I just want attention from others. I just want to be with someone who I feel like I’m important to...

I just want attention from others. I just want to be with someone who I feel like I’m important to. Give me your attention please I just want to be listened

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Weird. I just want to observe stuff. Listening can be very fun if the noise is interesting. Make some posts and I will gladly read them.

Give me a reason.

Normally i would reply to most "Rate me this..." and "How is this..." with the implication that OP just want attention. Here you are, telling me what you want and exactly what you could get from here - so my question now would be: Why do you want the attention?

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Here you go

I have nothing to say. I’m so bland I don’t know what I want. I usually observe too but I’ve gotten tired of that

>I just want to be listened
>I have nothing to say
Oh fuck of OP, you're a faggot from the finsest art with an asshole prepared to be fucked by gays. I wan in this thread because i could be something interesting but no, you're just a faggy faggot!! Sage and fuck yourself for let me think i should give you some attention.

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I don’t know. I guess sometimes I have these outbursts where I just want people to pay more attention to me. I want to feel real and not like a ghost yknow

So what? Do you really need to say something just to be heard? Look at you, you haven’t said anything meaningful but you got my attention

Thx user

Because i disagreed with you. That's just how human works. But i came to this board to help others and you're waisting the space of threads from people who need actual help.
And yes, i made my point clear that you shouldn't get any attention just because you need some right now without telling us why. Sage.
(If you're replying to this without any sense about what my point is, i will not only sage but bump your thread to archive if necessary).

Everything is so worthless. I don’t mind if you sage, bump, or call me a fag. After all attention was all I wanted and it’s what I got. I’m happy now

I'm terrible at conversation but maybe we can speak on discord OP

Find a partner and they’ll give u all the attention u want

That’d be fun, what’s your user user?

That's an explanation. I want to know what's in it for me.

I'm not him, but you can add me if you like. BluJay#6308

I can't talk tonight but I'm free tomorrow evening.

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I went to a therapy session a few days ago. I couldn’t open up and I don’t know why. I had so much stuff to say but I just went silent. Maybe it’s because someone was actually listening to me for once and I really didn’t know what to say. It made me really sad that when I got the chance to speak up about how I feel I couldn’t say anything. Now it’s back to not expressing my thoughts with others and only saying what others want to hear. It’s lame

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sea star#5989

I'm extremely shy so just a warning, but I got some qt lain stuff for you B)

Thank you user, I just added you!

My dad is the same way.

I want him to be ok and flourish by himself though. I am very worried.

Am I the monster? Could it be my failure in communication? Your post resonates with me, yet I still need clarity. My heart says look at me, my head says tell me I'm pretty. I want attention too, so why should I give any to you?

You don’t have to give me attention if you don’t want to. I wanted to be heard that’s all.
You can also receive attention if you ask for it, what’s stopping you from asking for attention?

Thank you! I love seeing any lain pictures, she’s my fav:D

Finally my soul can rest. You gave me what I wanted. An offer for a trade. My attention for yours. As I ascend to the next plane, I can't actually accept. Here is my song: ^a ^a a a va- ^a a vx vx x vy ^a ^a a va- ... A song for finding the lost, farewell

Thank you user, I appreciate your song.

Farewell my friend