

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Steak is $30/kg for good cuts $20/jg for rmp.

Stay in Russiya bruz. We china now

Sounds like you're the cocksucker here

>own shares in a company
>company pays tax
>you as part owner get a tax refund

Bill is a fucking retard.

Take it to >NeinCHan