I miss these days so much

I miss these days so much

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because I was happy

newfag internet historian psyop fake

you miss the days of actors and shiggy diggy cia agents waiting for you to appear on camera?

are you retarded it was the biggest thing on Jow Forums and the internet for like 2 months after the election. You're not special

That was like yesterday you fucking zoomer faggot

They don't have to end, we have another flag to steal.

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>this is why we can’t have nice things, user

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Checked. This.

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Waiting to claim more Flags

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Can a man not miss yesterday?

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That you Brittany venti

I remember being in the discord with all of them, it was comfy.

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I remember. Cuz I was there

I remember watching the threads unfold as they stole his flag. It was Glorious

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> Miss being a filthy hippie looser.

Ah I remember the flag of Britbongistan... Should have brought some scissors.

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You almost couldn't make it up, it was that good. Someone literally turned CTF into a real game, where the prize was the epic butthurt of millions of leftists. And the right proved they were truly genius by tracking stars, birds and flight patterns to find it, and scaling buildings.

Best timeline easily.

What ever happened to all them? Jihadi Jesus, Jackie, Jow Forums Blart, Naruto, etc.?



I too miss the days of Kek, Meme magic, and Shadilay!

Trolling those libtards at HWNDU LOL! It's great how they get so triggered over a green frog called pepe LMAO!


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They all died when their helicopter came down, just like the seal team 6 that got osama

Fucking Mossad strikes again. Why do they always have to get the good ones?

Good ol' days. Also who knows if Jihadi Jesus made it into WWE?

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Jihadi Jesus realized hos dream and works for WWE. Hes a job guy in their developmental system, which is typical entry level shit.

>nostalgia isn't what it used to be

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Found link related from a year ago, did he make it bros? I cant find any more recent vids from him sadly.

this guy and the underwear black caucus guy

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My first exact thought clicking on this thread

Those were fun times. Shia really helped bring the lulz.

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Fear not fren. Next year all will return like never before....


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>Capture the Flag
>Clearly some After 2016 faggot that missed the meme magic.

Fuck off.

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He did make it.

There are more LOLs to have.

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Now it’s just qtard boomers and their Zion don apologism

why do you have to be negative

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I hope so. The happenings haven't been nearly as fun lately.

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>this will last for Trump's presidency
>taken down after three weeks

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Shia cucked out because Jow Forums turned him into a lolcow.

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Nevar forget that some autist attempted to light the flag on fire in France with a flaming drone.

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fuck off

I hope Stolen Valor got AIDS and is contemplating suck-starting a shotgun


Don’t be too harsh on Stolen Valour, he’s just lost.

Welcome to adulthood faggot. You thought it was all shitposting and pranks and you stumbled into information warfare and intelligence agency propaganda campaigns. If you want to curl up and cry then you can fuck right off. Emotions and weakness are luxuries reserved for women and children.


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Frogs started it off iirc. There were frogs on the tn stream. Also honk honk.

Same ... user.. same

i miss these days so much

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I was there. Got to meet Jackie Jow Forums and the Naruto guy. Fun times were had.

Were you someone who was given a name?

Only friendship and brotherhood last you through the night. You will achieve nothing on your own.

>babbies first electionfags suddenly hitting the brickwall
You were never welcome, faggots. You aren't the first and won't be the last ones to think that the election that happens to occur when YOU start paying attention to politics is the big be-all-end-all election that will CHANGE EVERYTHING.
Welcome to reality, none of it matters

He literally was on TV this past Wednesday

I miss mocking the group of 56%face autists that materialized claiming to be from Jow Forums.

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such good memories

Me too OP, me too...

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that actor was going to have you guys killed by
muslims with machine guns. you're lucky God
put a stop to it.

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Do you not look fondly back on the days of the ZimZam trials? The RMoney memes and doompaul? Are you that much of an emotionless insect? If so, there’s nothing which separates you from the collective chink or the soulless kike. A husk of a man, nothing more and nothing less.

Agreed. But the surest way to lose your mind is to cower in the face of evil. Never get off your feet no matter what you see.

Old Fag here misses finger box. HWNDU was great too.

you were happy during a historical low point in Jow Forums culture? kys newfag

I remember tuning in for the first time when Steven Crowder crashed the stream. He handed out free hot chocolate and coffee.

I forgot about Crowder and Jared hosting a podcast from Shia's webcam.

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Stfu you single hole lightweight

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>because I was happy
then you decided to play with the devil

The little fake desks had me laughing for a good while

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all for this. bump.

good bread frens thanks for the good times

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I think the flag is still up somewhere


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Those were amazing times, but you cant recreate magic.

We're all gonna make it

Nothing but laughs for you my demoralized friend

We’re not finished yet
This ride ends when (you) let it end

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Don't worry, i'm sure Jow Forums will have another golden age